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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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below_freezing, are you serious? Don't lie.. Go through the thread again and see how you guys in herd are throwing personal insults on a sole Korean on the thread.. TBH, to me all you Korean/Japanese/Chinese & other E Asians looks alike and I never understood why all you guys hate each other so much.. I am sure if somebody does DNA tests on you all they will match too..
It's not hate, it must be ultra-nationalism.
In E Asian culture, there's term so called "face". You could never afford to loose your face in front of others. You even could be allowed to loose your own life, give up everything but not your "face". That's the reason why these people keep insulting at each other.
All east Asians are decedents of O, they came through Northern India lol. This is what people mean by Korean obsession with genetic purity and their northern origin BS. And desperation to connect themselves to Mongolians as if some pass glories can rub off on them in some fantasies. KSentry is funny sh!t, Japanese are their brothers when it's convenient, they are Austronesian muts when it's not.

They even want to connect themselves with the Indo-European Aryans.
I think previous generations of Koreans didn't have such an arrogant attitude towards other Asians. It is until So Korea became an industrialized and developed modern nation with high income status this arrogance arose in So Korea. This is understandable and is prevalent human nature.

Perhaps the education system in So Korea also reinforces this sense of Korean arrogance and attitude. You would think they would begin to develop some respect for China seeing China pulling it self out of poverty and developing Shanghai, Macau, Hong Kong, Chengdu, Urumqi, etc.

The education system in both Koreas is heavily based on race indoctrination. They are taught that Koreans are the purest race from Baitou Mountain, no joke. It's like the schools teaching creationism.

The distance from South Korea to the US is far larger than the distance from China to South Korea, yet from the way they talk you would think that South Korea was as developed as Norway or Qatar.
The population of Koreans in China include millions of descendants of Korean immigrants with citizenship of the People's Republic of China, a total of roughly 2.3 million people as of 2009[1], making it the largest Korean population living outside Korea.

Koreans are one of us,let's show them some respect.only S.Koreans are despicable.
We don't even need to do anything. :lol: North Korea can destroy half of South Korea's population in an instant, by attacking Seoul with their tens of thousands of artillery pieces or with their nuclear weapons.

Why did South Korea put half their population in their capital city, right next to the North Korean border?

They already decided to change the capital city before, but it would simply cost them too much, since all the headquarter of the companies are concentrated in Seoul.

This means if NK bombs Seoul, then SK will economically collapse immediately.
The education system in both Koreas is heavily based on race indoctrination. They are taught that Koreans are the purest race from Baitou Mountain, no joke. It's like the schools teaching creationism.

The distance from South Korea to the US is far larger than the distance from China to South Korea, yet from the way they talk you would think that South Korea was as developed as Norway or Qatar.

It's probably a defense mechanism as they perceive their nation under constant assault. As a natural reaction they turtle up as usual.
It's probably a defense mechanism as they perceive their nation under constant assault. As a natural reaction they turtle up as usual.

Well they have historically been dominated by both their neighbours (China and Japan)... and today they are servants of the USA.

So you can kind of understand. :P
Yes, everyone in East Asia know about North Korean hatred of China. This is why I do not list North Korea as China's friend like Pakistan and Iran.

Nope. Being a China-sympathizer, or even agreeing to Chinese style reform is an act of treason. And you know what Kim regime does to the enemy of the state.

When North Korea aborts or kills all half-Chinese babies at birth, you know their hatred of China runs deeper than in the South, also famous for anti-Chinarism.

Kim begged China for economic and food/supply support. NK is hanging by a thread because China allows them too. SK ALWAYS LIVE IN DREAMS! Perhaps you got your news from your K-Dramas. LOL!

There is 1 thing we can all agree on here though, a NKer will kill a SKer BEFORE the NKer kills his Chinese master. :rofl:

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

The education system in both Koreas is heavily based on race indoctrination. They are taught that Koreans are the purest race from Baitou Mountain, no joke. It's like the schools teaching creationism.

