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Kaveri engine to fly futuristic unmanned aircraft

Its important to know when to cut the losses and let go .No point of hanging on to failed projects and hoping for it to succeed some how. This engine was created for a plane. When you try to put it in ships, trains, and UAV, you are getting desperate. Even if you try to do that, at lease use a different name. Using the same name shows your desperation.
Any proof?

Yep and from a credible link

Is China Buying Russia’s Su-35 Fighter? | Defense News | defensenews.com

Its important to know when to cut the losses and let go .No point of hanging on to failed projects and hoping for it to succeed some how. This engine was created for a plane. When you try to put it in ships, trains, and UAV, you are getting desperate. Even if you try to do that, at lease use a different name. Using the same name shows your desperation.

That is the stupidest thing I have heard lol so we can't make other use of the engine?
According to your link, the person to said that J-11B crashed a lot is Kashin. The article first said that he is works for a Moscow based institute, then said it is US-based. Very credible indeed.

Your getting a little confused the person who said that was not Kashin that was a previous paragraph.

The key question is if the Chinese can apply the Su-35 technology to their J-11B family aircraft. If the difference between these two types is big enough, than they cannot absorb that technology quickly and there is the possibility that they will evaluate the Su-35 and then buy additional number of them,” he said.

This is not some cheap chinese blog site this is a well known international defence site.

“The J-11B program is in big trouble; the Chinese have lost a lot of aircraft in crashes,” said the U.S. source. “They have also reached a technological plateau and need help going to the next step beyond the Su-27/J-11.”
I think the main reason is to keep the funding going so people on the project don't go unemployed.
Our money our resoures ,we can use as we please. We are in better position to foresee and prioritise our needs and requirements and certainly don't need your lectures on wastage of time ,money,resource and god knows what , bla,bla,bla.
I don't know why it gives pain in your arse??
Yep and from a credible link

Is China Buying Russia’s Su-35 Fighter? | Defense News | defensenews.com

That is the stupidest thing I have heard lol so we can't make other use of the engine?

credible source needs to list each crashings with date, time and PLAAF regiment designations``any crashes wont 'escape' Weibo, Weixin and Tenxun news coverage```where any bizzar news regarding politicians, defence, entertainmant, scandle, social disorder and economy```like the recent JH-7 and J-10 crashes were first reported from those news and then the western media 'happily' copied them and spreaded all over the world``

Our money our resoures ,we can use as we please. We are in better position to foresee and prioritise our needs and requirements and certainly don't need your lectures on wastage of time ,money,resource and god knows what , bla,bla,bla.
I don't know why it gives pain in your arse??

nobody is lecturing Indians``You reap what you sow```it explains well why India is still in such mess
credible source needs to list each crashings with date, time and PLAAF regiment designations``any crashes wont 'escape' Weibo, Weixin and Tenxun news coverage```where any bizzar news regarding politicians, defence, entertainmant, scandle, social disorder and economy```like the recent JH-7 and J-10 crashes were first reported from those news and then the western media 'happily' copied them and spreaded all over the world``

This is not the only article on crashes being reported and of course Chinese media would hide such things that is normal for China.

The Pride Of China Crashes And Burns
credible source needs to list each crashings with date, time and PLAAF regiment designations``any crashes wont 'escape' Weibo, Weixin and Tenxun news coverage```where any bizzar news regarding politicians, defence, entertainmant, scandle, social disorder and economy```like the recent JH-7 and J-10 crashes were first reported from those news and then the western media 'happily' copied them and spreaded all over the world``

nobody is lecturing Indians``You reap what you sow```it explains well why India is still in such mess
So lame!Now you need Chinese source.
Whole world knows that how media is under the state's
control ,why don't you acknowledge it.One can't expect press freedom from undemocratic country.
We are one hell of a persistent breed, we will keep developing until we succeed in our endeavou, at least we are not developing cheap hardware's by reverse engineering and copying and even by stilling to falsely appease our common people to satisfy their ego .
Thankfully they have corrected their mistake now. This engine project should never have been linked to the LCA. That's where all the problem started. Keep engine development as a separate research project, this will take us another 10 years to mature to present generation of aircraft.

Once, we have confirmed it works on the lighter aviation assets, build a next generation which will power the LCA. Only once this is done should we venture into AMCA territory. Also, there is a serious need to break these down into smaller modules and fund universities to conduct research. DRDO needs to have a specially trained staff who will function as Project Management for such projects, whose primary role will be to monitor developments and achievements in the university phase of research. This will give us rich dividends in the long run.
It took 4 years to produce three prototypes of the J–11B multirole fighter,
and another 2 years to build the twin-seat J–11BS variant. Sources in the Chinese
defense industry report that the J–11B is based on roughly 90 percent Chinese-
designed parts and subsystems, including the Type 1474 serial radar system,
3-axis data system, power supply system, emergency power unit, brake system,
hydraulic system, fuel system, environment control system, and molecular sieve
oxygen generation systems.117 The J–11B/BS is also fitted with indigenous PL–12
air-to-air missiles. There have been several cases since 2008 of Russian authorities
in the Transbaikal region arresting Chinese citizens for attempting to smuggle
spare Su–27 parts into China.118 This might suggest that China is not able to
design 90 percent of the original fighter’s parts and subsystems (the 10 percent gap
in design capability alluded to presumably refers to engines, avionics, and radar
which were not among the smuggled items). The engine is the only major subsystem
China has openly acknowledged it has yet to master, relying on the imported
Russian AL– 31F turbofan for both the J–11 and J–10 fighters.119 Shenyang Liming
Motor Corporation has produced a turbofan engine in the WS–10A Taihang
(likely the product of substantial reverse engineering) that approaches the performance
of the AL–31F, but takes twice as long to “spool up,” or obtain the same
thrust output, as its Russian counterpart.120 This lag time could have life or death
consequences for a pilot needing to restart his engine.


This PDF gives more information also its well worth a read
This is excellent news.....Flying the UAV with Kaveri is a solid way forward.....with the experience and confidence gained the next gen Kaveri will be more powerful and should be firmly on its evolutionary path. :tup:

Great decision by DRDO :agree:
Very good job to Indians...

@faithfulguy Give some credit to the indians. They could Atleast make a thing that looks like a engine! :rofl: :rofl:
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I suspect the main concern about Kaveri is reliability.

That's why India doesn't want to risk pilots' lives, but it's OK to put it in unmanned aircraft until confidence builds.
The WS–10 is a copy of the Russian AL–31, and has
been installed in the J–10 and the J–11B since 2009. During test flights, PLAAF
test pilots reported abnormal engine vibrations, and thus, for a while, the PLAAF
refused to accept new deliveries of the aircraft. The JF–17 fighter aircraft, developed
jointly by China and Pakistan, uses Russian RD–93 engines. China has long
drawn upon Russian engine technology, but now, to lessen its dependency, it is
pursuing a Chinese derivative of the RD–93 under the designation of WS–13.
Though China has a certain degree of military engine manufacturing capability,
Chinese-made engines in general, compared with similar types of engines made
by Western countries, have short overhaul intervals and are slow in acceleration
to maximum power following rapid throttle application. This indicates that there
is still a significant technical lag in China’s engine development capabilities.

Chinese claims about it's engine development is overhyped it will take them a good 10-15 years just to reach today's level and by that time Russia and USA would have more advanced technology so it will need to steal to catchup which is their game plan.
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