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Kill Mullah Fazlullah or allow us to do so”, Pakistan asks Afghan govt

If you have the power lets take him out inside Afghanistan after inforiimng them we are coming to wipe out our Frankenstein.

This is really off topic but I couldn't help it.
Frankenstein is actually the scientist who creates the monster, and is generally confused as the monster. Hope it clears out any misconceptions.
With news coming of an US delta force raid on IS target in syria; i want to know can such an op be done against this harami mullah ... if no what are the capabilities involved that we still dont have? What about training? How if at all is US training superior to ourz?
With news coming of an US delta force raid on IS target in syria; i want to know can such an op be done against this harami mullah ... if no what are the capabilities involved that we still dont have? What about training? How if at all is US training superior to ourz?

I believe it's a matter of resources, U.S.A has much more military operation flexibility then we do.
does the same apply yo mullah omar? sure as hell did not apply to OBL

Now that's a think tank post.

More like an Analyst post after analysis.

See, you drop nukes in a limited area. Taliban/Al-qaeda/ISIS infested areas are not really civilian populated. This concerns the Afghan Pak border. So if we drop those tactical nukes there, it will kill these pests and irradiate the area so they can't come back and breed in the future.


Duke, do you agree?
More like an Analyst post after analysis.

See, you drop nukes in a limited area. Taliban/Al-qaeda/ISIS infested areas are not really civilian populated. This concerns the Afghan Pak border. So if we drop those tactical nukes there, it will kill these pests and irradiate the area so they can't come back and breed in the future.


Duke, do you agree?

:raise::raise::raise: i do :raise::raise::raise:
I think you are still in denial.

India is most likely helping BLA,BRA through Afghanistan but I am not sure about TTP. TTP is being provided safe haven in Afghanistan by Afghan themselves and US in response to our protection or lack of action against Haqqanis. The day we eliminate Haqqanis, soon you gonna have the news of Maullana Fazullah being killed by a drone or by Afghan forces.

As far as RAW involvement with sectarian outfits are concerned, hell no. Since India is not stupid enough to face same problem back in their home land if they play with this sectarian fire as it will reach there as well. Neither they like to upset Iranians by promoting killings of shias in Pakistan. So assertion of linking RAW with sectarian groups like Jundallah, LeJ is probably wrong.

So in a nutshell RAW involvement with ,
1) BLA/BRP = Yes
2) TTP = No
3)Sectarian militant groups = No
Why are you handing over any documents to Afghanistan? You have compromised it now.

Just send the jets and drop some sorties on these installations.
And alienate Ashraf Ghani who is considered a Pakistani ally. After long agonizing term of that loony Hamid Karzai, We have a pro Pakistan President in Kabul who have ignored the strong pro indian lobbies of Kabul and tilted havily towards Pakistan,
By bombing Afghanistan Fazlullah may or may not be killed. But Afghanistan will be lost forever in hands of India.
I think its very good step from Pak.
And alienate Ashraf Ghani who is considered a Pakistani ally. After long agonizing term of that loony Hamid Karzai, We have a pro Pakistan President in Kabul who have ignored the strong pro indian lobbies of Kabul and tilted havily towards Pakistan,
By bombing Afghanistan Fazlullah may or may not be killed. But Afghanistan will be lost forever in hands of India.
I think its very good step from Pak.

Who cares what Ghani is doing when behind the scenes RAW and TTP are getting together in Kabul under the watch of ANA.

Words are just words.
Do you remember Pakistan before 9/11?

Not a single suicide bombing was recorded. Not a single one over 50 years.

This entire militancy is artificial and money is being offered to psychopaths and murderers in society to pretend to be terrorists with a cause.
Yes and those bomb blasts that happened in faislabad etc were courtesy raw sarabjit and surjit singhs.

Lets bomb suspected fazlullah hideouts and all indian consulates and cultural centres in afghanistan. What a delight itwill be.

Then fry the bsf too. Such fun.
Give a hard & effective lesson to India to gain peace for next 40 years as did Chinese in 1962.
More like an Analyst post after analysis.

See, you drop nukes in a limited area. Taliban/Al-qaeda/ISIS infested areas are not really civilian populated. This concerns the Afghan Pak border. So if we drop those tactical nukes there, it will kill these pests and irradiate the area so they can't come back and breed in the future.


Duke, do you agree?

A nuke is too easy on Taliban and at the same time, will draw every single Western country to the press, screaming abuse and war crimes. We might even get sanctioned for usage of nuclear weapons on enemy soil. Better thing to do is round up as many Taliban footsoldiers as we can and publicly execute them. That is how the Taliban established their own supremacy; they killed any dissenter in public and let clansmen see what happens to those who do not obey them.
Seem like RAW is behind these attacks, now there is posiblity of another 2008 mumbai like attack on Indian soil. Indians should have seen this coming, you don't burn other people houses like that.

Maybe ISI is already thinking about revenge.
What authorities did what exactly neede at this point of time. We need to take afghan govt which is btw already a pro pakistan govt, in to more confidence. We must at all cost respect their sovernity .

As far as the raw involvement is concern , pak security agencies should do the same in India . Support the separatist with all the money , intel they need . This will give india taste of its own medicine.

Using the nuclear option , it's simply crazy . We need to think and act smart as the time is very critical.
time to reactivate ISI in India............ beef up operation Tupac
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