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KJ-500- medum size AEW/C

What significance the platform has vs large ones ? i.e what is the Advantage or is it just another platform

Bigger means less restriction on the weight of the radar you carry. As we all know, the radar, the bigger the better.

Bigger plane will also means longer loiter time and more space for installation of system and more comfortable restroom for more crew.
The paint job sucks.别人不知道还以为是海洋公园的飞机。
Flip the pic upside down and you know the reason behind the color scheme.
Impressive ... could you please post them in full-size !!!?? :woot:
Any info on the unit? Must be a naval Aviation aircraft....
Via: https://www.facebook.com/Scramblemagazine/?hc_location=group_dialog

Again a People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN, China Navy ) KJ500 has appeared with a surprise serial, in this case 81033.

It is indicating that the 3rd Division would have been activated again, now flying with KJ500 aircraft to start with. The original 3rd Division was under the Southern Sea Fleet command.

To admit I'm a bit sceptical since the first "3" looks very much like being photoshopped.

KJ-500H 81033 - 3. NDIV again maybe.jpg
Wondering if this 2nd generation DSP from CETC has found its way into the new KJ-500s. :D

I read its fascinating story here, so interesting that I put in hours & efforts to translate it to pass along in other medium :D

After the United States banning the sales of the US-made components to ZTE for 7 years recently in the ongoing trade war, China’s military institute released the strongest chip of digital signal processor (DSP) in the industry

中国电科38所发布“魂芯二号A”芯片:每秒千亿次浮点运算,实际运算性能业界同类最强 — 4月24日

CETC released the “Soul Core II—A” chip: 100 billion floating point operations per second, and the actual computing performance is the strongest in the industry (24 April)

On April 23, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) Institute 38, during the first Digital China Construction Summit held in Fuzhou, released the “Soulcore II—A”, the most powerful digital signal processor in the industry. The chip is completely designed by CETC Institute 38. It can perform 100 billion floating-point operation calculations in one second. The single-core performance exceeds the performance of similar chips on the international market by 4 times.

High-performance chips are known as "industrial food and grass" and represent a national level of information technology. All along, China has always relied on imports for high-performance digital signal processors (DSPs). Twelve years ago, the CETC Institute 38 began to enter the field of digital signal processor chips. In 2012, the Institute introduced the first practical high-performance floating-point general-purpose DSP chip independently developed by China—“Soulcore One”, which is 4-6 times higher than similar DSP chips of the same period, and successfully applied in China’s aviation police. The Airmarine-500 Early-Warning Radar and other defense technology equipment products have applied China's first high-end autonomous digital signal processor, which is widely used in defense technology equipment.

“Soulcore II—A” adopts a full-autonomous system architecture. The research and development lasted for 6 years, breaking many technical problems such as controller design, obtaining more than 30 scientific and technological achievements such as national technological invention patents and software copyrights, and possessing the strongest performance in the industry at the moment. The DSP core has exceeded the performance indicators of similar products at home and abroad. Compared to "Soul Core One," the performance of "Soul Core II—A" has increased sixfold. Through single-core multi-core, extended computing components, and upgraded instruction systems, the device performance has achieved 100 billion floating-point operations at the same time. Relatively good application environment and debugging methods; single-core implementation of 1024-point floating-point FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) operation requires only 1.6 microseconds, and its computational performance is three times higher than that of Texas Instruments TMS320C6678, and its actual performance is 1.7 times. Throughput is 240 Gb/s.

As a general-purpose DSP processor, "Soul Core II—A" will be widely used in high-intensity computing such as Radar, Electronic Countermeasures, communications, image processing, medical electronics, and industrial robots. At present, it is being used in a variety of major equipment and image processing fields.

According to Hong Yi, the chief scientist of the China Electronics Engineering and chief designer of "Soul Core II—A", the launch of that DSP chip makes the software radio moving from ideal to reality. The function of the chip gradually depends on the update of software algorithms. It lays a solid foundation for the establishment of an independent system high-end DSP product lineage in China.
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