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Kashmir's illegal occupation by India justifies calls for Azadi: JNU Professor.

Firstly, I think these "Free Speech" reformers should not forget that because of Constitution of India which gives them ample of freedom which non of the neighboring countries will provide to its citizens and which assures and which is the reason they are still alive even after speaking against India. They should learn to have gratitude towards that. :-)

Secondly, JNU scholars & students who are gets pay & scholarship from GoI, which they call non secular, Religious intolerant and anti Free
Speech, if these scholars so much serious then they should also boycott Govt payments also and should return it back to Govt before speak against them. :-)

Thirdly those who speak about India's illegal occupation should go to Pakistan also and speak there about illegal occupation and freedom for speech and what they preach in India.:-)

These free speak & illegal occupation movement leaders never come out support India when a terrorist attacks or a Moist kills people but when India starts to action against them these people come out say about freedom of expression & live and about how Indian Judiciary did not gave them a chance to fight. Just look at the Yakub Memons hanging. Till last date nobody spoke or did anything on the night of hanging they did all the dramas which can attract media and world.:-)

Shame on JNU for sheltering anti-indians:(
Given that politics are headed by uneducated imbeciles, it's time for people from science and business to head start into the foray.

you have some learning to do about science... presently you are given to believe in the fantasies of mathematicians-cum-astronomers ( space-time-continuum, dark energy, gravitational waves, expanding universe etc ). :)

please look into my suggestion of creating newer kind of data storage devices.

and business?? in 2015, according to one thread, apple company did one billion dollars of business in india and most of this would have been the iphone cell phones... cell phones are useless and frivolous machines.

when money system itself should be abolished there is no point in entirely handing over the already corrupted politics to useless capitalists like mukesh ambani and carlos slim helu and the ford car company.

Shame on JNU for sheltering anti-indians:(

the jnu progressives are not anti-indians but anti-indian-establishment which is sadly led by capitalists, reactionaries and brain-dead nationalists.

it is the sanghis and the nationalists who are anti-indian and anti-human.

300,000 indian farmers have suicided between 1995 and 2015, and already since start of 2016 more than a hundred farmers have suicided in maharashtra state alone, and all this because of the extreme capitalism of india, and these haraami nationalists instead of eliminating the capitalists are forcing everyone to say "jai bharat mata ki" and "india shining"??

no person in the world with empathy and humanitarian thought will ever ever respect the sanghis and these desh bhakts.
The things which were known earlier to few in Delhi is thankfully a public discussion all over India ,these retards have managed to piss off many almost everyone,autowallahs refuses to go their,ppl publically and rightly abusing them,few of them are ashamed to be in jnu ,Freedom of expression no ? Courts will decide their fate but they are already exposed and their supporters are depleting fast.These 30 year old students will learn a lesson or 2 in interpretation of IPC 124.
@WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz @HRK @Irfan Baloch

Can you guys explain this joker that we are not discussing Balochistan, Maharatra, khalistan, assam, nagaland, tamiaddu, hyderabad deccan, junagadh manvadar? We are discussing indian occupied kashmir.

So finally indian professors are realizing that kashmir cannot be occupied any further. I knew this was bound to happen. India should've withdrawn it's 7lakh occupier terrorists 7 decades ago, now it will remain a dark chapter in the history.

Due to indian actions, India caused troublesome situation for itself.

If india continue it's occupation - Kashmiris will keep fighting indians, will cause massive drains on Indian economy, Indian muslims will not be ignored due to Kashmiris as they will keep muslim population high.

If kashmir becomes independent - a new muslim nation is born.

If Kashmir joins Pakistan - Pakistan will get back it's historic land and the IVC map will reborn.
And this joker only gave an example to your LOGIC. Why? Do you want to say that your logic is different for Kashmir and different for other places? World calls this attitude as Hypocrisy.

@WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz @HRK @Irfan Baloch

Just wanted to ask if you guys ban people on basis of violation of rules or simply because some post is been reported? Because even I have reported @American Pakistani for abusing me. Just interested to know if the rule is been violated in his post?
Why don't you perform 10 times namaz everyday? Maybe Allah listens to you. Afterall Islam is the greatest religion and Muslims are the most righteous people in the world. So Allah will never overturn your prayers. All the best.