The distance from South Korea to the US is far larger than the distance from China to South Korea, yet from the way they talk you would think that South Korea was as developed as Norway or Qatar.

Manchu also hate SKer bs claim. Manchu ready to shoot SKers down for trying to steal manchu heritage and origin!
Chinese insecurity at its finest here. So many lies here I don’t know where to start. First and foremost I’d like to remind the Chinese posters here that you guys come from a country where the media is controlled by the government and your history books are grossly inaccurate, to the level of absurdity. You guys are taught that the South provoked the North during the Korean war despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Just another example of Chinese falsehoods. I would presume that being able to read source material from outside China would have opened your eyes but I guess I was wrong.

The belief that Korea was a slave country to China is humorous to say the least. The term vassal state in the English language is quite different from the Chinese term. The British Empire at the height of its power was a vassal state of China. The Chinese government refused to trade or hold serious diplomatic relations with countries that did not pay tribute. It had absolutely nothing to do with being militarily defeated and subjugated by China. Being a vassal state did not stop the British Empire from conquering China, raping its people, forcing the populace to become opium addicts and controlling Hong Kong for decades. You guys should quit fabricating reality by proclaiming that anyone who paid tribute to China was a slave nation. It makes you guys look delusional.

Korea won its freedom from China when Goguryeo crushed the Sui. When Silla defeated the Tang and unified the peninsula. When Balhae wiped out invading Tang in the Northern territories. China having such a large population was routinely defeated by Korean armies 1/10th its size. Now that’s humiliating. That’s why Koreans to this day speak Korean and have their own culture. Which brings me to my main point. Ever wondered why and how you became Chinese and I became Korean? Its because many centuries ago a few pissed off Koreans joined arms, defeated the Chinese and maintained independence. Your ancestors came from countries that were much like Korea/Vietnam/etc. The only difference was, your ancestors were not as strong, brave or capable as my ancestors and were quickly absorbed into the Yellow river civilization. They lost their lands, identity, culture and language. You became Chinese yet you ironically ridicule the nation(Korea) that successfully stopped Chinese encroachment. If anyone has a right to brag, it would be Korea.
And why do you boast about Chinas military history? Are you guys kidding me? To accuse Korea of being a slave to foreign powers is absolutely comical when China was subjugated time again and again for far longer then Korea ever was. This is made all the more humiliating when you take into accounts Chinas large population which should have made it invulnerable to invasion.

Remember how the PLA was swiftly defeated in Vietnam during the 1970s? Remember how you could only stalemate South Korean+US forces by sacrificing wave after wave of Chinese men in a very one sided kill ratio? Or how the Japanese curb stomped you until the US bailed you guys out? Remember how the Manchus enslaved China for centuries. How the British conquered China and turned the nation into Opium addicts? Or the boxer rebellion which saw Russia, France, the US, Germany, Austria Hungary and other nations controlling a fragmented China? What about the Mongolians genociding millions of Chinese and ruling them for several decades. Or the Khitans who subjugated the Song dynasty but were destroyed rather effortlessly by the Korean Goryeo dynasty? Goguryeo, Silla and Balhae were all Koreans dynasties who beat the unified Chinese dynasties of Sui and Tang. Or the Vietnamese Lye dynasty who sent the han packing.

What are two things all these nations have in common? 1. They defeated China. 2. They were much smaller. China has been conquered, subjugated or humiliated by smaller countries throughout most of her history. The Han people are in fact an amalgamation of various conquered races who speak the same language. Quit placing your own pitiful military history on Korea.
haha,tiny Korea bragges their heads off.We are Chinese and we are always here,our ancestors were Chinese,nowhere in my family tree says otherwise.Britain was a vassale state to China??hha,wierdest claim ever.Koreans copied everything from China and your history books were written in Chinese and you do have a Chinese style name,do you not?
You are right, South Korea is the most powerful nation in Asia!!! :lol:

Rather typical reply.

Reminds me of those delusional and fabricated Chinese rumors about Koreans stealing Confucius. Whenever you guys can't refute something you create rumors. Pathetic really.
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