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King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people

Does any common saudi (not a prince) finds it upsetting that he/she will find it difficult if not impossible to get to be a minister in govt?
Also are they nervous about transition? because its going to be intense backroom manuvres in next few days.

KSA has several ministers that have nothing to do with the House of Saud. Let alone in the military where most generals etc. have nothing to do with the House of Saud either.

The royals in KSA who have high positions are not a incompetent lot but highly educated people. Often from the best universities out there.

They were groomed for such roles since they could walk.

Most importantly they have given the country stability and progress. That's the most important thing. While most other Muslim states are burning or have highly incompetent leaders. I can live with having fewer civil and social rights while living in one of the most wealthy states, not paying a single dollar to the state etc. and enjoying most services for free. In a state that is not paralyzed by constant clashes in the parliament like many states are.

If KSA got more civil and social rights (which will happen ultimately) KSA would be a paradise. UAE is better on this front and you won't find many Emiratis that are complaining about their rulers or life.
KSA has several ministers that have nothing to do with the House of Saud. Let alone in the military where most generals etc. have nothing to do with the House of Saud either.

The royals in KSA who have high positions are not a incompetent lot but highly educated people. Often from the best universities out there.

They were groomed for such roles since they could walk.

Most importantly they have given the country stability and progress. That's the most important thing. While most other Muslim states are burning or have highly incompetent leaders. I can live with having fewer civil and social rights while living in one of the most wealthy states, not paying a single dollar to the state etc. and enjoying most services for free. In a state that is not paralyzed by constant clashes in the parliament like many states are.

If KSA got more civil and social rights (which will happen ultimately) KSA would be a paradise. UAE is better on this front and you won't find many Emiratis that are complaining about their rulers or life.
so you never think its a bit unfair that you wont get chance to be an influencial minister, only people with right connection will be groomed in best of the best unis (and you cant obviously compete with such people)
I already resent the fact that I cant be the king of UK, however all other opportunities are open to me so its not too bad. :undecided:
second bit is transition. Historically it has been quite smooth but do you feel nervous? Also have you got any favourite princes who you think are better than others. What do you feel if a few less competent princes get the job.
Does any common saudi (not a prince) finds it upsetting that he/she will find it difficult if not impossible to get to be a minister in govt?
Also are they nervous about transition? because its going to be intense backroom manuvres in next few days.

K.S.A has 29 Ministers, 21 of which aren't from the royal family.
so you never think its a bit unfair that you wont get chance to be an influencial minister, only people with right connection will be groomed in best of the best unis (and you cant obviously compete with such people)
I already resent the fact that I cant be the king of UK, however all other opportunities are open to me so its not too bad. :undecided:
second bit is transition. Historically it has been quite smooth but do you feel nervous? Also have you got any favourite princes who you think are better than others. What do you feel if a few less competent princes get the job.

Any Saudi Arabian can become a minister as long as he has the required abilities and certain connections. Just like ANYWHERE else. Most ministers in KSA are not members of the House of Saud.

Not every minister and person with importance in KSA is highly educated. Besides I have studied at leading universities myself. Currently studying at one too here in Copenhagen. So yes, it's an open option for people with the required skills.

What's so special about being a head of state? I am a Hashemite and my ancestors were rulers for over an eternity almost and I don't envy them.

There is little to be nervous about. The transition has been completely smooth and painless. I don't live in KSA either so even if a civil war erupted I would be safe.

No, I have not "favorites" in the sense of the word but there are certain personalities that I prefer over others but that plays no role here.

Since King Saud was removed from power (due to incompetence) none head of state (King) in KSA has been incompetent and even if we assume that they were then they are surrounded by 1000's of highly knowledgeable and educated advisers. They don't have free hands either contrary to popular belief.

You might think that KSA has some moronic or strange rules as a non-Muslim but you can't claim that KSA has been run by idiots for the past 80 years. It's rather the opposite. In fact the leaders would have done even more had it not been for the big influence that the clergy has had and still have.

In fact they are the main problem here.

K.S.A has 29 Ministers, 21 of which aren't from the royal family.

Precisely. People should really make a bit of research before commenting. No offense.
K.S.A has 29 Ministers, 21 of which aren't from the royal family.
ah.. ok.. so I guess a common man has got a very good chance then to get to be minister? or you need to have connections. Also what is the carrer path, do you have to start with some public service?
ah.. ok.. so I guess a common man has got a very good chance then to get to be minister? or you need to have connections. Also what is the carrer path, do you have to start with some public service?

No, not unless he/she is a Saudi Arabian citizen, has a clean criminal record, is educated, has experience and mostly connections by virtue of his/her achievements. That's the case everywhere. If I wanted to run for politics here in Denmark I would have to do so for a political party as nobody has any chance on his own unless he is famous. You have to have connections and talent on every field if you want to succeed.

Your last question;

Council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some photos of the funeral prayer and burial of King Abdullah yet to be posted.











The old man will be missed. That's for sure.
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Buddy, nobody gives a living crab!
Mind your own business rather than fatwa geeri..I am entitled to my opinion and freedom to reject what I consider or believe as false.

There are many senior princes who have opted to stay out of politics..I think the Allegiance Council has two members who are son's of the founder - Abdul Aziz Al Saud and are senior to the currently appointed king but they have made no claim to the throne..

Fact of the matter my friend is that reforms are an ongoing process and that changes are inevitable. Sooner rather than later KSA will become a constitutional monarchy or at least the people will have a bigger say in the politics of the country. Whether that will be good or bad for the stability and rule of the country is to be seen.

Still if you ask me if I would prefer a so-called "democracy" like that seen in Iraq for instance or the GCC model I would laugh at you for even asking the question to begin with.
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Does any common saudi (not a prince) finds it upsetting that he/she will find it difficult if not impossible to get to be a minister in govt?
Also are they nervous about transition? because its going to be intense backroom manuvres in next few days.

Indians should let Muslims slaughter cow in India.
You and I both know, that this man has caused more damage to Israel than all Arab wars, iranian empty threats has done and will do, he is single handiddly responsible for the reputation your beloved Israel enjoys today in the world stage.
No, I didn't know these things. He must have been working for several thousand years to produce such a result, yes?

...in Salman a more assertive and pro-active foreign policy will take shape, he is by far one of the strongest personalities in the Middle East, and is not afraid to take gambles and risks when appropriate, pretty much Salman is Abdullah on steroids.
That would explain the stories of dementia, yes.

King Salman, third from the left during his participation with the Egyptian forces against The Tripartite Aggression. King Salman fought in two battles against the Israelis, and one battle against the British during his deputation.

King Salman, third from the left during his participation with the Egyptian forces against The Tripartite Aggression. King Salman fought in two battles against the Israelis, and one battle against the British during his deputation.

A good blast from the past.
Indians should let Muslims slaughter cow in India.

Lets not derail this thread.

India is already one of the largest beef meat exporter.

Jun 25, 2014
India's beef exports rise 31% in 2013-14 - Economic Times
KOCHI: Beef has become an important foreign exchange earner for India among the agriculture commodity exports after basmati rice, with 31% increase in quantity and 52% rise in value terms during 2013-14. India was ranked second largest beef exporter in the world with 20% market share after Brazil by the department of agriculture of the United States (USDA) in its recent report.
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