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Sorry whose this?? Modi?

These Billions should be shared and spent on the people of India- it could do A LOT of good if used properly. I have heard though that the temple owners want to use it for "upkeep"??!! I mean they can have some of the money but not all, a temple doesn't need BILLIONS for up keep. Seems rather selfish is thats how it plays out. I can't really see Muslims and certainly not Sikhs keepingsuch vast quantities of cash for themselves whilst so much good could be done with the money.

the waqf properties and the gurudwara assets are not managed by the the govt......they are managed by the community members itself.....but most of the temples are managed by Govt and extracting the resources of the temples......by last audit waqf had 6000 crores worth of properties....when they are nationalized our temple properties can also be nationalized....till then it remains with the temple trustess only......why should hindu temple properties alone be nationalized when all other communities assets are not even touched....? its discrimination against hindus.....

The GOVT should intervene but they probably don't want to risk it for political reasons- risk upsetting 80% of vote bank. Although I'm sure most of these Hindus would agree with the distribution of this ENORMOUS treasure. Mostly because it is likely to benefit mostly Hindus.

majority of the hindus will not agree......its sacrilege according to our ancient temple laws and insulting our religious sentiments to touch the lords money.....
These Billions should be shared and spent on the people of India- it could do A LOT of good if used properly. I have heard though that the temple owners want to use it for "upkeep"??!! I mean they can have some of the money but not all, a temple doesn't need BILLIONS for up keep. Seems rather selfish is thats how it plays out. I can't really see Muslims and certainly not Sikhs keepingsuch vast quantities of cash for themselves whilst so much good could be done with the money.

the waqf properties and the gurudwara assets are not managed by the the govt......they are managed by the community members itself.....but most of the temples are managed by Govt and extracting the resources of the temples......by last audit waqf had 6000 crores worth of properties....when they are nationalized our temple properties can also be nationalized....till then it remains with the temple trustess only......why should hindu temple properties alone be nationalized when all other communities assets are not even touched....? its discrimination against hindus.....

The GOVT should intervene but they probably don't want to risk it for political reasons- risk upsetting 80% of vote bank. Although I'm sure most of these Hindus would agree with the distribution of this ENORMOUS treasure. Mostly because it is likely to benefit mostly Hindus.

majority of the hindus will not agree......its sacrilege according to our ancient temple laws and insulting our religious sentiments to touch the lords money.....

So most Hindus would rather continue living is poverty and horrible conditions because of some ancient law, most probably don't know and certainly not when it was written. Blindly keeping to such an outdated law is ignorance- following blindly just because it "says so". I have respect for any religion and their views when I am confronted with such lunacy that has NO place in today's modern world or "shining" India. And it is not just Hinduism- Islam has some outdated and decadent rules which in the modern light are so abhor ant and barbaric they are clearly not meant to be so are taken with "a pinch of salt" and most modern Muslims "interpret". Similarly modern Hindus do the same. But a few (I'm not saying you are one) people would prefer to live in the past and live by codes written THOUSANDS of years ago which cannot be applied to a modern society and only help to keep India back.

And btw, Sikhism is entirely founded on charity and good work- "sewa" is community work, expected to be done of all the community, "langaar" is a meal to which anyone is welcome and donations made to Gurdwaras are used within the greater community (for Sikhs and Non-Sikhs alike) so it insulting to claim Sikhs would indulge in this selfishness.
These Billions should be shared and spent on the people of India- it could do A LOT of good if used properly. I have heard though that the temple owners want to use it for "upkeep"??!! I mean they can have some of the money but not all, a temple doesn't need BILLIONS for up keep. Seems rather selfish is thats how it plays out. I can't really see Muslims and certainly not Sikhs keepingsuch vast quantities of cash for themselves whilst so much good could be done with the money.

