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Kayani 20th most powerful person in world


Nov 27, 2008
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Kayani 20th most powerful person in world
The Nation

NEW YORK - Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is ranked among the “50 Most Powerful People of the World” selected by Newsweek, a leading American weekly magazine.

The list, carried in the magazine’s January issue, is led by President-elect Barack Obama, whose legacy, it said, will be decided by actions he takes over the next four years.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan also make the list. Among others, it includes Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, United Arab Emirates President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Gen Kayani is placed at 20 on the list. In theory, Newsweek says, he answers to President Asif Ali Zardari. But Gen Kayani and his troops remain the dominant power in what could be the “most dangerous country in the world”.

“He’s responsible for Pakistan’s nukes; for the battle against Al-Qaeda and its tribal allies along the Afghan border; and for managing tensions with neighbour India,” Newsweek stresses, noting that so far, the Pakistan Army has kept itself out of politics and seems focused on the battle against extremists. “In the wake of the November terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Kayani stood firm on Pakistan’s sovereignty while also taking measures against the alleged sponsors of the outrage,” it says.

“Kayani insists he’s a committed democrat, but he nevertheless argues that military interventions (there have been four since independence 61 years ago) are sometimes necessary to maintain Pakistan’s stability. He likens coups to temporary bypasses that are created when a bridge collapses on democracy’s highway. After the bridge is repaired, he says, then there’s no longer any need for the detour,” it added.

Obama, who tops the list, is followed by Chinese President Hu Jintao, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Angela Markel and powerful Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
I find Gen Kayani the worst Gen in current situation. He is under the thumb of Zardari. Zardari is titled officially as "Friend Of India" after Mr. 10%.
kayani seems right his past is much brighter than zardaris
if zardari makes pakistan fall into any trouble kayani will be able to save pakistan
Could you explain this Mr10% logic..who is that and why? Pls

Now how good is Kayani is? Bcoz he didnt support Mushrrof when needed right? Does Zardari has control over military in pakistan?
The real boss

It could have been a scene out of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove except that the hoax call almost triggered a real war between India and Pakistan. On November 28, even as Indian security forces battled the remaining terrorists holed up in the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, Pakistan President Asif Zardari received a call from India stating that External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee wanted to speak to him urgently.

No one is clear whether the protocols for screening such calls were followed and ‘Mukherjee’ was put through. He reportedly threatened Pakistan with military retaliation if they did not rein in the terrorist groups responsible for the Mumbai attacks.

A concerned Zardari is said to have called up the armed forces and put them on high alert. India was puzzled by the sudden build-up.

Post-Mumbai, army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani emerges as the man who is calling the shots in Pakistan Post-Mumbai, army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani emerges as the man who is calling the shots in Pakistan The mystery was solved only when visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice questioned Mukherjee as to why he had made such a threatening call. A mystified Mukherjee denied ever having made it and said the only person he spoke to was his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who was in India that time, and that too from a prepared text which had no warnings of an Indian retribution. Rice conveyed the information to Zardari and the situation was defused. A visibly irritated Mukherjee pointed out, “It is worrying that a neighbouring state might even consider action on the basis of such a hoax call.”

Stephen P. Cohen, an American expert on relations between India and Pakistan, believes that in every major crisis between the two countries, including the four wars they had fought, there was a serious error of judgment. He regards the hoax call and Pakistan’s reaction to it as one such. The international ridicule and concern apart, the incident damaged Zardari and Pakistan’s credibility in the eyes of the Indian leadership. And blasted any hopes of the two working jointly towards dealing with the new threat that the brazen terror attacks on Mumbai posed.

Yet, the previous day there was an even more significant error of judgment that Zardari and his government headed by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani had made, which in the eyes of many experts led to the unraveling of the plot behind the Mumbai attacks. In his brief call to Manmohan expressing his concern about the attacks, Gilani had offered to send the director-general of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency to assist in the investigations. By the next morning, Gilani, under pressure from army chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, backtracked on his offer and said only a director-level officer would be sent. Zardari explained it away as a “miscommunique”. But it was signal to India and the world that it was Kiyani, not Zardari, who was really calling the shots in Pakistan.

It was evident that under pressure from Kiyani and his brass, Zardari’s conciliatory and empathetic tone soon gave way to bellicosity as he spearheaded Pakistan’s shrill campaign of outright denial for any responsibility for the Mumbai attacks, even dismissing arrested terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab, as a “stateless individual”. Zardari then categorically ruled out handing over terrorists on India’s most wanted list and suspected to have taken shelter in Pakistan such as Dawood Ibrahim, the Mumbai don and Maulana Masood Azhar, the Jaish-e-Mohammad chief. Under pressure from the US, Pakistan did wilt and arrest the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) chief Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi apart from detaining Azhar. But Pakistani leaders reiterated that those arrested would be tried under their law and not be extradited to India. For New Delhi, it was a familiar ploy that would see them being freed after a few months for lack of evidence.

The big message for India: The army is back in control in Pakistan. The fledgling democratic government had become inconsequential in its response to the unfolding crisis. From now on it was Kiyani not Zardari who would have the final say on the future direction that Pakistan would take. A senior Indian official termed it dramatically as, “declaration of the Pakistan Army of its independence.” There is now nothing stopping Kiyani from directly taking charge of governance in Pakistan. But unlike Pervez Musharraf, his predecessor, he has shown no inclination of staging a bloodless coup or taking over as President. Not yet. For the moment he remains content of letting the world know who the real boss of Pakistan is.

what is new in Kiyani being so powerful, most of the independence of Pakistan has been spent under military rule. Here I am interested in knowing from members why is army so powerful in Pakistan and why not so in India. Why in India democracy survived and it failed in Pakistan. Has it been good for pakistan? An honest and constructive evaluation please without mud throwing.
Kayani 20th most powerful person in world
The Nation

NEW YORK - Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani is ranked among the “50 Most Powerful People of the World” selected by Newsweek, a leading American weekly magazine.

