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Kayani warns US

They can shout, warn, or cry, but without Pakistan they are not going to find a solution, let alone an exit strategy.
Clinton demands action in days and weeks

ISLAMABAD: In a rather bitter-sweet message, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked Islamabad on Friday to start dismantling militant safe havens along the Afghan border within “days and weeks”, but said the United States respected Pakistan’s sovereignty and would not undertake any unilateral action against terrorists on its soil
US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115

WASHINGTON: US forces, in a big push into areas close to Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan, have killed 115 insurgents in four days of intense fighting against Haqqani militants to gain control of a critical corridor and resupply route to key bases in northeastern Afghanistan.

US and Nato forces are using long-range rockets fired from more than 120kms away to break-up large groups of Haqqani network, al-Qaida and Taliban militants, who, according to intelligence reports , are concentrated in Kunar province.

The US commanders have described the ongoing operation codenamed 'Knife Edge' as a "high-intensity , sensitive" mission to hit the Haqqani network, the New York Times reported in firsthand account from Kunar's provincial capital Asadabad.

US military officials said the fighting in Kunar province has been going on since October 15. "Our greatest concentration has been on Ghaziabad district, where we believe the Taliban have built their bases and strongholds," said Col Mohammed Numan Atifi, a spokesman for the Afghan National Army's 201st Corps.

US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115 - The Times of India

The Operation they are demanding is in North Wazirestan And The news you posted is of Kunar.

Try Google For AGhwanistan Map 1st.
The Operation they are demanding is in North Wazirestan And The news you posted is of Kunar.

Try Google For AGhwanistan Map 1st.

They are taking care of Afghan side and want to see a reciprocation on Pak side.
indian soldier- kunar is not in Pakistan- stop making fool out of yourself-
Kiyani threatening US with nuclear weapons! lol Even Russia with their best ICBMs and nuclear submarines cannot do that. Neither Pakistani missiles can reach anywhere near to US nor they can penetrate THAAD, Aegis or PAC-3. The return nukes from US will be total destruction. It is more like a suicide attempt.

Idiot threatening US is doesnt mean you will strike on USA from thousand miles away... US top notch forces sitting in Afghanistan.. US all major bases in Asia near Pakistan border do you have any idea if Pakistan destroy all their bases which in fact close and in range of Pakistan missiles do you have any idea how much loss (money/military) both of US ???? lol
Idiot threatening US is doesnt mean you will strike on USA from thousand miles away... US top notch forces sitting in Afghanistan.. US all major bases in Asia near Pakistan border do you have any idea if Pakistan destroy all their bases which in fact close and in range of Pakistan missiles do you have any idea how much loss (money/military) both of US ???? lol

Threat of Nuclear attack as a deterrent is mostly on dense civilian targets since the cost of 1 million dead in a single attack is unacceptable for any nation.. Do you think even the most foolish of Pakistani Generals, will trade off converting Pakistan into a Nuclear wasteland in exchange for killing 100-200 thousand of NATO forces.. Dont think so.. Its a stupid threat that has no basis.. In my view, its the journalists who are converting Kayani's reference to Nuclear weapons as a differentiator from countries like Iraq, into a boisterous claim of possible retaliation or threat.. Kayani is no one's fool to even contemplate threatening USA with Nukes..
Ok you choose land war, but what if US choose only air war?

you do understand that planes have to fly off a platform that is at ground level ( be it on land or sea ) and these platfroms can be targetted by what we have in our inventory
Threat of Nuclear attack as a deterrent is mostly on dense civilian targets since the cost of 1 million dead in a single attack is unacceptable for any nation.. Do you think even the most foolish of Pakistani Generals, will trade off converting Pakistan into a Nuclear wasteland in exchange for killing 100-200 thousand of NATO forces.. Dont think so.. Its a stupid threat that has no basis.. In my view, its the journalists who are converting Kayani's reference to Nuclear weapons as a differentiator from countries like Iraq, into a boisterous claim of possible retaliation or threat.. Kayani is no one's fool to even contemplate threatening USA with Nukes..

