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Killing of Major-General wont go unpunished | Kayani

Stupid comparison..

In Pak COAS case, I am contrasting his reaction on military men being killed with his silence on civilian deaths at the hands of same terrorists..

See above.. Also, we are not in a state of war (undeclared) with China, unlike our state with Pakistan

But still you are in a state of war in NE,but wait you have no Govt writ there,so no rhetoric no statements hmmmmmm...
Lasting peace can never be achieved if the route to it is through violence. That is the simple law of nature. What Gen. Kayani said about the consequences of Sunday’s attack that killed Major General Sanaullah and two other army officers should not come as a surprise. This enemy has been killing with impunity. They do not differentiate between civilians and the security forces, their ideology is to kill and destroy. That is the reason we have seen over 40,000 deaths at the hands of these terrorists. Even today the TTP came out with the statement that they will continue to wage war against the government troops. They have made the stance of elected politicians who have pledged to start a dialogue with these terrorists very difficult. Peace is a two way street. It can only be achieved by the terrorist giving up their agenda of death and destruction, and joining the main stream public in building the nation. Taliban has lost credibility with the people of the region. The overwhelming majority has already rejected terrorism and look forward to peace. It is time the terrorists realize this, and avail the chance they have to become a part of the mainstream nation builders. Or they will be alienated and left in dark with no support from the peace loving masses of the region.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Is @CENTCOM authorized to talk about how they feel about Pakistan's quest for peace talks with the TTP and how does it differ from the US initiative to talk to the Afghan Taliban repeatedly. Is the Afghan government holding post 2014 bases hostage to some sort of required promise that the Taliban will not overturn their government?
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Never heard Pakistani coas giving such statements when scores or Ahmadis or other civilians are slaughtered by the terrorists..
That is an internal matter, maybe IG is responsible but not COAS
I have only one question, what was a major general doing riding an ordinary vehicle in a war zone? What are MRAPs for?

Why is the high command so stupid and oblivious of the moral victory/losses of such incidents? Compare how many high ranking terrorists has PA killed so far, and how many high ranking officers have been martyred by terrorists?

Major-General Sanaullah, General Officer Commanding 17 Division, Swat, was on his way back after visiting troops deployed at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border when an improvised explosive device (IED) blew up his vehicle, Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Lieutenant Colonel Tauseef Ahmad and Sepoy Irfan Sattar also died in the attack.

Being billed as a setback to talks with the Pakistan Taliban, the attack has provoked a strong response from Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Monday. He said in a statement that while it is understandable that they give peace a chance through a political process, “no one should have any misgivings that we would let terrorists coerce us into accepting their terms. The army has the ability and the will to take the fight to the terrorists”. He reiterated the “Pakistan Army’s resolve and unflinching commitment in fighting the menace of terrorism, in accordance with the will of the nation and at any cost.”

Sunday was marked by other acts of terrorism in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) near Bannu and Miranshah, killing Frontier Corps personnel. These incidents come after the recent All Parties Meeting called by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif where a dialogue process with Pakistani Taliban was stressed. Reportedly, even the army was on the same page as the government on this.

However, sources familiar with the area said that though the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has taken responsibility, it does not have a presence in that region, mostly under the control of Mullah Fazlullah, who ran a parallel administration in Swat before the army was called in. Lieutenant General (retired) Talat Masood, chief coordinator of Pugwash, said it will not be so easy after the army chief’s statement for the government to initiate dialogue.

He felt that even if it was not the work of TTP, there were many groups which owe allegiance to it. While the government has strongly condemned the incident, there are those who feel the talks should go on. Lieutenant-Colonel Shafqat Saeed (retired), a defence analyst said that though TTP acted irresponsibly, the government should not pull back from talks. Instead, it should force the TTP to exercise restraint.Mr. Sharif is away on a three- day trip to Turkey and the while the incident has been condemned, little is being said of the future of talks. Rustom Shah Mohmand, former Pakistan ambassador to Afghanistan said the government, after deciding on talks, should have appointed a point person to take it forward.

Keywords: Pakistan army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Pak Taliban, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province
Killing of Major-General won
Leading from the front.

Gone but never forgotten.

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
I have only one question, what was a major general doing riding an ordinary vehicle in a war zone? What are MRAPs for?

Why is the high command so stupid and oblivious of the moral victory/losses of such incidents? Compare how many high ranking terrorists has PA killed so far, and how many high ranking officers have been martyred by terrorists?

Because when you're born a soldier you die one. Call it stupidity or just call it not being a coward like the fine politico folks of Islamabad who would never send their family members to die fighting the nations war
Because when you're born a soldier you die one. Call it stupidity or just call it not being a coward like the fine politico folks of Islamabad who would never send their family members to die fighting the nations war

Bravery on the General's part
Stupidity on the army's part
Bravery on the General's part
Stupidity on the army's part

Stupidity is when you make threats and don't follow through with them.

I have shrapnel and a shard from whats left of a clutch plate (as a reminder) from a blown up double cabin when we hit an improvised 155mm arty in Alizai back in spring 06.

And let me tell you - an MRAP won't do diddly squat with the right mixture of ingredients and the nature of the charge so get over your delusions and quit talking like you guys are experts. Weve faced times when there was weakness of our logistics and they will target vulnerable chokepoints (like bridges). Well guess what? You can search and sweep but can't always expect to go around and assume coast is always clear. In this case that particular area was safe enough to go by land but evidently there will be very unpleasant and tragic surprises looming - un foreseeable

Guts will get you so far then they can get you killed. Caution will get you farther but you can get just as killed too. Or did you think they say "peak a boo" from 25 meters away.

I can name 7-8 different methods these guys use from crude to more advanced. From crude shells to pressure plate devices that are buried under gravel on unpaved roads.

There's enough basic material for you tough talkers to read about without getting cocky and brave behind your computer screens. Or ask Rescue Ranger.

Or your CPRF guys in naxal infested areas who've encountered many an IED on their own.

Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to infants when I waste my time typing the obvious.
Good to see Gen. Kayani & High ranking officers in some action. I have said this before & I will say it again, there can be no negotiations with these RENTED TERRORISTS because they follow the orders & scripts of their masters, these rented terrorists are puppets the strings is in their masters hands.

The only solution for these rented terrorists is to give free hand to Intel Agencies & Pak Army, let them do whatever they can to destroy these rented terrorists.
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