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Khalistani protagonists converge at Golden Temple


Feb 2, 2007
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AMRITSAR: Supporters of Khalistan once again gathered in Golden Temple complex on Wednesday to justify and eulogize the heinous and violent acts of Sikh militants on the occasion of 21st anniversary of Sukhdev Singh Sukha and Harjinder Singh Jinda, assassins of former Army chief General AS Vaidya.

Backed by Shiromani Akali Dal (B), Sikh's largest representative body in India- Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) had organized the function in Gurdwara Jhandae Bungae situated inside Golden Temple complex where bogh (concluding ceremony) of Akhand Path (uninterrupted recital of Sri Guru Granth Sahib) was performed and the family members of both assassins were bestowed upon siropa's (robe of honour) besides speeches were made appealing Sikh youth to 'follow footsteps of Sukha and Jinda'.

Army had conducted Operation Bluestar to flush out heavily armed militants from Golden Temple from June 3 to 6t which was ordered by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the operation was carried out under the instructions of the then Indian Army chief General Arun Shridhar Vaidya who was later assassinated by Sukha and Jinda on August 10 , 1986 while he was driving his car home from market in Pune. Both the assassins were captured and sentenced to death, their execution was carried out on October 9, 1992 in Pune's Yerwada Central jail. Granthi (reader of Sikh scriptures), Golden Temple, Giani Ravel Singh said that both Sukha and Jinda had achieved 'martyrdom' by fulfilling their mission to kill Vaidya who had attacked Golden Temple for the sake of Sikh religion and had upheld the maryada (religious code of conduct) of Sikh's supreme temporal seat Akal Takht.

He also appealed to Sikh youth to take 'lesson' from the 'martyrdom' of both the militants.

Sikh radical organization Dal Khalsa's spokesperson Kanwarpal Singh who was also there to participate in the function said "we have gathered here to pay tributes to them as they are our quami martyrs who embraced martyrdom to avenge the sacrilege of Golden Temple and Akal Takht .

They were martyrs of Khalistan struggle and we feel pride in them," President of Shiromani Akali Dal (Panch Pardhani) Harpal Singh Cheema who was president of Sikh Youth of America and was extradited from there said both Sukha and Jinda were 'martyrs' of Sikh Panth and they remember both of them along with other martyrs in their daily prayer.

Khalistani protagonists converge at Golden Temple to pay homage to Sukha-Jinda - Times Of India
well if you are a religious person , you would never even dare to enter the premises of temple, gurudwara , etc with guns and explosives. They did it and other thing which is of importance is that religious leaders knew it . The operation was of at most importance to thrash such attempts .

I do not care who ever it is Hindu, muslim , sikh, christians , etc , if in future by any chance anyone dares to make such an attempt again they must be flushed out.
Dal Khalsa... Zindabad
Babbar Khalsa... Zindabad

Pakistani people fully support their just struggle for freedom from indian oppression. Go for it guys.

Then you will also support the capital of Khalistan as Lahore and the Khalistan territory ranging from Kabul to Delhi

Dal Khalsa... Zindabad
Babbar Khalsa... Zindabad

Pakistani people fully support their just struggle for freedom from indian oppression. Go for it guys.

Same way we do Support for Baluchistan, Waziristan, Paktunistan freedom struggle.
well if you are a religious person , you would never even dare to enter the premises of temple, gurudwara , etc with guns and explosives. They did it and other thing which is of importance is that religious leaders knew it . The operation was of at most importance to thrash such attempts .

I do not care who ever it is Hindu, muslim , sikh, christians , etc , if in future by any chance anyone dares to make such an attempt again they must be flushed out.

Sikhs had been asked to be armed at all times by Guru Arjan Dev.
Dal Khalsa... Zindabad
Babbar Khalsa... Zindabad

Pakistani people fully support their just struggle for freedom from indian oppression. Go for it guys.
Anything against India, you guys support it. It is a known fact now.
The movement for khalistan is all but dead and there is complete peace and harmony in Punjab, all the secessionist are abroad cooling there failed dreams
As per claims of Indians few khalistan supporters supposed to be in US & Canada only - how come in India?

The might be supporters of movements but not anti national anymore lest they will be arrested
As per claims of Indians few khalistan supporters supposed to be in US & Canada only - how come in India?

Because India is a democracy. If the protest are peaceful, Indians have no problem. Any violence would not be tolerated. Same applies to Kashmiri separatists. They are free to converge and protest for Kashmiristan or whatever they have in mind. But no violence please.
Then you will also support the capital of Khalistan as Lahore and the Khalistan territory ranging from Kabul to Delhi


lol They never demanded Pakistani punjab, they just want to live their own way instead of being slaves of Hindus. 70% of East Punjab is addicted to drugs and even more to Alcohol. And hindu banya instead of doing something about it blame Pakistan. Drug addicts cant work so Indians like biharis are flooding East Punjab. Soon Sikhs will be minorty even in East Punjab, they better wake up early.
lol They never demanded Pakistani punjab, they just want to live their own way instead of being slaves of Hindus. 70% of East Punjab is addicted to drugs and even more to Alcohol. And hindu banya instead of doing something about it blame Pakistan. Drug addicts cant work so Indians like biharis are flooding East Punjab. Soon Sikhs will be minorty even in East Punjab, they better wake up early.

There are no biharis flooding punjab.

Well, after the taliban TTP does its work in Pakistan and Maoists do their work in india ,you might see khalistan rising.
Because India is a democracy. If the protest are peaceful, Indians have no problem. Any violence would not be tolerated. Same applies to Kashmiri separatists. They are free to converge and protest for Kashmiristan or whatever they have in mind. But no violence please.

Yes the full face of Indian democracy was revealed at Kunan Poshpora incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Face it, India gets as autocratic as any autocratic state that has ever existed if it feels its interests are being infringed upon.
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