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Kaveri engine to fly futuristic unmanned aircraft

So lame!Now you need Chinese source.
Whole world knows that how media is under the state's
control ,why don't you acknowledge it.One can't expect press freedom from undemocratic country.
We are one hell of a persistent breed, we will keep developing until we succeed in our endeavou, at least we are not developing cheap hardware's by reverse engineering and copying and even by stilling to falsely appease our common people to satisfy their ego .

call you ignorant is kind overrate, clueless is the word for you kid```all the negative news from western media are from those private Chinese news platforms```we enjoy reading them, and thankful to have them, because social unjustice and corrupted officials are under our watch``unlike the fedual indian where the corrupted politicians put the money where is least wanted``and yet let millions to die every single year

This is not the only article on crashes being reported and of course Chinese media would hide such things that is normal for China.

The Pride Of China Crashes And Burns

again speaking of your total ignorance``please specify what crashes that the Chinese media 'tried to cover' ?````
call you ignorant is kind overrate, clueless is the word for you kid```all the negative news from western media are from those private Chinese news platforms```we enjoy reading them, and thankful to have them, because social unjustice and corrupted officials are under our watch``unlike the fedual indian where the corrupted politicians put the money where is least wanted``and yet let millions to die every single year
again speaking of your total ignorance``please specify what crashes that the Chinese media 'tried to cover' ?````
When a western media outlet bashes India, you quote them and take as gospel but when they say anything against China, suddenly it becomes propaganda.

And BTW talking of millions die every year in India, same happens in China too. Its called population death rate.
Very good job to Indians...

@faithfulguy Give some credit to the indians. They could Atleast make a thing that looks like a engine! :rofl: :rofl:
Of which your agencies can't even dream of and will depend on imports only for foreseeable future.
At least we have taken a step in right direction and good thing is initial failure has not dampened our moral and we are persisting by not shelving the project in this stage only.In future foreign consultancy may be asked for if needed, is all this causing you sleepless nights ??
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call you ignorant is kind overrate, clueless is the word for you kid```all the negative news from western media are from those private Chinese news platforms```we enjoy reading them, and thankful to have them, because social unjustice and corrupted officials are under our watch``unlike the fedual indian where the corrupted politicians put the money where is least wanted``and yet let millions to die every single year

again speaking of your total ignorance``please specify what crashes that the Chinese media 'tried to cover' ?````

Chinese media claim and hide many things but they get caught out stealing and in espionage cases from USA to Russia. There is no shame in this are you trying to catchup and stealing is one route in doing this.
When a western media outlet bashes India, you quote them and take as gospel but when they say anything against China, suddenly it becomes propaganda.

And BTW talking of millions die every year in India, same happens in China too. Its called population death rate.

so far i havent found any major western sources that constantly bashing India, they are all talking about reality``I have been there many times```

and in terms of reading nagtive news, i'd like those from private Chinese social blogs and news platform``as i said it many times, those are 'gold-mines' for China bashers```other than that all major news agencies are conducting propaganda to some extent

Chinese media claim and hide many things but they get caught out stealing and in espionage cases from USA to Russia. There is no shame in this are you trying to catchup and stealing is one route in doing this.

a layman argument to my question```
please specify what crashes that the Chinese media 'tried to cover' ?
call you ignorant is kind overrate, clueless is the word for you kid```all the negative news from western media are from those private Chinese news platforms```we enjoy reading them, and thankful to have them, because social unjustice and corrupted officials are under our watch``unlike the fedual indian where the corrupted politicians put the money where is least wanted``and yet let millions to die every single year`
Millions every year??Any credible source or just wet dreaming??
Answer me just one thing.
Did your so called private news platforms were allowed to flash the news about Arab spring. If your answer is affirmative then certainly I am kid and if negative then you are living in fool's paradise.
Just shaking my head right now. Indians please don't turn this forum into a joke like Bharat.
Millions every year??Any credible source or just wet dreaming??
Answer me just one thing.
Did your so called private news platforms were allowed to flash the news about Arab spring. If your answer is affirmative then certainly I am kid and if negative then you are living in fool's paradise.

'arab spring' in Chinese '阿拉伯之春' and i just used google and baidu searched``with thousands of entries``and most of them are from major state owned medias (which I do not read often), need i say more about it?

anyway this thread is about Kaveri engine, so stop bring in how Chinese media is like``because believe me, you guys only making ludicruous assumptions about it
'arab spring' in Chinese '阿拉伯之春' and i just used google and baidu searched``with thousands of entries``and most of them are from major state owned medias (which I do not read often), need i say more about it?

anyway this thread is about Kaveri engine, so stop bring in how Chinese media is like``because believe me, you guys only making ludicruous assumptions about it

This thread has turned into a China bashing thread.
@rcrmj if I knew what crashes that were being covered up would they be a secret still? it would be uncovered right?

Now these claims of crashes are not made by me nor made by Indian sources, the PDF I have listed shows cases of espionage and Chinese stealing technology and this is from industry experts so who do I believe?
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If you can't withstand the heat better stay out of kitchen.Does that get into your head ???

It is not a real debate when you make wild claims and cite rouge sources than you Indians don't even really believe yourselves. There is no heat, just low class and pointlessness.
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