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Kiyani Demands US Limit Drone Attacks and Operations

US should cooperate more with pak army and their combined intelligence should ensure that no civilians are killed in drone strikes.With US's drones and ISI's intelligence terrorists can be effectively eliminated with minimal collateral damage(yes drones are more accurate than artillery strikes or aeriel bombardment and less riskier than pak/NATO forces directly confronting the terrorists) .
The ones losing here are the terrorists who are going to get blown up by hellfires,rabid conspiracy theorists like zaid hamid(and many mini zaid hamids even here in this forum)who portray TTP as a CIA sponsored organistation-they can not digest pak army cooperating with CIA since it wont fit their conspiracy theories and they probably end up calling pak army traitors,and those afghan taliban apologetics who dont want pak army cooperating with NATO or act against Haqqanis in North Wazeeristan.

Boss Pakistan army wants drone to kill the TTP and Americans want it to kill AQ. Neither of the two care for collateral damage.
Its all about who think who is good jihadi and who is bad jihadi.
Boss Pakistan army wants drone to kill the TTP and Americans want it to kill AQ. Neither of the two care for collateral damage.
Its all about who think who is good jihadi and who is bad jihadi.

absolutely right i agree with you ............they give a damn about damage has been done to pakistan and nation of pakistan .........
Boss Pakistan army wants drone to kill the TTP and Americans want it to kill AQ.
Many of the TTP leaders were killed by US drone..Even yesterday drones were targetting ttp positions..And Al quida is actively cooperating with TTP.Both TTP and Al.Q are common enimies of pakistan and USA and all i am saying is that with more cooperation,civilian casualities can be reduced.
Neither of the two care for collateral damage.
The only thing that keeps TTP alive today is Pak army and US have been caring for avoiding collateral damage.Otherwise with the firepower of pak army,those tribal areas would be turned to rubbles with no one left to suicide bomb any pak city..So yes,they do care about collateral damage.
But I read that the 6 killed were Haqqani's men. Pakistan is a friendly country to Afganistan and US and hence should not have any problem with Haqqani's goons being exterminated. Pakistan army and ISI should actually have welcomed this particular strike.
Some how India and Pakistan should make an agreement on AFghanistan. Leave competing there. IF the issue of Afghanistan is resolved terrorism in Pakistan would come down drastically and it would be easier to finish off TTP and AQ in South Asia. There are two problems however.
Any widely represented government in Afghanistan will still have tense ties with Pakistan as history before Soviet invasion shows ( the Pushtoonistan issue etc). And again the moment these jihadis come on bench( and have no further hostility with Pak and America) all of them will start getting back to India. You may see more plane hijacks, more Mumbais, more Illyas Kashmiris crossing the border and causing mayhem. In a way Pakistan is at lest temperarily(of course unintentionally) taking a lot of blows which otherwise would be directed at India.
Any widely represented government in Afghanistan will still have tense ties with Pakistan as history before Soviet invasion shows ( the Pushtoonistan issue etc).

if there is truely representative gov in afghanistan which we have never had it, trust me the issue of pashtoonistan will be non issue.
if there is truely representative gov in afghanistan which we have never had it, trust me the issue of pashtoonistan will be non issue.

even with a strong govt, leave pashtunistan, your afghanistan is still ours
even with a strong govt, leave pashtunistan, your afghanistan is still ours

thats another attitude from pakistan that everybody has become against you. do you know what, we are sadly sadly divided by ethnic lines, but the only thing that we different ethnic groups agree with each other is our oppostion and ill feeling to pakistan(not pakistani people), although everyone of us have their own reason for it. our pashtoons resent the fact that their pashtonistan is now part of pakistan, and the other groups have the feeling because they know pakistan supported their enemies. Even the taliban fighghers claim on NWFP(KPK) and dont give a damn about durand. So try to loosen this attitude for your own good.
even with a strong govt, leave pashtunistan, your afghanistan is still ours

and by the way, i am pretty sure that you didnt understand what i said above about representitave gov and pashtonistan.
US Predator strike kills 6 Haqqani Network fighters in South Waziristan

The CIA has carried out its first airstrike in Pakistan's tribal areas against the Taliban and al Qaeda since the March 17 attack that sparked protests from top Pakistani government and military officials.

Today's strike took place in the town of Angoor Adda in South Waziristan, an area under the influence of South Waziristan Taliban warlord Mullah Nazir. Unmanned Predators or Reapers fired four missiles at a pickup truck transporting fighters from the Haqqani Network, the al Qaeda-linked Taliban subgroup, Pakistani intelligence officials told AFP.


Is this one off or are they back to their ways?
Read this news just a while ago...

