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Korean navy building a $6 billion dedicated Anti-China naval fleet by 2016

Korea needs a Supersonic Anti Ship Missile. Have a Hybrid Cruiser of Sejong with a Universal Launcher with Supersonic Anti ship Missile and Land Attack Capability(Harpoons should do the job) and Park One outside Hongkong, Shanghai and Busan and $6 Billion can get you it. Also a Couple of ASW Escorts like Coverttes(Like Kamorta Class).

Then Let's see How the Chinese Pirates dare to speak to Korea. Even China can be contained by Korea. :lol:
LOL two countries vassals of China for 1000 years each

LOL one country ruled by Islam for 800 years and Anglos for another 200 years

So terrified of China's spanking in 1950, 1962 and 1979 they lick each other's parts without shame
LOL two countries vassals of China for 1000 years each

LOL one country ruled by Islam for 800 years and Anglos for another 200 years

So terrified of China's spanking they lick each other's parts without shame

You are the much talked about Mr megaton right :yahoo:
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