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Khatam e nabowat bill passed

NS should put his bum on atom and should test again, everyone will start believing him.
His bum is already on an atom. Everything is made out of atoms.

Obviously PTI wale don't know this, but Nawaz did, he made the atom bomb after all, and tested it

1:06 ....... 'Islamic Socialism ... not other isms'
Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation nation. Now it is the time, chance and opportunity for every Mussalman to make his or her fullest and best contribution, and make the greatest sacrifice and work ceaselessly and selfishly in the service of our nation. And make Pakistan one of the greatest nations of the world

Main line from the speech tbh
Maulana Abdul Rahim Dard (rh), the man who met Jinnah (rh) and gave a message from the second Khalifa (rh) of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and convinced him to go back to Pakistan. And, to symbolize Jinnah’s return to politics, Dard arranged for a lecture on the future of India at the “London Mosque” in Putney London in April 1933 where Jinnah acknowledged the Imam’s role in his decision to return to political life, saying:

“The eloquent persuasion of the Imam left me no escape.” The Sunday Times, London, 9th April 1933.

Actually, it's wrong to say he only "met" him. They were friends and spoke regularly.
Typical!!!! So bloody typical ... that all you got? You seculars have only this and nothing else!

“Who am I to give you a constitution? The prophet of Islam had given us a constitution 1,300 years ago. We have to simply follow and implement it, and based on it we have to establish in our state Islam’s great system of governance.”

To State Bank:
"I shall watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic ideas of social and economic life. The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity and to many of us it appears that only a miracle can save it from disaster that is not facing the world. It has failed to do justice between man and man and to eradicate friction from the international field. On the contrary, it was largely responsible for the two world wars in the last half century. The Western world, in spite of its advantages, of mechanization and industrial efficiency is today in a worse mess than ever before in history. The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contended people. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind."

Grab a drink and do a bit of research instead of just hanging on to one speech that was aimed to stop the bloodshed.

So you will decide which one of Quaid's speech should be accepted and which one should be disregarded because it doesn't fall in line with your extremist agenda?

Pakistan is already a basket case of religious extremism. If anything it needs less of religion to actually prosper or it can continue to be a poor third world country where every sin under the sun is committed but its all ok because atleast it is "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC"
I've heard it from my elders. And before you say that's no evidence, my elders were closer to Jinnah (rh) than 99% of Pakistanis alive today. He considered us Muslims.
This is clearly personal for you and I won't argue with you about it, it would be disrespectful.

What Jinnahs personal beliefs were are just that; personal. I believe that anyone who considers there to be any Prophet after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to hold beliefs contrary to Islam. I believe that anyone who considers there to be any divine revelation after the Quran to hold beliefs contrary to Islam.

I don't know what you believe. I don't think it is nice to call someone who considers themselves Muslim as non Muslim, I imagine it's hurtful.

I do think the classification of Ahmediya as non Muslims is partly a political issue as there are other "wierd" sects like the Nation of Islam, the Alawites etc who don't get such specific attention. Having said all that, I struggle to trust any Muslim community so deeply embedded with Britain and Israel.
Anther bill passed a box " to ask believe in Khatam e nabowat" will be removed. Or do you believe in khatam e nabowat or not question will be removed.

What is your source?

Nobody else is reporting this. Kindly provide the source with your thread otherwise you’ll be banned for two weeks from now on.
What is your source?

Nobody else is reporting this. Kindly provide the source with your thread otherwise you’ll be banned for two weeks from now on.


Now ban the Imran Khan lovers attacking DILON KA PM
So you will decide which one of Quaid's speech should be accepted and which one should be disregarded because it doesn't fall in line with your extremist agenda?

Extremist? :lol:

Nah, I am not the one to decide, the muslims this nation was specifically carved for already have. It is you and your kind who are deciding the speech to accept and shoving a warped version of it down the throat of Pakistanis to promote secularism.

If Jinnah had wanted secularism for Pakistan, he would have never struggled for a muslim majority nation. That seems to not get past your thick secular skin!
This is clearly personal for you and I won't argue with you about it, it would be disrespectful.

What Jinnahs personal beliefs were are just that; personal. I believe that anyone who considers there to be any Prophet after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to hold beliefs contrary to Islam. I believe that anyone who considers there to be any divine revelation after the Quran to hold beliefs contrary to Islam.

I don't know what you believe. I don't think it is nice to call someone who considers themselves Muslim as non Muslim, I imagine it's hurtful.

I do think the classification of Ahmediya as non Muslims is partly a political issue as there are other "wierd" sects like the Nation of Islam, the Alawites etc who don't get such specific attention. Having said all that, I struggle to trust any Muslim community so deeply embedded with Britain and Israel.

