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Khalistan flag/Nishan Sahib raised on Red fort, police clash with Sikh farmers

Did modi declare all farmers in protest as traitor ? Or still not
The fire which modi started in Gujrat has come to Delhi.
The fire which modi started in Gujrat has come to Delhi.
"Modi" could have them all gunned down and will still win in a landslide.

India has had enough of these "farmers" and their paid stooges. Most would be happy to see this quelled in a bloody fashion. :butcher:
Ladakh captured by China, all minorities are geared up against the centre and criminal Govt, Jammu & Kashmir (Indian illegal occupied Kashmir) is already on fire. Meanwhile Bakhats & Indian majority behind laptops defending Extremist Govt. After all, DOVAL's Doctrine on fire. All credit goes to Modi G and Indian media who literally made their demoralized shitty armed forces and a country a perfect laughing stock for the world. Trios (GOI, Indian Media, and Military) trying their best to spread terrorism, chaos, and anarchy in Pakistan, Srilanka, and Afghanistan now fuckedup their own shithole

Khalistan ZINDABAD!
You may not be interested in my life, still you are interested in my country. People who can't afford diamond just call is a useless gem :lol:
People who are interested in others matters, crawl like cockroaches on their forums.
As for diamonds, it's also known that empty vessels make a lot of noise.
Hamid Gul explaining the current 2021 scenario of Khalistan movement some years ago.
This is such a shame for Hindustan. We support Khalistan movement. Sikhs must be freed from Hindustani tyranny.
I hope the Sikhs unite with the Jatts on a common struggle against the Hindu government. If the government moves against them then they can expect a huge resentment in the military where a sizable portion of the Jawans is from these 2 areas.
Modi played it so well, he let these hooligans have their few hours of fun ,no major causality, not much public property damage (that too gets recovered) ,no backdown on laws.

and all the sympathy for them is down the drain ,people who were bringing them food now wants them out.

These farmers just killed their entire movement, tomorrow Amit shah will simply order cases against them ( as he should) and all their protest sites will be cleared ,not to mention their tractors and SUV's will be ceased and will be used to get identifications.

nowadays its a fashion in Delhi in every winter some group of people backed by opposition will sit on the borders ,gets beaten up and go back.

No majority govt backdown on laws, they should have taken the one and a half year delay.

very stupid leadership in these protests.

The flag is not of khalistan dumbfucks, its their on every gurudwara in India, its a religious flag.

calling them khalistani will virtually end them.
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See modi is doing a fantastic job, we want modi for another term.
"Modi" could have them all gunned down and will still win in a landslide.

India has had enough of these "farmers" and their paid stooges. Most would be happy to see this quelled in a bloody fashion. :butcher:

When you talk like this about your own countrymen, you truly do not realise how much your country has lost it's way
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