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Kowtowing to Beijing, USA officially declines to deploy fleet to South China Sea

The Chinese type 056 and US Littoral ships are simply designed for different strategies

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The Freedom-class littoral combat ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ones have helicopter hangars for blue ocean travel and well decks for beach assault and scouting/boarding.


The Independence-class littoral combat ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia have even bigger hangars and an unusually enormous helicopter pad (which may have stuff on it other than helicopters) plus a stern door with 1,400 sq meters of assault equipment.


The type 056 is not designed for blue ocean all-weather use. Its helicopter pad is small and with no hangar exposed to the elements. I don't think it has a well deck.
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The reason the Americans fought a long and disastrous war in Vietnam was simply due to Chinese involvement,...
No, it was not.

The US bombed the North Vietnamese into submission several times regardless of Chinese support. That submission came in the form of pleading for peace 'negotiations', which all sides knew the North Vietnamese would break. If the US/SVN alliance fought with the same intention as the North Vietnamese, the war would be over in a few yrs with China withdrawing to her borders and all of Viet Nam under Saigon's control.
American Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) has serious weaknesses.

The probability of an LCS surviving a simultaneous missile barrage is pretty low. It does not belong in the South China Sea.
Why not use a canoe for comparison ? :lol:

Since you have never served in the military, I will clue you in. If the US want to make a presence in the SCS, the US could send a US flagged canoe and China could not do a damn thing to that canoe. You could make all the 'analysis' about the canoe's weaknesses all you want but all it would achieve is to make you guys feel good. Like a sucking on a lollipop. A lot of taste but not much nutrition. In this case, not a lot of intellectual nutrition.
The reason the Americans fought a long and disastrous war in Vietnam was simply due to Chinese involvement, in the Korean War exactly the same despite how backward China was in those early days. And with our current capabilities the US didn't want to ignite another Korean War. What makes the Pinoys and Viets think the US is gonna send their boys to die on their behalf in return for what? peanuts? :rofl:
US won't come for help. That's granted. Especially for some Southeast Asian communist regime that taught a bloody lesson some 40 years ago.

US navy come to your door to protect US free navigation and his interests.
Why not use a canoe for comparison ? :lol:

Since you have never served in the military, I will clue you in. If the US want to make a presence in the SCS, the US could send a US flagged canoe and China could not do a damn thing to that canoe. You could make all the 'analysis' about the canoe's weaknesses all you want but all it would achieve is to make you guys feel good. Like a sucking on a lollipop. A lot of taste but not much nutrition. In this case, not a lot of intellectual nutrition.
Pentagon halts LCS production at 32 ships

Type 052C/052D Destroyer = Arleigh Burke Destroyer
Type 054 Frigate = no American peer
Type 056 light frigate/corvette (1,500 metric tons) = LCS (3,500 metric tons)

The comparison is reasonable between two surface ships in a comparable weight class.

The United States military has recognized the failure of the LCS and is halting its purchase of the current inferior version at 32 LCS ships.

The US Navy will purchase a new "frigate" version of the LCS for the last 20 ships.

Out of 52 planned LCS ships, the first 32 are not survivable.
Source (DefenseTech, August 2014): Report: Pentagon Made Hasty LCS Fleet Cut to 32 | Defense Tech
"Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced this past February that the Pentagon would offer no new contracts for the LCS platform beyond 32 ships."

Source (Jane's, July 2015): US Navy's ninth LCS launches - IHS Jane's 360
"The USN is acquiring a class of 32 LCSs, of which four have been delivered, and 22 more under contract. Officials are finalising procurement plans for 20 frigates based upon a modified version of the LCS."
Pentagon halts LCS production at 32 ships

Type 052C/052D Destroyer = Arleigh Burke Destroyer
Type 054 Frigate = no American peer
Type 056 light frigate/corvette (1,500 metric tons) = LCS (3,500 metric tons)

The comparison is reasonable between two surface ships in a comparable weight class.

The United States military has recognized the failure of the LCS and is halting its purchase of the current inferior version at 32 LCS ships.

The US Navy will purchase a new "frigate" version of the LCS for the last 20 ships.

