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'Keep out!': China sent 6 warnings to a US Navy plane, but the US didn't back down

indeed hilarious. they are still stealing American technology left and right and they already proclaim themselves as a tech SUPAPOWA.
There is only ONE SUPA POWA.
Achieved and proclaimed in 2012.
You should be proud you have their DNA as well.
and you must have taken heavy doses of unit 731 prescribed medication that you possess PSYCHIC power to mind reading the Japanese american to know that they served in ww2 because they thought that they would not have died in Europe LOL
You overate me.
I don't have your AGENT ORANGE FUTURE VISION Powers.
I get it from reading this and others, SHAME rather than Pride.
A Nation's Shame: Japanese-American Internment in WWII
The reality of people rounded up and placed in camps because of their ethnicity is a blot on America's past — and a warning for its future.

This is one out of numerous reports of similar sentiment from Americans themselves.
Only AGENT ORANGE deranged like you will be PROUD instead.
Singapore is becoming the turkey of southeast asia, I don't even understand why the U.S is giving them the f-35. they are becoming rogue every day as I observe their attitude on pdf. if they enjoy being submissive to china that bad, let the Malaysian muslim rape them like the Indonesian muslim rape those ethnic chinese for sports in 1998 and see if their supa powa china navy will travel to their rescue or not.
The few Singaporeans on this forum truly do not reflect the sentiments of SG as a whole. I know because I work with many Singaporean engineers who came to the US, returned to SG, then returned to the US again. Singaporeans -- as a whole -- do not want to be Chinese. No more than Viets or the Japanese or Koreans who have Chinese ancestry want to be Chinese. Likewise, mainland Chinese do not give a hoot about Singapore. All this talk about Chinese ethnic ties are nothing more than rhetorical smoke and mirrors.

Singapore as a geographic location do serve a vital tactical resource just in case there is a need to contain China's expansion. While SG is not an official military ally to the US, the fact that the Singaporean military, especially the air force and navy, is US equipped means an ally in all but name. The Singaporean military is too small for anything other than for self defense, but SG can help US by being a staging point for any US military missions regarding the SCS.
@sinait, you sure have the time and the patience for the Agent Orange's victims.
Luckily I got lots of time, staying at home with very hot weather nowadays.
Curiosity of what AGENT ORANGE can do to a person kept me on.
I mean proud of being INCARCERATED in an INTERNMENT CAMP.
In so called freedom of the world, USA.
He says it is SAFE in INTERNMENT CAMP, so happy to be Interned.
I think he also have SADISTIC and Indian GANG RAPE syndrome.
Will see him on headlines soon.

He likes to get bashed.
I guess I had to oblige him.
He is a good example of a 疯狗.
Stronk China sooopa powaa! Much warnings. Much might. Many ships. Sea belong to us. Many IQs. Many dong fengs.
Yes, you're right no one's denying it. Just like now and the past Vietnam's always dependent on other foreign power since you've always been weak... Always. :D
Last we checked, VN did not depend on foreign assistance to beat China in that little border spat.
Last we checked, VN did not depend on foreign assistance to beat China in that little border spat.
When was this? Time and year? The last time was in 1988 spratlys spat and Vietnam got creamed.

If you're talking about the Sino - Vietnam War. You had to depend on the Soviet and had their backing but sadly they didn't come to your rescue.
If you're talking about the Sino - Vietnam War. You had to depend on the Soviet and had their backing but sadly they didn't come to your rescue.
The Soviets did not send troops.

The PLA's performance in that war was so bad that it made a case study in all the major military academies worldwide as an example of not evolving and underestimating a potential combat adversary. It was even worse for the PLA due to the fact that China aided VN against the US. All the boasting about 'winning' in Korea is wiped out in VN.
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