Bagram Airbase alone is home to 7000 US personel , that will be one sweet target to which travel time of one our BMs will be less than 10 minutes.
Why are you guys always sparring? It is clear as day that the Haqqani network and bases are spread across the borders of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And both need to be tackled simultaneously. But the question is: Why would Pakistan take on the Haqqanis? Three reasons for this...

1. The Haqqanis do not pose a threat to Pakistan, though they do have direct linkages to Al Qaeda.

2. The best bet for what Pakistan thinks would be a stable, friendly and a pro-Pakistan government in Afghanistan are the Haqqanis.

3. Any action against the Haqqanis at this stage would be disastrous as this would inevitably result in more bloodshed as the Haqqani's turn against the Establishment. The PA would be hard pressed to tackle a Haqqani-TTP alliance.

However, here is what a Pakistani general said:

“If America wants to stay in Afghanistan, or safeguard its interests in case of a proposed pull-out, it has to tame North Waziristan,” said retired Maj. Gen. Shafiq Ahmed, a Lahore-based security analyst.

Does General Ahmed's statement imply that America's only option is to launch concerted operations in North Waziristan? Would Pakistan allow American boots on its soil? Would it tacitly approve such operations whilst publicly denouncing them like the drone attacks?

I think if push comes to shove, the US would indeed launch special operations inside Pakistan to take out the Haqqani camps based on hard intelligence. The question is, how would the Pakistan army and Air Force respond? Would it take on the US Forces head on? Will the Haqqanis and the PA form an alliance against US Forces?

It would be interesting to see how all this unfolds. Unfortunately, Pakistan is between the devil and the deep blue sea. It's 'Damned if you do, and damned if you don't'!
Did that guy Just threaten United States with Nuclear Bombs.

I thought all they had was a couple hundred Hiroshima class bombs, and no means to deliver them(except perhaps camel back!).

Is that guy reallyu the army Commander out there:blink:

He seems like another Gaddhafi nutcase in making.

and you sound like that typical boold thristy animal that is seeking to kill more and more muslims.

---------- Post added at 07:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 AM ----------

its the reality of a nuclear exchange that has boxed the US in afghansitan , other wise they would have attacked Pakistan long time back
America is dying a slow economic death, their people are out on the streets protesting against the draining of the US wealth by wars and the 1% which are 'the ones who cannot be named'

As far as Indians are concerned then I've said it before that Indians have more faith in America than than even Americans have themselves
Is it possible that we were writing the post at the same time. Perhaps You live in a civilized nation so try to be courteous to fellow human beings. There is no need to come across as shouting person. I respect your views and you can counter those in a much more respectful ways in order to win the respect of fellow human beings.

By the way you posted your post at 8:46 PM. I was also responding to several posts at the same time. I hope you will heed to my request. Rest I will leave to you. Make your life a pleasure rather than angry outbursts. I want the best for your country who has suffered unnecessary so much in human life.

P.S:I just checked the time of my post it is 8:40 PM, computer does not lie and check the time of my post. I hope you will realize your mistake of angry insulting outbursts. I have already forgiven you because I know how much you love your country and want the best for its people.I will be looking forward to your many more posts in future.

No mate I'm not angry and you don't need to forgive me. Knowing you don't know much about my country and so you might think you know and when we have opposite perspective on dicussions then it might just then gets things wild around. I'm not targeting anyone or Canada because I live there as a citizen like you too and respect all the services that are provided to me. But the fact is we all don't need to believe what the media says whether it's from the West or from the East because they all are biased in some way. We need to gain knowledge and give our own perceptions from them. I have had the privilege to have lived in across 3 continents and in 6 countries thereby giving me the experience of human beings which was concerning you. Please don't take things personally but rather learn from them and from others. I would like to know my weaknesses solely and not in an annoyed way so that i can best attempt to get my views and messages across to you guys. I will be looking forward to your posts too and I hope you read this message so you know i replied ----Regards.
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