The list, carried in the magazine’s January issue, is led by President-elect Barack Obama, whose legacy, it said, will be decided by actions he takes over the next four years.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan also make the list. Among others, it includes Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, United Arab Emirates President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Gen Kayani is placed at 20 on the list. In theory, Newsweek says, he answers to President Asif Ali Zardari. But Gen Kayani and his troops remain the dominant power in what could be the “most dangerous country in the world”.

“He’s responsible for Pakistan’s nukes; for the battle against Al-Qaeda and its tribal allies along the Afghan border; and for managing tensions with neighbour India,” Newsweek stresses, noting that so far, the Pakistan Army has kept itself out of politics and seems focused on the battle against extremists. “In the wake of the November terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Kayani stood firm on Pakistan’s sovereignty while also taking measures against the alleged sponsors of the outrage,” it says.

“Kayani insists he’s a committed democrat, but he nevertheless argues that military interventions (there have been four since independence 61 years ago) are sometimes necessary to maintain Pakistan’s stability. He likens coups to temporary bypasses that are created when a bridge collapses on democracy’s highway. After the bridge is repaired, he says, then there’s no longer any need for the detour,” it added.

Obama, who tops the list, is followed by Chinese President Hu Jintao, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Angela Markel and powerful Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin


Is this how he thinks ?? In that case Good luck to Pakistan.
what is new in Kiyani being so powerful, most of the independence of Pakistan has been spent under military rule. Here I am interested in knowing from members why is army so powerful in Pakistan and why not so in India. Why in India democracy survived and it failed in Pakistan. Has it been good for pakistan? An honest and constructive evaluation please without mud throwing.

democracy has been successful in india??? what bull!!!
in a nation where its own government is after the bloods of minorities and where u hold kashmiris against their will is not a democratic nation!!!
plz dont speak of things u dont know of :tsk:
I don't think that getting signatures of assembly members in favor of Indo-US nuclear Deal with heavy bribe is the real definition of Democracy...

“Kayani insists he’s a committed democrat, but he nevertheless argues that military interventions (there have been four since independence 61 years ago) are sometimes necessary to maintain Pakistan’s stability. He likens coups to temporary bypasses that are created when a bridge collapses on democracy’s highway. After the bridge is repaired, he says, then there’s no longer any need for the detour,” it added.

This part is pure BS.
even if he does say this, i love this guy. he is gutsy enough to order his troops to fire at americans if they try to enter pak. also he is aware of the inner most things being x-ISI chief. ppl in FATA were making money by sellin his pictures when tension bw pak and US was at its peak before this mumbai thing. the first thing he did after comin to power was he called all the army men back to the barracks from the civil departments. he is aware of public sentiments and does wat the nation expects without violating his oath.
in appearace to me he looks lik an eagle. dont know y but this look which he has got on his face makes me say that. overall he is the best man for the job.
what is new in Kiyani being so powerful, most of the independence of Pakistan has been spent under military rule. Here I am interested in knowing from members why is army so powerful in Pakistan and why not so in India. Why in India democracy survived and it failed in Pakistan. Has it been good for pakistan? An honest and constructive evaluation please without mud throwing.

first of all india has always been a threat to pakistan. due to this pak has no option but invest in its armed forces more than wat we can afford. ur population is 5 times of pak total pop but ur army is only twice as big as ours. also our politicians most of the time end up crossing all kind of moral limits. this makes it necessary for the army to step in and save the country coz if the economy collapses then the army looses its strength which is not gud with india sittin rit next to us. if u look at the stat, during army rule pak growth rate has always been high and corruption at its lowest. also during war times america normally prefers military rule in pak as that makes it easier for them to get things done from pakistan. remember afghan USSR war and afghan US war after 9/11. in both the cases US backed generals in pak. when the military stops listenin to US, they start talkin about sanctions and bringing democracy back to the country. bec of geo strategic location of pak (with our borders touching middle east, central asia, and china), america is bound to keep on interferin.
army rule has always been gud for pakistan but when generals start listenin to politicians and try to bring in some sort of fake democracy to please west, they always end up screwin up in oneway or the other.
Could you explain this Mr10% logic..who is that and why? Pls

Now how good is Kayani is? Bcoz he didnt support Mushrrof when needed right? Does Zardari has control over military in pakistan?

i have talked about kayani in my some previous post.
during civil rule military is always under presidents control. president has got powers to do wateva he wants when it comes to armed forces. untill president is there military cant do anything. however when civil gov tries to do something which goes against the interest of the country then we always end up seein a coup. without coup as i said military cant do anything against the will of the president. but im quite impressed with the current gov. they are taking everyone along including the military which is the rit way to move fwd. hope this gov doesnt screw things up and completes its time period.
what is new in Kiyani being so powerful, most of the independence of Pakistan has been spent under military rule. Here I am interested in knowing from members why is army so powerful in Pakistan and why not so in India. Why in India democracy survived and it failed in Pakistan. Has it been good for pakistan? An honest and constructive evaluation please without mud throwing.
Mate.. you are asking such a question to those people who dosent experienced or know the meaning or difference between Democracy, Autocracy and Dictatorship.:disagree:
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