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Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

Why India don't just publicly, disavow the "Cold Start Doctrine" -- The Indian claims range from there is no such a thing to it does not work - what's clear is the US is not buying this -- and really, if it's a dog, why not just publicly disavow "Cold Start"?

Cold Start? Who dat? He my baby daddy -- kidding aside, I don't think I understand what the block is with disavowing it - what am I missing?

Licking your spit is not easy at times.
A headnumbing article with same old Pakistani agenda to paint india as aggressive to jeopardize it's on going relationship with US. The timing of this article is too late to attract attention of others since india has already checkmate Pakistani paranoia by proactively denouncing cold start to it's American counterparts. Still I would like to give credit to author; how cunningly he has given reference of American think tanks concerned about cold start without disclosing the context in which those concerns were made.

Oh cut the crap. Just let us know if you think whether the Cold Start is workable or india has to eat its own words?
Oh cut the crap. Just let us know if you think whether the Cold Start is workable or india has to eat its own words?

Why should Indian authorities confirm or deny? Thats the whole point, isnt it? The ambiguity is making a lot of people very nervous.
Why should Indian authorities confirm or deny? Thats the whole point, isnt it? The ambiguity is making a lot of people very nervous.

in short...cold start is working ?? :agree:
To me, this 'cold start' doctrine is probably India's most successful psyops against Pakistan. And, as Vassnti said, a perfect Loch Ness monster.

And who is it hurting?

Arent we using the so called 'paranio' over Cold Start to face the US and refuse their demands like going in N.Waziristan? Now if you call that psyops, may God bless india!

But then i wonder, why would india try taking this Cold Start back to the same very hole it came out from? May be too much US pressure? May be it's not just causing Pakistan to go 'paranoid' but instead Pakistan is showing a genuine concern to which US sympathizes and india has to lick its own spit every now an then?

If that's how things work at your side, really God MUST bless india!
And who is it hurting?

Arent we using the so called 'paranio' over Cold Start to face the US and refuse their demands like going in N.Waziristan? Now if you call that psyops, may God bless india!

But then i wonder, why would india try taking this Cold Start back to the same very hole it came out from? May be too much US pressure? May be it's not just causing Pakistan to go 'paranoid' but instead Pakistan is showing a genuine concern to which US sympathizes and india has to lick its own spit every now an then?

If that's how things work at your side, really God MUST bless india!

pakistan is making xcuses and using this word.ur army will have 2 do tis either with same way or with arm twisting.
on the another thread a article was written when clinton came 2 pakistan last time,she was indicating towards u.s action against those groups .

so ur word licking spit is different than actual condition on ground.
btw cold start has made their fear in the mind of ur army.this is the first successful step under it
in short...cold start is working ?? :agree:

How exactly? By forcing your opponent to upgrade her military hardware, forcing her three services of the Armed Forces to work together, reducing her reaction time even further to reach the borders :lol:. If you think thats working than please believe what ever you people think but clearly Indian propaganda is having its effect on you guys :smokin:
Why should Indian authorities confirm or deny? Thats the whole point, isnt it? The ambiguity is making a lot of people very nervous.

Hey kidoo! that's not for an e-warrior (especially someone like you) to decide.

There are more capable people up there to do that, and guess what they already did ;) No ‘Cold Start’ doctrine, India tells US

And as for making 'lots of people nervous', yeah, you know what, boy, you got that right!! And i'll leave it to your pea sized brain to figure whom out :)
Hey kidoo! that's not for an e-warrior (especially someone like you) to decide.

There are more capable people up there to do that, and guess what they already did ;) No ‘Cold Start’ doctrine, India tells US

And as for making 'lots of people nervous', yeah, you know what, boy, you got that right!! And i'll leave it to your pea sized brain to figure whom out :)

Yeah right! The tone of your post says a lot about how disturbing this CSD is. As for nervous, please to be telling us what these reports are trying to say:

Pakistan tests antidote to India’s ‘Cold Start Strategy’

Indian Cold Start Strategy: Pakistan tests in War Games

And this from one of many members' beloved sources:
Pakistan Azm e Nau is the ‘Cold Start Strategy’ killer

Lol, my peasized brain can think, unlike a tank sized one.