In that case Pakistan shouldn't exist. Each and every corner of your country has forces placed. And who can forget Baluchistan? Going exactly by your logic Sir. :)

You didn't know I'm Baloch, did you? Pretty lame to compare stationing of forces to suppression of local population in Kashmir. Why are you guys so scared of Kashmiris? Is Balochistan a disputed territory? No. Kashmir is.
You didn't know I'm Baloch, did you? Pretty lame to compare stationing of forces to suppression of local population in Kashmir. Why are you guys so scared of Kashmiris? Is Balochistan a disputed territory? No. Kashmir is.
It will be disputed if India starts claiming it you know. Just saying.
You didn't know I'm Baloch, did you? Pretty lame to compare stationing of forces to suppression of local population in Kashmir. Why are you guys so scared of Kashmiris? Is Balochistan a disputed territory? No. Kashmir is.
You think Kashmir is disputed. We don't think so. We don't give two hoots about what pakistani think about Kashmir.

There is a group which demands freedom in Baluchistan and a group in Kashmir. Both ain't too different. And I can get you kashmiris like your case to talk about Indian sovereignty.

So let's talk logic. Shouldn't we?
It will be disputed if India starts claiming it you know. Just saying.

You think Kashmir is disputed. We don't think so. We don't give two hoots about what pakistani think about Kashmir.

There is a group which demands freedom in Baluchistan and a group in Kashmir. Both ain't too different. And I can get you kashmiris like your case to talk about Indian sovereignty.

So let's talk logic. Shouldn't we?

Obviously you guys don't have a logical answer hence an attempt to deflect the debate. I feel sorry for your helplessness as Kashmiris don't leave you with any moral authority. May I remind you, we are discussing Kashmir and will of the people of Kashmir. Not what India, Pakistan think or believe. So please answer a simple question; why is it that Kashmiris should not be asked what they want given that their status is still legally disputed.

By the way good luck with Balochistan. As it so happens Baloch consider themselves descendents of Arabs and Hindus as an inferior humans (not that I believe that but that's how things are).
You should think over that joke again.

i rather wish you say openly what you said in any "hidden meaning" in that joke. :)

Because he knows how these 'leftists' are like.

if our dear chinese tta knows "how these leftists are like" then he should launch a agitation in hong kong calling for the overthrow of the the chinese communist party... let him start by making a thread on pdf about this wish of his. :)
Obviously you guys don't have a logical answer hence an attempt to deflect the debate. .

Go check the mirror or try to comprehend the level of argument they are presenting.
Obviously you guys don't have a logical answer hence an attempt to deflect the debate. I feel sorry for your helplessness as Kashmiris don't leave you with any moral authority. May I remind you, we are discussing Kashmir and will of the people of Kashmir. Not what India, Pakistan think or believe. So please answer a simple question; why is it that Kashmiris should not be asked what they want given that their status is still legally disputed.

By the way good luck with Balochistan. As it so happens Baloch consider themselves descendents of Arabs and Hindus as an inferior humans (not that I believe that but that's how things are).
You are so confused on here. How you notice how conflicting you sound in this post.

You say kashmiris should be included in decision making of Kashmir. Do you even know all the political parties in Kashmir are of kashmiris. Be it PDP, NC, etc who get support of 99 % kashmiri population. For facts, last election got 70% voting.
On the other side, I was only replying about Baluchistan to your comment about forces not being there anywhere. Then why are they in Baluchistan if everything was so right there?
Obviously you guys don't have a logical answer hence an attempt to deflect the debate. I feel sorry for your helplessness as Kashmiris don't leave you with any moral authority. May I remind you, we are discussing Kashmir and will of the people of Kashmir. Not what India, Pakistan think or believe. So please answer a simple question; why is it that Kashmiris should not be asked what they want given that their status is still legally disputed.

By the way good luck with Balochistan. As it so happens Baloch consider themselves descendents of Arabs and Hindus as an inferior humans (not that I believe that but that's how things are).

Kashmir is NOT about Morality

It is about Strength ; India will keep it as long as it can on the basis of its
Military strength

And such professors dont count for anything in India

A Two week stay in Jail and all such intellectuals will start singing
Vande Mataram Ten times a day
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