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Majority of our population live in rural areas, hence they speak punjabi and pronounce words properly. Languages always borrow words from others unless they become dead like sanskrit. Your elders probably has adapted Indian punjabi by now hence it sound different from proper punjabi of Pakistan.

Shud punjabi just mean able to pronounce words just like Waris, Bulleh or Baba Farid did when they wrote poetry no matter which words they used.

I found another gem for you. :lol:

Has Hindi become our national language? – The Express Tribune Blog 
In KPK, Pashto has official status, In Sindh province Sindhi language has official status, in Balochistan the Baloch language has official status. But in west Punjab, the Punjabi language has zero status. Punjabi parents feel proud to speak Urdu with their children instead of Punjabi. West Punjabis consider their own mother tongue as an uncultured Paindu language while they consider Urdu the language of the Bhayas as sophisticated. The Punjabi language in west Punjab is no longer the same as it was 3 generations ago when my family lived there. Today when I hear west Punjabis speaking Punjabi, it is extremely Urdu`ised. They have largely replaced Punjabi words with Urdu words and they speak Urdu with more ease than Punjabi language itself.

Compare that to East Punjab where Punjabi has all the official status. It is taught in schools, spoken in the state parliament, parents very proudly speak this language with their children. Punjabi is indeed flourishing in east Punjab.

Pashto is not an official language.

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From south asia pehly Pakistan (Pak stan) then Khalistan (Khalis stan) and if Christians of India start demand for new land then it may be Puristan (Pure stan) :omghaha:
First of all, Bulleh Shah Baba Farid and other Sufi poets wrote religious Islamic poetry. So obviously they will use some Arabic and Farsi loan words. Similarly if a Hindu were to write religious poetry in Punjabi he will most likely use some Braj/Prakrit/Sanskrit loan words.

Your whole criteria for being able to speak proper Punjabi is to properly pronounce Arabic and Farsi loan words. Those words are not even Punjabi words to begin with! Today due to globalization, many Punjabi speakers are beginning to replace those arabic/farsi loan words with English ones. So if some Punjabi speaker cannot properly pronounce those English loan words does that mean they cannot speak proper Punjabi? Do you not realize how faulty this line of thinking is?

If a Punjabi cannot properly pronounce real Punjabi words, then I would agree with you. Loan words of foreign languages do not count as a criteria for judging whether or not someone can speak a language properly.

Wth do you even mean? Khalsa is not punjabi word? Rab is not punjabi word? Every language borrow words, and some people using english words when speaking punjabi doesnt mean english words are being incorporated in punjabi. So the words which Indians cant pronounce properly is not punjabi lol.

Punjabi would have been dead just like sanskrit if not for loan words. Also tell me why hindi which is recent language become mother tongue of hundred of millions of Indians? Urdu is mother tongue of only muhajir population of Pakistan.
From what i have seen living in punjab... the urbanised punjabis suffer from some sort of inferiority complex... even urdu is too "jahil" for them... instead they have gone over aboard... mixing urdu words in english... unlike their counterparts from rural areas... and even from low income neighbourhood... You will see a seriake,pashtun,baluch,sindhi etc speaking their language with eachother at a get together... but hardly spot urbanised "elite" punjabis doing the same.... in fear they will be classified as "paindus" etc... although there have been some recent steps taken by the punjab govt to support the Punjabi language n culture... anyhow you will only see this sort of a thing in major cities but still punjabi going extinct in Pakistan punjab is far from reality..

Waar film is perfect exemple of that, to much inferiority complex. Remind me of pdf Indians. I dont know why they made Waar in English?

Sri Lanka = LTTE

Nepal = Maoists

Moists are biggest anti India elements in Nepal

Pakistan = MB,BLA,Sindudesh n pashtunistan..!

As for interest... try.. it and il gurantee u 101% u will recieve it on spot..

Also arent u the same troll whom i asked if he was indian ...under a singaporean flag... have some shame low life.

@Zakii @Aeronaut Another low life false flag troll. 

Yeah.. and than u wake up n realise it was a wet dream.

Panjabi people already spit on the face of Kalistani terrorists :lol: no one can revive that movement again.

And taking about terrorism? Every terror link ends with Pakistani connection .... You even spreading terrorism in China let forget about others.

Even if I had a bag full of f*cks,I wouldn't give a single f*uk....not even a single one about your opinion on our language.

And i care about what Doabis think about our language punjabi?
Wth do you even mean? Khalsa is not punjabi word? Rab is not punjabi word? Every language borrow words, and some people using english words when speaking punjabi doesnt mean english words are being incorporated in punjabi. So the words which Indians cant pronounce properly is not punjabi lol.

Punjabi would have been dead just like sanskrit if not for loan words. Also tell me why hindi which is recent language become mother tongue of hundred of millions of Indians? Urdu is mother tongue of only muhajir population of Pakistan.

Shan Jee, try to understand. Loan words are not a permanent part of the language. They can always be replaced with loan words of other languages. So being able to speak a language does not depend on being able to pronounce loan words which are not even part of the language. Since partition, many arab farsi loan words have been replaced with loan words from other languages. For example. the term for washroom used to be GhusalKhanna but today no one in east Punjabi uses that word. Now everyone says bathroom or latrine. The the term "example" most people today still use the word Misaal but now many are using the word Udhahran which is a Hindi loan word which means the same thing. The Punjabi word for 'different' is "Vakhra" but you will hear many west Punjabis use the Urdu loan word "Alaidha".

And your assertion that English words are not being incorporated into Punjabi is wrong. Many English words are now incorporated into Punjabi. For example: computer, internet, car, air conditioner, hospital, doctor, nurse etc Punjabi language in east Punjab has gained a high level of sophisticated where it is even used to teach science subjects. That cannot be possible without using English loan words. Do not go by what you hear in Punjabi music or movies and think this is the level of sophistication of the Punjabi language in east Punjab. Try to read Punjabi literature, books, news papers produced in east Punjab to get a better understanding and then make an informed judgement.
^^ Now you are showing your true colours :rofl: I always thought you were a Tamil.
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