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Katju for pardoning Sanjay Dutt for acting in Munnabhai among other things

I think he was just charged with the AK-47 and 9mm pistol. A lot of people in western countries keep AK-47s too. The good makes are a novelty item. You could forensically check if it was ever fired, though and when.
Its India, not some Western country. Kindly check all the news regarding this case. He wasn't given a sentence on whim of few Indians.
Dont worry, he is engineering his freedom with Maharashtra Governor Mr. Kateekal Sankaranarayanan who is friend of Antony aka defense minister, one who is Sonia chamcha.

He will be pardoned. Bribe will be paid.
Take it to the bank. Put it in a safe deposit.

I don't know about bribe, but it seems like you want to hang him for a crime he did not commit just to prove a congress vs BJP point. I see something more wrong with that, you have got a point scoring opportunity and are overplaying the tamasha of it all.
5 years is harsh for possession of illegal weapons, that too at most just an AK-47 not a bazooka or something. People keep AKs for the fun of it. You seriously think an Indian movie star would have been killing people?

18 months in jail is no joke and it should have been enough. He did his time for the sort of crime he was found guilty of.

For the Dawood connection and the 1993 blasts he was found not guilty.

Minimum punishment for the possession of illegal arms in India is 5 years. He got the minimum.
Ofcourse there is lot of sympathy for Sanjay Dutt. & even I think 5yrs is a harsh punishment for possessing illegal arms & not using one. But Katju should stay within his jurisdiction & stop trying to be popular by giving random statements. He heads press council of India & his public statements should be limited to that particular domain!! There are people connected to the industry who can take this up in public..
Its India, not some Western country. Kindly check all the news regarding this case. He wasn't given a sentence on whim of few Indians.

SC's sentence was probably just following an SOP. Moreover he handed out sentences en masse, and hence could not show super leniency like ok you can walk. Just because the sentencing was bundled in the 1993 bombing case, SD got the screwed over just because of it.

If taken up separately, anyone would realize that 18 months is a lot for carrying an illegal weapon (never using it). Perhaps in the review process he can get some community service time and be let off from jail time.

Or they can just pardon him.

Minimum punishment for the possession of illegal arms in India is 5 years. He got the minimum.

That explains it. Which makes a valid case to pardon him.
@Awesome Indian Judiciary is not some Banana judiciary.
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He was miraculously lucky to escape TADA when all of his co-accused were convicted under it. Therefore I don't have any sympathy for him, may be he got off lightly even. These guys had deep connection with the underworld, especially in the 90s.

How the Star Escaped TADA
Simple saying (above). But hardly valid for India.

Someone who has been convicted. Someone who was talking to Dawood's men as late as 2003 So much sympathy for him. Thats the MINDSET problem!

It's time the big fish got convicted- ie Salman Khan. Fry him and strike fear in the hearts of all those who think they're above the law.
It's time the big fish got convicted- ie Salman Khan. Fry him and strike fear in the hearts of all those who think they're above the law.

Quite right. This guy was exempted from court appearance 83 times in last 10 years. No matter how credible the case against him, but still he gets this special treatment. Just baffles me the way prosecuting govt, defence & judiciary are in cahoots to save celebs in our country!!:tdown:
I think he was just charged with the AK-47 and 9mm pistol. A lot of people in western countries keep AK-47s too. The good makes are a novelty item.

You could forensically check if it was ever fired, though and when.

u have to posses a licence to maintain a fire arm here so its a crime even if u have it illegally..he did not directly harm any body which is why he was granted a bail for 18.5 years.how ever aiding with perpetrators even with out knowledge is a crime hence he was convicted..as simple as that
Katju was very Right about the 90% case.

Infact he was counting himself Numero Uno among them.

Why should there be a separate law applied for Sanjay Dutt b'coz of the fact that he is Sanjay Dutt??

Though I admire Dutt's movie, & really respect him as a person, the fact is no one is above LAW.

He is found guilty of a crime, why should there be any pardoning by the governor when country's apex court itself has given the verdict??

Mind you, he was found with an illegal weapon even when he had as much as 4 licensed weapons & he was saying that i kept it to save my family.

Or is it that we apply different laws as per our needs??
I think he was just charged with the AK-47 and 9mm pistol. A lot of people in western countries keep AK-47s too. The good makes are a novelty item.

You could forensically check if it was ever fired, though and when.

Trust me, if Indian laws permits keeping assault rifles, i'd have stacked up a dozen of them by now. But it isn't, and violation of it can even be charged with terrorism.

Katju was very Right about the 90% case.

Infact he was counting himself Numero Uno among them.

Why should there be a separate law applied for Sanjay Dutt b'coz of the fact that he is Sanjay Dutt??

Though I admire Dutt's movie, & really respect him as a person, the fact is no one is above LAW.

He is found guilty of a crime, why should there be any pardoning by the governor when country's apex court itself has given the verdict??

Mind you, he was found with an illegal weapon even when he had as much as 4 licensed weapons & he was saying that i kept it to save my family.

Or is it that we apply different laws as per our needs??

The maximum licensed weapon one can keep under his name is 3, so a violation here too.
@arp2041 This is a country where NaMo cleared of all charges is still targeted, terrorists get HR organizations fighting for them, no protest for killing of 5 CRPF soldiers.

Do you think people care ? People forgot 26/11 victims but support Sanjay Dutt.
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@Skull and Bones though i am not against the jail term given to Dutt, but for god sake it has been complete 20 years!!!!

Imagine the trauma he must have been through.

Either speed up the judicial process or just free the person.

as they say, Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.
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