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Kashmiri women are strictly forbidden from nose piercing

We are punjabis of kashmiri origin and in our family it is "STRICTLY" forbidded for women folks to pierce their noses which is quite normal for all other punjabi tribes among whom we live in. I never understood this anomaly in our case but my mother told me that this is the defining feature of a "kashmiri" that their women will never ever pierce their noses. All the women in my extended family and relatives (all kashmiris) are without nose piercing.

Does anybody else also has such custom in their families or some knowledge regarding the background behind this particular custom?

it's their bodies, they can do whatever they want
Are you also on zetaboards forum?

No. Why? These people are my relatives so they may be on it. I am not.

I only posted their pics so people know how REAL Kashmiris look like. My mums family has preserved the real Kashmiri appearance against the stereotype in Punjab that Kashmiris are fat.

Absolutely Wrong! 1.) Kashmiri Women including Girls do pierce their noses and ears -
2) No, we marry with any Muslim belonging to any sect- Yes Syeds don't marry non-Syeds.
3) Yes, we are die-hard meat-eaters.

Here, Kashmiris from my family prohibited inter-caste marriage. In my mum's side everyone has married Kashmiris except one khala of mine. She is the first to marry outside the race. Her husband is chaudhary and is also the best of my khaalus.

In my father's family it is still prohibited for girls to marry non-kashmiris. A generation back even boys were prohibited from marrying non-kashmiris.
No. Why? These people are my relatives so they may be on it. I am not.

I only posted their pics so people know how REAL Kashmiris look like. My mums family has preserved the real Kashmiri appearance against the stereotype in Punjab that Kashmiris are fat.

Here, Kashmiris from my family prohibited inter-caste marriage. In my mum's side everyone has married Kashmiris except one khala of mine. She is the first to marry outside the race. Her husband is chaudhary and is also the best of my khaalus.

In my father's family it is still prohibited for girls to marry non-kashmiris. A generation back even boys were prohibited from marrying non-kashmiris.

We chaudhry's are the best.
It took me 5 mins of googling to see a picture of kashmiri woman with pierced nose. Link: Kashmir Summer, 1907 |Search Kashmir
kashmiri muslim woman.jpg
With that much speed it shouldn't take you 5 mins at all.
Ummm...what has internet speed is to do with this? I typed search term wrong (well, not appropriate search term) plus, you expect me to stop looking at whatever images came up (kashmiri girls) and post a damn pic of a old lady with nose piercing?
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