As for US telling India what to do, India is not an "ally" to base its doctrines or policies on US whims. India will do what suits it best. If the authorities say that there is a CSD, then they have a specific objective in mind. If they say they dont, then too, there is a specific objective to achieve.

As for ad homenium attacks, save it. It doesnt bother me at all. I have been long enough on this forum to understand mindsets.
And who is it hurting?

Arent we using the so called 'paranio' over Cold Start to face the US and refuse their demands like going in N.Waziristan? Now if you call that psyops, may God bless india!

But then i wonder, why would india try taking this Cold Start back to the same very hole it came out from? May be too much US pressure? May be it's not just causing Pakistan to go 'paranoid' but instead Pakistan is showing a genuine concern to which US sympathizes and india has to lick its own spit every now an then?

If that's how things work at your side, really God MUST bless india!

and is that our problem,no

Thats the problem between u and U.S,forcing u to maintain a continued presence and making u spend to the highest level to thwart the so called Indian aggressive stance,yes we r reaping benefit of ur paranoia

How much U.S sympathizes with ur concern was evident when Obama visited India,no a single mention about cold start even after apprehension's by american military

Not confirming or not denying the cold start is the actual fun of this entire game

U can live in a fool's world believing that India licked its spit,but ur military's stance and its continuous appeal to America shows who is licking what
in short...cold start is working ?? :agree:

Precisely. Just like Israel's nuclear ambiguity! Check out reports about CSD killer exercises by Pak army. I dont know whether to LOL or be concerned that Pak army can come up with an actual strategy to counter CSD, a military doctrine against which even the most seasoned military commanders have a hard time to neutralize!
Oh cut the crap. Just let us know if you think whether the Cold Start is workable or india has to eat its own words?

What are you trying to tell exactly?

Do you mind answering post#26, so that I understand what you are trying to suggest?

Yeah right! The tone of your post says a lot about how disturbing this CSD is. As for nervous, please to be telling us what these reports are trying to say:

Pakistan tests antidote to India’s ‘Cold Start Strategy’

Indian Cold Start Strategy: Pakistan tests in War Games

And this from one of many members' beloved sources:
Pakistan Azm e Nau is the ‘Cold Start Strategy’ killer

Lol, my peasized brain can think, unlike a tank sized one.

As for US telling India what to do, India is not an "ally" to base its doctrines or policies on US whims. India will do what suits it best. If the authorities say that there is a CSD, then they have a specific objective in mind. If they say they dont, then too, there is a specific objective to achieve.

As for ad homenium attacks, save it. It doesnt bother me at all. I have been long enough on this forum to understand mindsets.

Lolz..you are dumber than i thought.

Man is the entire indian race in a habit of eat what it spits?

You were hammering all of us that why should india negate of accept the existence of CS and you got a facepalm in response to it, and now showing how stupid you are you unwillingly accepted that CS exists and can be executed against Pakistan. How the heck said that we wouldt prepare for an offensive development by our neigbours?

Numbskull sire, let me tell you what exactly is happening on this thread (or should i say what does the article revolves around);

1-The CSD exists, now whether that can be put it effect is something that time would tell.

2-After having being hammered by the US, india has to lick it's own turd and face the humiliating of blaming the CS over 'some twisting by the thinktanks'.

3-The article is indeed interested in pointing out two things; One that india has to eat upon its own words. Two, the world in general and india in particular should not accuse Pakistan paranoia as the indian threat was/is/would always be there against Pakistan (read the CSD, this time).

Man, you are shallower than i initially thought!
Seems hurt ego's are more at work than any nervousness...
If Azm-e-Nau taught Pakistani forces anything.. they realized that it took only a meager investment in a certain SA multiplier to put all the cold start to cold turkey.
The whole idea of cold start involves constant readiness for a corps sized force.
Think that 2001-2 standoff.. if I remember correctly.. didn't some IA troop suicides start during that??... that could work for cold start forces as well.
Maybe we should start calling this cold suicide...some IA officers are going to lose their wives to this..after all.. all that time away from home can get your sweetheart very very lonely.
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