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Khan sahab cant win the elections, Najam sethi

Next PM of pakistan 2023

  • Nawaz sharif

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Imran khan

    Votes: 69 90.8%

  • Total voters
Please be logical
Sethi very confident that with 70 seats out of 100 from central punjab and 50 seats from sindh PDM can easily form a govt(even with 2018 performance)
30-50 seats will also come from establishment engnring

Well, if elections are rigged Imran Khan won’t win.

Najam Sethi is pressuring Establishment to not carry out free and fair elections.
I argue even if they arent rigged he wont win
This was my assessment..sindh and central ounjab will make PDM win

this will only change if pakistan bankrupts or if inflations runs at 100% like it did in 1998
that will be also good for IK. Reason by next election economy of pakistan may be unable to recover.
Even if PTI matches 2018 election results, they should be able to form the government.

The PDM won’t survive next elections. PPP and PMLN will be at each other’s throats. To get them together, Donald Lu would need to send another letter and tell the establishment to perform sajda to their demands. There are too many moving parts here.

Easiest route will be to massively rig elections. Not engineering, but massive rigging.
Fact and reality and even PTI fan will agree.

1) ECP is on PDM side

2) Establishment does not care about Politics now.

3) PDM has grip in Punjab.

4) Judges are towards constitutions.

5) No electable are on PTI side.

6) PTI can only really on KPK if the electable stay

7) No support like 2018.

8) Media is negative.

9) No breakthrough in Sindh or Baloachistan.

All his eggs are towards KPK.
IK can definitely win - although hard to predict anything with certainty. All it will take is another few weeks/months of deadlocks, an unpopular next budget etc., and this mutant government would be even less popular.

Also when it comes to electioneering, pre election alliances tend to back fire in terms of public support, the messaging and optics are terrible, compare that Imran Khan’s populism and reasonably clear message.

Get your popcorn ready for the next GE opinion poll, it may tell us who’s in the lead.
IK can definitely win - although hard to predict anything with certainty. All it will take is another few weeks/months of deadlocks, an unpopular next budget etc., and this mutant government would be even less popular.

Also when it comes to electioneering, pre election alliances tend to back fire in terms of public support, the messaging and optics are terrible, compare that Imran Khan’s populism and reasonably clear message.

Get your popcorn ready for the next GE opinion poll, it may tell us who’s in the lead.
when is it?
IK can definitely win - although hard to predict anything with certainty. All it will take is another few weeks/months of deadlocks, an unpopular next budget etc., and this mutant government would be even less popular.

Also when it comes to electioneering, pre election alliances tend to back fire in terms of public support, the messaging and optics are terrible, compare that Imran Khan’s populism and reasonably clear message.

Get your popcorn ready for the next GE opinion poll, it may tell us who’s in the lead.
Cannot do that. IHC and 2017 Qazi decision is bound on Pakistan.

If does that than he will face contempt of court with his Supports and Party.

That is why Maulana failed in 2020, PPP failed and PMLN failed.

He is only is trying to get arrested somehow.

You forgot public.

PDM does not have a firm grip on Punjab. Can say to a certain extent for Central Punjab but after PDM installation thanks to Donald Lu, situation is hard to gauge.

Judges/Establishment sell outs.

Media towards PDM thanks to hefty payouts.

PTI is more popular than it was in 2018. Thanks to the narrative and in addition the inflation that is eating into PDM popularity.

Will PDM stay in it’s current state? Will establishment continue to be the glue or the public pressure will make sure they go to barracks and not meddle?

No breakthrough in Balochistan.

No breakthrough in Sindh (except Karachi and Hyderabad)

You forgot public.

PDM does not have a firm grip on Punjab. Can say to a certain extent for Central Punjab but after PDM installation thanks to Donald Lu, situation is hard to gauge.

Judges/Establishment sell outs.

Media towards PDM thanks to hefty payouts.

PTI is more popular than it was in 2018. Thanks to the narrative and in addition the inflation that is eating into PDM popularity.

Will PDM stay in it’s current state? Will establishment continue to be the glue or the public pressure will make sure they go to barracks and not meddle?

No breakthrough in Balochistan.

No breakthrough in Sindh (except Karachi and Hyderabad)

People don't realize that IK won 2018 with a simple majority. The results before the delay/sabotage were clear. It was deliberately handicapped.

Remember Khawaja Asif lost his seat and Bajwa gifted it to him is just one such instance.

There were many seats where literally number of votes were reversed.
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