The GOVT should intervene but they probably don't want to risk it for political reasons- risk upsetting 80% of vote bank. Although I'm sure most of these Hindus would agree with the distribution of this ENORMOUS treasure. Mostly because it is likely to benefit mostly Hindus.

This wealth was created over a 1500 year period.According to records the last time the locker was opened was in 1870s. So each item is at least 150 years old making it an archaeological gem. Its ridiculous to suggest that this wealth should be distributed among the people. Then I would also suggest that the artifacts stored in different museums also be sold and the money generated be added to the national exchequer.

This wealth was protected by the Travancore Royal Family for generations as a fixed deposit that is to be used in case Travancore faced any disasters. So they should have the last say about this wealth , not the Govt after all it is their family temple.

Anyways by law Govt cannot forcefully take the wealth out of the temple. If its done then it will create a precedent and every temple, mosque, chruch and gurudwara will have to give up their earnings to Govt which will not be acceptable to any community.

Minority institutions are one of the richest organizations in India. Waqf board happens to be one of the richest land lords, Christian missionary educational institutions are top money spinners. Assuming you are a Sikh will you part with the 'gold' in the Golden temple. If you cannot, spare the Hindu community your lecture.
So most Hindus would rather continue living is poverty and horrible conditions because of some ancient law, most probably don't know and certainly not when it was written. Blindly keeping to such an outdated law is ignorance - following blindly just because it "says so".

when does faith required that you build rationale into it ?......pardon me for asking this......but why do sikhs grow their hair when growing too much hair is not hygenic.....its their belief....and and such they are doing it which others must respect....just like that...we hindus too have some sacred laws...which we respect and expect others to respect.....coming to the poor hindus part....there is no guarentee that a single dime of this will reach the "poor hindu" if the govt takes it...most probably it will reach some swiss bank vault... and also this is my heritage...my culture....i cannot even dream of selling my culture....

I have respect for any religion and their views when I am confronted with such lunacy that has NO place in today's modern world or "shining" India.

for you its lunacy..but for us its not...deal with it....

And it is not just Hinduism- Islam has some outdated and decadent rules which in the modern light are so abhor ant and barbaric they are clearly not meant to be so are taken with "a pinch of salt" and most modern Muslims "interpret". Similarly modern Hindus do the same. But a few (I'm not saying you are one) people would prefer to live in the past and live by codes written THOUSANDS of years ago which cannot be applied to a modern society and only help to keep India back.

look its simple....no religious asset in india except for hinduism is managed by the govt....so why the double standards...?...secondly this wealth is a property of Lord Padmanabha and as such our customs/rituals dicatate it not be touched.....thirdly all the antiquities are more than 100-150 years old and as such are covered by the indian law not to be touched or used...you can google the laws.....

And btw, Sikhism is entirely founded on charity and good work- "sewa" is community work, expected to be done of all the community, "langaar" is a meal to which anyone is welcome and donations made to Gurdwaras are used within the greater community (for Sikhs and Non-Sikhs alike) so it insulting to claim Sikhs would indulge in this selfishness.

you would be surprised to see the amount of charitable works,super-speciality hospitals, mid-day meals, schools, colleges being run by the hindu charitable trusts and temples out of their own cost.....and that too irrespective of religion......so lets not take any high ground here.....
This wealth was created over a 1500 year period.According to records the last time the locker was opened was in 1870s. So each item is at least 150 years old making it an archaeological gem. Its ridiculous to suggest that this wealth should be distributed among the people. Then I would also suggest that the artifacts stored in different museums also be sold and the money generated be added to the national exchequer.

This wealth was protected by the Travancore Royal Family for generations as a fixed deposit that is to be used in case Travancore faced any disasters. So they should have the last say about this wealth , not the Govt after all it is their family temple.

Anyways by law Govt cannot forcefully take the wealth out of the temple. If its done then it will create a precedent and every temple, mosque, chruch and gurudwara will have to give up their earnings to Govt which will not be acceptable to any community.

