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Kim Jong Un shows off new drones, gives Russian defense chief tour of nukes

These weapons presented by North Korea, to be very honest, should be a wake-up call to Pakistan.

North Korea - a globally isolated regime, tiny economy, tiny population - yet look at the features of these weapons and the quality.

Yes, perhaps they had some support from China, but still we are not isolated countries, we can also seek limited support too.

In my opinion, this goes to show how important and vital the value of meritocracy is and proper organisational leadership. I am not even against military involvement in politics - but them placing average generals with no knowledge of certain fields into very niche technological institutions is costing us significantly!

North Korea's strict value for meritocracy, stern organisational leadership, and investment into educational programs is paying off significantly.

We operate our institutions like high school kids and don't take it seriously - they operate it professionally, meritocratically, and how it should be done, which is why they see results.

This image below speaks for itself, generals are good for security but you're shooting yourself in the foot because they are missing the key organisational skills for that technological institution and the necessary qualifications:

View attachment 942122

@LeGenD @SQ8 @That Guy

Russia and China are making it possible for DPRK to develop sophisticated weapon systems, both see in DPRK a tool to keep South Korea and Japan in check. This is why US have warned Russia and China that it will make it possible for South Korea and Japan to counter these threats. This is an unfortunate arms race in which North Korean average joe has no quality of life.

Both DPRK and China helped Pakistan develop ballistic missiles.

True capacity to fight a modern-era full-scale hybrid war comes from having a significant industrial base and a strong economy, DPRK is lacking on both counts. Fanciful exhibits and parades are good for assuring the average joe.

Pakistan also has limited resources but spends much on its defense just to have a fighting chance against India. Problem is that Indian growth is organic while Pakistan borrows from China, this is not sustainable in the long term. Pakistan needs to address its political issues, economic issues, and develop a significant industrial base to become strong. And there is no need to continue a conflict that has no end in sight.
The suparco thing has been posted enough and we know the rot.
SUPARCO isn't supposed to be a rocket making agency, anymore than NASA is. (Except for Scout sounding rockets, everything NASA has ever used has been made by contractors). If SUPARCO gets into the space launch business (which to be clear it should) the hardware won't be built or designed by them, but by NDC or KRL. So talking about the "rot" is neither here nor there.
NK was well ahead in rocketry and regardless of isolation they have built a system to get what they need although their newer weapons are untested or through Chinese support.
Pakistan’s missile program has its start with NK and China.
The first Ghauris were literally repainted Nodongs - and even back then in the drawing rooms of Dubai arms dealers Pakistanis were being taken to school by them.
None of the operational Ghauris were Nodongs. They were very different, enough so that they may as well be seperate systems.

One Pakistani military fellow asked a NK scientist if it was possible to launch a missile during an earthquake -
The NK scientist was puzzled, what do you mean you want to launch during an earthquake?

The Pakistani went , lets say if the ground was pitching and rolling -

To which the NK scientist pointed to his head of white hair and “you think I got these overnight and am an idiot?!!”

“Tell me which ship you want to launch the missile from?!”
Whoever told you this story was pulling your leg. Firing projectiles from a ship is a problem which was solved 400 years ago (Mughal Navy was launching rockets from their ships) and modern (as in WW2 era) fire control computers account for a ship's pitch, roll and yaw automatically. And most importantly, liquid fuelled rockets are a hazard on a ship.

Pakistan also has limited resources but spends much on its defense just to have a fighting chance against India. Problem is that Indian growth is organic while Pakistan borrows from China, this is not sustainable in the long term. Pakistan needs to address its political issues, economic issues, and develop a significant industrial base to become strong. And there is no need to continue a conflict that has no end in sight.
Sorry, but what are you saying? A mid level development project of the last ten years is bigger than pretty much all the big ticket military expenditures and the biggest ones dwarf them considerably.
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Problem is that Indian growth is organic while Pakistan borrows from China, this is not sustainable in the long term. Pakistan needs to address its political issues, economic issues, and develop a significant industrial base to become strong. And there is no need to continue a conflict that has no end in sight.
This part is key. Our growth isn't organic, local ecosystems are weak and practically non-existent, while India is slowly but surely building a reliable local ecosystem that will soon become self-sustaining and make it independent from support from foreigners.
North Korea at night


Dude, arse-licking Western media to this extent is not good for your health. :lol:

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