Out of 52 planned LCS ships, the first 32 are not survivable.
Source (DefenseTech, August 2014): Report: Pentagon Made Hasty LCS Fleet Cut to 32 | Defense Tech
"Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced this past February that the Pentagon would offer no new contracts for the LCS platform beyond 32 ships."

Source (Jane's, July 2015): US Navy's ninth LCS launches - IHS Jane's 360
"The USN is acquiring a class of 32 LCSs, of which four have been delivered, and 22 more under contract. Officials are finalising procurement plans for 20 frigates based upon a modified version of the LCS."
This is the gist of your 'debating' ability -- specs.

If there is a shooting conflict between the USN and the PLAN, do you really think we would send only a few LCS ?

The initials 'LCS' stands for: Littoral Combat Ship.

The word 'littoral' means a region of water, inland or sea, that is near land.

That means the LCS is a type of surface combat vessel and that is usually a part of a fleet contributing to the fleet's overall mission. Why not make a comparison between and aircraft carrier and a battleship while you are at it ?
US won't come for help. That's granted. Especially for some Southeast Asian communist regime that taught a bloody lesson some 40 years ago.
taught a bloody lesson ?? We challenged you again in the last riot, you sent troop to the border and to the sea , we also sent our troops...and you withdrawed cowardly and made the whole world laugh at you :laugh:

Btw: US won't come for help, but any thing changed on the map ?? I dont even see a single US flag. so of course they have No duty there./
taught a bloody lesson ?? We challenged you again in the last riot, you sent troop to the border and to the sea , we also sent our troops...and you withdrawed cowardly and made the whole world laugh at you :laugh:

Btw: US won't come for help, but any thing changed on the map ??
Now you prove Vietnam is the aggressor in SCS. Vietnam is threat to world peace. :D
taught a bloody lesson ?? We challenged you again in the last riot, you sent troop to the border and to the sea , we also sent our troops...and you withdrawed cowardly and made the whole world laugh at you :laugh:

Btw: US won't come for help, but any thing changed on the map ?? I dont even see a single US flag. so of course they have No duty there./

I meant you taught an indeed a nice lesson to the US, of course, at a great cost and sacrifice.

You made Vietnam Syndrome an official illness for the rapist and murderer US Army.

I meant you taught an indeed a nice lesson to the US, of course, at a great cost and sacrifice.

You made Vietnam Syndrome an official illness for the rapist and murderer US Army.

The map you just posted by the way proves that certain small countries acting hysterical out of a strategic calculation: Small is cute and small is always innocent.

I guess we know the tactic very well and hence do not buy it and continue the build-up at full speed.
taught a bloody lesson ?? We challenged you again in the last riot, you sent troop to the border and to the sea , we also sent our troops...and you withdrawed cowardly and made the whole world laugh at you :laugh:

Btw: US won't come for help, but any thing changed on the map ?? I dont even see a single US flag. so of course they have No duty there./
Umm. look like you already forget about your men who died in the 1988 battle .
You Viet never learn.
Umm. look like you already forget about your men who died in the 1988 battle .
You Viet never learn.
Just few VN brave soldiers die in small battle. We had thousands big battles from 1945 till 1988. Some wins , some lose. Thats small battle changed Nothing when VN gained a lot in Laos-Kam from 1979 to 1988.
Umm. look like you already forget about your men who died in the 1988 battle .
You Viet never learn.

Dude, that 'battle' was more like a naval skirmish. 50 or so soldiers is not a 'battle'. Vietnam goes to battle in the tens of divisions. LOL.

Let's not make a mountain of a molehill shall we?

Umm. look like you already forget about your men who died in the 1988 battle .
You Viet never learn.

Bro, now this is a 'battle':

Battle of Dong Dang (1979) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Battle of Lang Son - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Cao Bang (1979) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dude, that 'battle' was more like a naval skirmish. 50 or so soldiers is not a 'battle'. Vietnam goes to battle in the tens of divisions. LOL.

Let's not make a mountain of a molehill shall we?
Right,if CN had the guts for the real batlle from 1979 to 1988, they should come to Kam and protec Pol Pot ...but they dare not, battle of 1979 wiped out thousands PLA troops as easily as wiping dirt on floor

And VN main force was just woman militia :laugh:

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