Touching on this topic in too much detail will obviously turn it in to a religious discussion. You hold your beliefs and I hold mine. You believe I have gone astray, and I believe you have gone astray. My question is, is it the state that's going to answer this question or Allah ta'ala on judgement day?

The declaration of Ahmadis as non Muslim was done at instigation of another country, which was accepted by one of Bhutto's confidents'.

Even Bhutto owed a lot to Ahmadis, as a lot of Ahmadis supported him and heavily campaigned for him. The person who became the fourth Khalifa of Ahmadis was very close to him and felt betrayed when Bhutto did what he did. It was a completely political decision, the case of supposed violence that preceded it involved just some youths with minor scuffles. No one was killed or even badly injured in that clash, the pretense of which was used to declare Ahmadis Kafir.

As for Britain, Israel issue, taking some bits of out of context quotes, or using pictures that don't tell the background can imply anything. I present this as so called Israel connection is always brought up, because some random person met an Israeli minister etc:

"The problem of Palestine entered on a new phase after 1 December 1947 when, through the joint efforts of the United States and the USSR, the General Assembly most unjustly adopted its resolution recommending partition of Palestine. Hazrat Mirza Bashirud Din Mahmud Ahmad Sahib, Khalifatul Masih II, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, wrote two strong articles revealing the background of the partition of Palestine. The first of these was published on 28 November and the second on 11 December 1947. In these articles he established clearly that Jewish settlement in Palestine had been carried out under a conspiracy to which the USSR, USA and Britain were parties. He pointed out that these great powers appeared to be opposed to each other in pursuit of their political objectives but that they were united in their hostility towards the Muslims and that they had no sympathy with the Arabs and Muslims. He urged the Muslims to stand upon their own legs and that they should put forth every effort to do so.

These revolutionary articles of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II made a great stir in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab Countries. ‘The Syrian radio broadcast a special summary of them and thus conveyed their purport to all corners of the Arab world. Leading Arab newspapers like the Al-Yaum, Al-Akhbar, Al-Qabas, Al-Nasr, Sautul Ahrar and AI-Urdon etc. published extracts of these articles and unanimously praised and upheld the stand of the writer.

In June 1948 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II delivered an address in Lahore in which he strongly urged the Muslims to unite so as to rescue Palestine from the grip of the Zionists. With reference to this address the AI-Shura of Baghdad in its issue of 8 June 1948 observed:

An address by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad

We have received a tract which has been published in Baghdad in which a powerful address off Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Qadian, is set out which he delivered in Lahore after the setting up of the so-called State of Israel. This address is captioned ‘The disbelievers are all one community’. We appreciate the Islamic indignation and Islamic efforts of the people who have published this very useful tract.

The AI-Nahzah of 12 July 1948 wrote:

We have received a tract which comprises an address of Al-Syed Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahib which he delivered in Lahore. In this address he has urged the Muslims to unite and has drawn attention to the need of solid and effective efforts towards rescuing Palestine from the grip of Zionist criminals and has asked the people of Pakistan to render immediate help to the Palestine Arabs. Reminding the Muslims of their common allegiance to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and arguing from verses of the Holy Quran the speaker has urged them to organize themselves to with-stand the onsets of the Zionist criminals who are being supported by the United States and Communist Russia in pursuance of their interests and special purposes. He has asked the Muslims not to display weakness or distress, but to keep in mind their obligations of Jihad for the upholding of Islam and Muslims."

What has happened now, cannot be changed with Israel becoming a reality. We are a missionary movement, we meet the Israelis to convert them too. Ahmadis supported Pakistan in Kashmir in 48 war, at that time, wouldn't others would have said, Ahmadis are just primarily Pro Pakistan? If people take things out of context, it can be spun in anyway they like.

Most antagonism to Ahmadis is political, barring the average masses who are whipped up in to frenzy over religious differences.
. .
Let this be understood clearly. If a Qadiyani/Mirzai/Lahori who pass themselves off as Ahmadi, if one of them stands on the main road of Lakemba in Sydney and tries to say they are Muslims, this person would be pelted with stones. They DO NOT DARE to pass themselves off as Muslims even here in Australia. So don't give us the argument that we live in Secular countries. Being Secular doesn't give Muslims the right to call themselves Christians and similarly for these Qadiyanis.
Jinnah prayed his Eid namaz behind Qadianis. You still sure you want his Pakistan?

Whether that is true or not, neither you nor I are witness to it.

Namaz is a connection between Allah and me, who the imam is irrelevant to me as long as there are no changes whatsoever in the verses. And I do not ask for the mazhab of an imam when I go to any mosque.
Touching on this topic in too much detail will obviously turn it in to a religious discussion. You hold your beliefs and I hold mine. You believe I have gone astray, and I believe you have gone astray. My question is, is it the state that's going to answer this question or Allah ta'ala on judgement day?

