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Kashmir's illegal occupation by India justifies calls for Azadi: JNU Professor.

@MaarKhoor indeed the Kashmir issue is not to be put under the carpet just like that or can be handled with force as India is mistakenly trying hard to do so. Pakistan will keep supporting the Kashmir cause as they deserve the independent Kashmir being their birth right which cannot be ignored or suppressed by external force/occupier India. Independent Kashmir is the future not far away but soon and their sacrifices will not go in vain though will boost the fight of freedom being aggrieved and deprived of their rights.
Kashmir is NOT about Morality

It is about Strength ; India will keep it as long as it can on the basis of its
Military strength

And such professors dont count for anything in India

A Two week stay in Jail and all such intellectuals will start singing
Vande Mataram Ten times a day

So basically you are saying India does not have moral grounds to occupy Kashmir but it is doing so because forcefully it can. And the professor who said so should be put in jail for torture unless he is stopped for speaking his opinion. Pretty messed up thought line don't you think?
@MaarKhoor indeed the Kashmir issue is not to be put under the carpet just like that or can be handled with force as India is mistakenly trying hard to do so. Pakistan will keep supporting the Kashmir cause as they deserve the independent Kashmir being their birth right which cannot be ignored or suppressed by external force/occupier India. Independent Kashmir is the future not far away but soon and their sacrifices will not go in vain though will boost the fight of freedom being aggrieved and deprived of their rights.

I agree and we will keep doing what we are doing so cheers.:coffee:
@MaarKhoor indeed the Kashmir issue is not to be put under the carpet just like that or can be handled with force as India is mistakenly trying hard to do so. Pakistan will keep supporting the Kashmir cause as they deserve the independent Kashmir being their birth right which cannot be ignored or suppressed by external force/occupier India. Independent Kashmir is the future not far away but soon and their sacrifices will not go in vain though will boost the fight of freedom being aggrieved and deprived of their rights.
Every pakistani think so and so is your right. Nothing wrong. But it's foolish to believe that some army can control crores of population against their intent. Reality is totally different from what you guys are fed. Some 2% population of separatist can't decide fate of whole 100%. Hope your agree to this.
then why do sanghis condemn tipu sultan??

He was an evil man

And EVEN the Government of India does not respect Tipu Sultan

There is NO statue of Tipu Sultan in the Indian Parliament

Where as there are statues of Shivaji ; Rana Pratap and Ranjit Singh

So basically you are saying India does not have moral grounds to occupy Kashmir but it is doing so because forcefully it can. And the professor who said so should be put in jail for torture unless he is stopped for speaking his opinion. Pretty messed up thought line don't you think?

Might is ALWAYS right

That is the way it has been in this world and will remain remain for ever
Every pakistani think so and so is your right. Nothing wrong. But it's foolish to believe that some army can control crores of population against their intent. Reality is totally different from what you guys are fed. Some 2% population of separatist can't decide fate of whole 100%. Hope your agree to this.

Well if it was only 2% as you claimed then I am sure the thousands of Military wouldn't be needed. Fate is sealed as what majority seeks but in case of such huge force the fight will be continue until & unless independence. Agreed that some army cannot control such population but I am sure you missed the count of Army posted in IOK and the same validates more the resistance of Kashmiris.
:lol: Discussions on Kashmir are getting bored...the same predictable responses from either side.

If the chance of India withdrawing from siachen is next to nill, Pakistanis should realize that it waste of their time and resources to even talk on Kashmir.
Might is ALWAYS right

That is the way it has been in this world and will remain remain for ever

Is this the guiding principle of how things work in India? Might is right?! Pretty sad state of affairs I must say. Smaller neighbours of India should be very concerned.

:lol: Discussions on Kashmir are getting bored...the same predictable responses from either side.

If the chance of India withdrawing from siachen is next to nill, Pakistanis should realize that it waste of their time and resources to even talk on Kashmir.

Thank you for your concern about Pakistan but let's for a moment forget Pakistan and india's opinion on the matter. Let's try to find the opinion of Kashmiris, shall we?
Well if it was only 2% as you claimed then I am sure the thousands of Military wouldn't be needed. Fate is sealed as what majority seeks but in case of such huge force the fight will be continue until & unless independence. Agreed that some army cannot control such population but I am sure you missed the count of Army posted in IOK and the same validates more the resistance of Kashmiris.
Army posted is on the borders to stop your countrymen. Those inside are JK police which itself is formed of Kashmiris that too Muslims. The figures that you are fed is cumulative of army, paramilitary and police. As I said, you know nothing about the truth. Obviously you can't. You only assume when distance apart from some place.

Please explain why the Kashmiris came out and voted around 70% for elections under Indian constitution when the separatist you believe as the true and only Kashmiris calls for a boycott? Some logical answer expected.
And this joker only gave an example to your LOGIC. Why? Do you want to say that your logic is different for Kashmir and different for other places? World calls this attitude as Hypocrisy.

@WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz @HRK @Irfan Baloch

Just wanted to ask if you guys ban people on basis of violation of rules or simply because some post is been reported? Because even I have reported @American Pakistani for abusing me. Just interested to know if the rule is been violated in his post?

Don't be a dumb joker. Read what you just post. Balochistan, assam, khalistan, maharatra, tamiaddua, nagaland, etc are respective legal territories of their union countries unlike Indian Occupied Kashmir or South Tibet which have occupier terrorists doing their state sponsored terrorism. IOK & South Tibet are occupied territories that have around 9lakh indian occupier terrorists.
Thank you for your concern about Pakistan but let's for a moment forget Pakistan and india's opinion on the matter. Let's try to find the opinion of Kashmiris, shall we?

Ok...what about Tibetans? Do you know half of the Tibetans are refugees. Why not spare some thought on them too. Or is it because China is your friend and Kashmiris are Muslims.

I can give many reasons why India would not allow Kashmir to cede away, while you can give only one reason why Kashmir should be part of Pakistan...Religion.
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