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Khalistan expects Kashmir like support from Pakistan - Dr. Amarjit Singh

I have a different take on all of this compared to most Pakistanis. I for one could not care less about this Sikh movement. During the creation of Pakistan, the Sikhs killed around a million innocent Pakistanis. I therefore have no sympathy for them. Nor do I care about internal indian problems/politics. In the highly unlikely event that a Sikh homeland is created, they would eventually turn their sights on Pakistan Punjab and claim it as they're own. The Sikhs hate Muslims more than anyone else does so we need to be wary of this fact. So the indian government crackdown on the Sikh separatists is actually in Pakistan's favour.

Also, Pakistan is now a very strong & powerful nation. Each day that passes, Pakistan becomes more powerful & advanced. We are not affected by what happens in india or whether it rises or not. Other countries maybe affected by India but we are not one of them. If anything, the only 2 countries whose internal politics & rise or fall may affect Pakistan is China and Turkey. All other nations are irrelevant to us. All I care about is the Pakistan economy and military becoming stronger, powerful and more advanced. Nothing else matters.

You shouldn't block your bright future because you had a dark past.
Any Indian claiming Punjabi except Sikhs should be ashamed of backstabbing Sikhs by their elders. :pop::pop::pop:
You shouldn't block your bright future because you had a dark past.

Pakistan has a bright future because our economy and military are getting more powerful, advanced and stronger each day. What happens or doesn't happen in india is of no consequence, has 0 effect and has got absolutely nothing to do with us whatsoever. Getting involved with the sikhs or india is about as logical for us as getting involved in the internal politics of Ethiopia, Gambia or the Eskimos of the North/South Pole. All I care about mainly is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I also do care about Turkey & China because their well being directly affects us. All else is irrelevant to Pakistan.
I partially disagree. My family migrated and one of my dad's uncle was killed by Sikh's. None of us harbours any resentment towards Sikhs as a whole. It was a terrible time and a lot of awful things were done. To hate an entire community for that is wrong. How can a Muslim complain about Westerners categorising all of us as terrorists when we do the same to others?

I agree with the second point. Khalistanis most likely eye our Punjab too even though they don't say it outright. IF hypothetically there is a Khalistan they'll soon want West Punjab added to it too. On top of that most of these guys live outside India with little actual influence. They'll just milk us for our money without delivering anything in return.

I know from what my grandparents told me, that what the Sikhs did to the Pakistanis in the early days of our creation was worst than what the Nazis did the Jews. We had a holocaust committed against us yet no-one talks about it. The Sikhs wanted to wipe out the ENTIRE Pakistani race. They failed miserably though. What happened in 1984 to the Sikhs in india was a form of indirect retribution. If the indian government is committing human rights violations against Sikhs and crushing their resistance than I'm happy with that and I smile wryly, "the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend".
Pakistan has a bright future because our economy and military are getting more powerful, advanced and stronger each day. What happens or doesn't happen in india is of no consequence, has 0 effect and has got absolutely nothing to do with us whatsoever. Getting involved with the sikhs or india is about as logical for us as getting involved in the internal politics of Ethiopia, Gambia or the Eskimos of the North/South Pole. All I care about mainly is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I also do care about Turkey & China because their well being directly affects us. All else is irrelevant to Pakistan.
Totally agree. Sikhs history shows invariably conflicts with muslims way back from 47, their religious tales speak highly of such victories. They were never in conflict with Hindus. Actually Jatts/gujjars/Rajputs historically been the shield for India from invasions from west being of martial blood. Sikhism took over much of Jatt population in Punjab so introduced a religious fervor to it but they were even before Sikhism foghting against muslims.
Yesterday i met one sikh guy from indian punjab.. he was hesitate to talk about Khalistan but evantually when you remind them how their kids being hunged on Karpan inside Golden temple then their is no answer is left if Hindu doesnt respect their holliest place and came there with shoes and fill that holy water with blood then i think India is not HOLY at all.
if it happens once it can happen again..
Support but if that means killing people then that's a big "NO",Lets not go into Indian standards shall we.
We Pakistanis are a simple nation we don't get into all this Proxy war the recent URI attack was 100 % false flag but everyone knows how many attacks have Indian RAW done in Pakistan.
How Mehran base was attacked was totally an Intelligence based terror attack.
The mehran base continued the blabbering of the west that "Pakistans nukes weren't safe".
EDIT: There were reports that Nukes were Inside the base.
Very believable because its coastline defense base.
There's no way how Jihadis could attack in such a coordinated precise way ,The infiltration itself was impossible without real outside intelligence
Some people here are blindly advocating Khalistan as a strategic depth or whatsoever it is.

They are same time fighting with Afghanis over wheat donation by India and begging for Afghanis to accept how charitable Pakistan is to them.

What an irony.
I know from what my grandparents told me, that what the Sikhs did to the Pakistanis in the early days of our creation was worst than what the Nazis did the Jews. We had a holocaust committed against us yet no-one talks about it. The Sikhs wanted to wipe out the ENTIRE Pakistani race. They failed miserably though. What happened in 1984 to the Sikhs in india was a form of indirect retribution. If the indian government is committing human rights violations against Sikhs and crushing their resistance than I'm happy with that and I smile wryly, "the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend".

What is the Pakistani race? Pakistan is a nation not a race.

I hope you agree with Westerners holding similar views on Muslims as these are your principles. Hate is not good for you mere bhai.

I don't have anything against the Sikhs. Sikhs are not a monolith. The ones who did something to our grandparents probably died a long time ago.

I just don't want Pakistan to waste its time and money propagating a cause which is long dead. An independent East Punjab is not feasible nor is India going to let it happen.
You cannot keep flogging a dead horse for long. If an issue is dead its dead. It's just a waste of time and money for us to fund them.

That's exactly what those indians are saying, now isn't that strange? India kept flogging the dead horse in the then East Pakistan since 1952 and they successfully reaped the sweet fruits in 1971. Consistency is a virtue seldom appreciated by fools.
Pakistan should raise the voice in the international community by saying the truth of the time and the truth is that "If indian government is unable to fulfill the wishes and demands of the peoples of their own country the Sikh community than how can they behave and stay in limits with the people of indian occupied kashmir. Indian government is failed again and again in resolving the issues with the Sikh community because they are not given the rights and their demands are not fulfilled instead they are beaten most of the times if they raise their voice of freedom. India is violating Human Rights again and again whether it is in Kashmir or within their own Country. The Punjab of india is majority of Sikh community but they are treated as a minority there and Khalistan tehreek realized that they will not be given the rights of majority that is why they asked Pakistan to help them in this cause just like Pakistan is raising voice on cause of Kashmir.
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