The declaration of Ahmadis as non Muslim was done at instigation of another country, which was accepted by one of Bhutto's confidents'.

Even Bhutto owed a lot to Ahmadis, as a lot of Ahmadis supported him and heavily campaigned for him. The person who became the fourth Khalifa of Ahmadis was very close to him and felt betrayed when Bhutto did what he did. It was a completely political decision, the case of supposed violence that preceded it involved just some youths with minor scuffles. No one was killed or even badly injured in that clash, the pretense of which was used to declare Ahmadis Kafir.

As for Britain, Israel issue, taking some bits of out of context quotes, or using pictures that don't tell the background can imply anything. I present this as so called Israel connection is always brought up, because some random person met an Israeli minister etc:

"The problem of Palestine entered on a new phase after 1 December 1947 when, through the joint efforts of the United States and the USSR, the General Assembly most unjustly adopted its resolution recommending partition of Palestine. Hazrat Mirza Bashirud Din Mahmud Ahmad Sahib, Khalifatul Masih II, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, wrote two strong articles revealing the background of the partition of Palestine. The first of these was published on 28 November and the second on 11 December 1947. In these articles he established clearly that Jewish settlement in Palestine had been carried out under a conspiracy to which the USSR, USA and Britain were parties. He pointed out that these great powers appeared to be opposed to each other in pursuit of their political objectives but that they were united in their hostility towards the Muslims and that they had no sympathy with the Arabs and Muslims. He urged the Muslims to stand upon their own legs and that they should put forth every effort to do so.

These revolutionary articles of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II made a great stir in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab Countries. ‘The Syrian radio broadcast a special summary of them and thus conveyed their purport to all corners of the Arab world. Leading Arab newspapers like the Al-Yaum, Al-Akhbar, Al-Qabas, Al-Nasr, Sautul Ahrar and AI-Urdon etc. published extracts of these articles and unanimously praised and upheld the stand of the writer.

In June 1948 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II delivered an address in Lahore in which he strongly urged the Muslims to unite so as to rescue Palestine from the grip of the Zionists. With reference to this address the AI-Shura of Baghdad in its issue of 8 June 1948 observed:

An address by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad

We have received a tract which has been published in Baghdad in which a powerful address off Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Qadian, is set out which he delivered in Lahore after the setting up of the so-called State of Israel. This address is captioned ‘The disbelievers are all one community’. We appreciate the Islamic indignation and Islamic efforts of the people who have published this very useful tract.

The AI-Nahzah of 12 July 1948 wrote:

We have received a tract which comprises an address of Al-Syed Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahib which he delivered in Lahore. In this address he has urged the Muslims to unite and has drawn attention to the need of solid and effective efforts towards rescuing Palestine from the grip of Zionist criminals and has asked the people of Pakistan to render immediate help to the Palestine Arabs. Reminding the Muslims of their common allegiance to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and arguing from verses of the Holy Quran the speaker has urged them to organize themselves to with-stand the onsets of the Zionist criminals who are being supported by the United States and Communist Russia in pursuance of their interests and special purposes. He has asked the Muslims not to display weakness or distress, but to keep in mind their obligations of Jihad for the upholding of Islam and Muslims."

What has happened now, cannot be changed with Israel becoming a reality. We are a missionary movement, we meet the Israelis to convert them too. Ahmadis supported Pakistan in Kashmir in 48 war, at that time, wouldn't others would have said, Ahmadis are just primarily Pro Pakistan? If people take things out of context, it can be spun in anyway they like.

Most antagonism to Ahmadis is political, barring the average masses who are whipped up in to frenzy over religious differences.

Yes, yes. These people have a history of using humanitarian crises to forward their own agenda and make themselves relevant. They remain solidly non-Muslim for all their efforts.
. .
Yes, yes. These people have a history of using humanitarian crises to forward their own agenda and make themselves relevant. They remain solidly non-Muslim for all their efforts.

Do you honestly think that it matters to me what a hypocritical Momin who enjoys life under the non Muslim kafirs thinks about my faith? The only reason I even say anything about Ahmadi issue is the unfair treatment of Ahmadis in a country that was founded by my folks. Your fatwa on religion doesn't mean anything to me. I am content with my faith.
Do you honestly think that it matters to me what a hypocritical Momin who enjoys life under the non Muslim kafirs thinks about my faith? The only reason I even say anything about Ahmadi issue is the unfair treatment of Ahmadis in a country that was founded by my folks. Your fatwa on religion doesn't mean anything to me. I am content with my faith.

This is not my fatwa to give. It's the fatwa given by valid religious scholars. Read my post above. Living in a non-Muslim country DOES NOT mean we consider them Muslims. They are considered as much non-Muslim in Australia as Christians are non-Muslims.

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