Minority institutions are one of the richest organizations in India. Waqf board happens to be one of the richest land lords, Christian missionary educational institutions are top money spinners. Assuming you are a Sikh will you part with the 'gold' in the Golden temple. If you cannot, spare the Hindu community your lecture.

No, I'm not saying give up all this money. But BILLIONS is just a mind-boggling number and there is no reason for one temple or one family to keep hold of this "in case of disaster"? What does that mean? I'm sure even keeping a small fraction behind would be enough to cover them in case of any sort disaster for the next 1000 years.

I'm not preaching it would just be nice to see some actual philanthropy in India sited of the constant hoarding that goes on. In the international spotlight India has got a name for such selfish behaviour given the appalling conditions so many Indians live in. We all see it, every day but supposedly this has no effect on you people as you want a temple to keep BILLIONS whilst all around it starve. I mean f*+king Bill Gates had to come to India to beg Indians to give more to charity.

And on the Sikh front, the "Golden Temple" is not made from solid gold but gold leaf. And the Sikh communities charity work far exceeds its proportional size in India and the assists it holds. But lets not make this personnel.

@abingdonboy...this is one of the idols recovered...how do you propose to "distribute" this among people....? tell me ..as most of the wealth is in the form of exquisite idols, jewels, sharapalli malas etc and not in bars,coins etc....

also the wealth is not hoarded suddenly.....its a gradual accumulation over a millenium of offerings......

also if thats the case...why are the nizam's jewels protected safely in a museum...why were they not "distributed"...because they are our heritage man....you cant keep a price on your heritage.....also if this corrupt govt spends the budgetary amount properly without any corruption poverty can be reduced...we are not bankrupt as to grab temple wealth for any programme....

@abingdonboy...this is one of the idols recovered...how do you propose to "distribute" among people....? tell me ..as most of teh wealth is in the form of exquisite idols, jewels, sharapalli malas etc and not in bars etc....

You have a point friend, some of these items are priceless and worth as much on historic and cultural levels as financial levels. I truly don't have an answer right now but I'm sure museums around the world would pay big $$$ to buy such incredible artefacts to preserve them and exhibit them.
You have a point friend, some of these items are priceless and worth as much on historic and cultural levels as financial levels. I truly don't have an answer right now but I'm sure museums around the world would pay big $$$ to buy such incredible artefacts to preserve them and exhibit them.

exactly.....why should we sell our priceless artifacts, the should of our culture, heritage to make some money...somethings are priceless and culture/heritage is one such thing....infact i would favour the indian govt getting back the peacock throne of shahjahan...the kohinoor diamond etc at any cost...because they are our history...our heritage.....

we are not that poor...trust me...its only our political class that keeps us poor.....instead we can keep these things in museums which can earn valuable money and can keep the gold bars, coins in fd which can accrue some interest which can be used for hindu charitable purposes.....
exactly.....why should we sell our priceless artifacts, the should of our culture, heritage to make some money...somethings are priceless and culture/heritage is one such thing....infact i would favour the indian govt getting back the peacock throne of shahjahan...the kohinoor diamond etc at any cost...because they are our history...our heritage.....

we are not that poor...trust me...its only our political class that keeps us poor.....instead we can keep these things in museums which can earn valuable money and can keep the gold bars, coins in fd which can accrue some interest which can be used for hindu charitable purposes.....

Amen to that.. The self-righteous will say what they wanna say ...the fact is we keep this treasure intact .

You have a point friend, some of these items are priceless and worth as much on historic and cultural levels as financial levels. I truly don't have an answer right now but I'm sure museums around the world would pay big $$$ to buy such incredible artefact's to preserve them and exhibit them.
U think of 20 bil a big amount? U kno the significance of these rare artifacts? If auctioned off this treasure would be more that a trillion dollars.
The value is only determined in weight i assume ... the art value can never be calculated ... selling it would be the biggest disaster of a whole Hindu chapter.
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