US to continue with drone attacks in Pakistan despite ISI objections: Report

Washington, April 14(ANI): The United States has reportedly decided to continue with its unmanned drone attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas despite objections raised by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) against the Central Intelligence Agency-led campaign.

In spite of ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha having expressed concern about the nature of drone operations during a meeting with CIA Director Leon Panetta on Monday, US sources said, the deadly drone attacks would continue.

"Panetta has an obligation to protect this country and he's not going to halt any operations that accomplish that objective," ABC News quoted a US official, as saying.

According to sources, Panetta and Pasha met at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, for two hours and 25 minutes, and worked through a number of issues regarding joint operations and working together against terrorist targets.

Sources say Pasha did not "scold" the US, as some have depicted it, though he did elaborate on how the Raymond Davis case had become such a hot button issue in Pakistan- something the US already knew, the report said.

Sources also say that Pasha did not push back when Panetta said the US needs to have operatives in country to provide security, said the report, adding that Pasha knows and wants American intelligence officers there; the US and ISI work together.

Although Pakistan has repeatedly denounced drone attacks on its soil, using cliches like 'unacceptable' and 'violation of sovereignty', the Pakistan Government has knowledge of drone operations, with the government and military officials informed essentially as targets are fired upon or shortly thereafter, said the report, attributing to sources.

Meanwhile, some American officials believe that the ISI is hyping the US-Pak rift within Pakistan in order to score political points.

According to the report, these officials say a recent story suggesting that all cooperation between the agencies stopped was overwritten, and a leak designed to convince an increasingly anti-American Pakistani public that the ISI was showing the CIA who is the boss, so to speak. (ANI)

Just a look at the situation from the ISI and the PA's perspective can tell us all what is going on.
Pakistan and US intelligence agencies are not getting along - Us intelligence seems to be, well, they are not they used to be, Why is that?

U know bro...We already know that ..they will never get along...in fact they cross each others paths.....the paths already defined in the Holy Quran..:)
its foolishness to beg mercy from Shaitaan...:smokin:
Actually, records might show that IMF "assistance" is quite high during military rule.
One exception that I know of was former Pres. Musharraf. He and former PM Aziz got rid of IMF/World Bank but our Shaheed Bhutto Zardari put us right back into their cages.

And also, I don't think that GDP is an accurate measure of prosperity. Maybe growth, but definitely not overall prosperity. Look at the world GDP today. But if every country was to present all the money in its system, there would still not be enough to cover the GDP which is artificially inflated.

Gen. Kayani may not bee too eager to come to power or to confront the US head-on. Hamid Gul may have his opinions, but Gen. Kayani doesn't seem to share the same thinking pattern.

This gives an idea of the the financial situation in Pakistan including that of the Musharraf era.

The Debt Trap: IMF, the World Bank and Pakistan
Muhammad Rehan Zafa

During the early years of Musharraf regime, Pakistani economy was in shambles due to tensions with India, high defense expenditures and massive interest payments. In 2001, Pakistan was the only country in South Asia which was classified as a severely indebted country by the World Bank in its report. Due to the inability to service external debt, there were several consecutive rounds of debt rescheduling between Government of Pakistan and donor clubs and organization between 1998 and 2001. Fortunately though, Pakistan received massive financial breathing space because of its participation in the war on terror after September 2001.

The development expenditure declined during the first year of the Musharraf regime from 95.6 billion rupees to 89.8 billion. However it took a great leap next year and went as high as 126 billion rupees and by 2004 it stood at 161 billion. During the same period public debt began to decline and overall economic expenditures began to improve. Debt to GDP ratio declined considerably during this era.

The years 2005 and 2006 were perhaps the most important highlight of Musharraf era. For the first time in more than two decades debt to GDP ratio fell to 56.1% from 81.4% in 2002. This achievement was equally matched by investor friendly policies and massive influx of FDI that lead to IT, Banking and construction boom in the country. These successes were however short lived and soon Pakistani economy once again fell victim to political scuffles and power tussle between political forces. Due to political instability and Taliban insurgency the economic progress made during this period proved to be short lived and once again people of Pakistan were left facing skyrocketing inflation and uncertainty mostly due to Taliban insurgency and war on terror.

The Debt Trap: IMF, the World Bank and Pakistan
I wish these drones increase their limits to Islamabad and some hit our Parliament/GHQ..as well...cuz they already ate so much money at the expense of innocent pplz got killed in these drone strikes..:woot:
even with a strong govt, leave pashtunistan, your afghanistan is still ours

See that's one of the many reasons why any representative gov in AF will have tense ties with Pakistan. Unless it is a remote controlled gov like Taliban.

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