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Kashmiri women are strictly forbidden from nose piercing

Oh come on.....you've got a unibrow & a slight moustache but I never called you Ugly ! :unsure:

This is how you look but I've never called you Ugly! :cray:

I'm also in favor of division of Punjab into smaller sub-provinces. Why you getting your panties in a twist, it's not as if the sub-provnices will run to India or something!!!! :o:o_O

I was kidding you kill-joy ! :hitwall:

You were supposed to side with me against @Eyan Khan as we'd force him to compel his sentiments on the Hazara Province to come out & then when he makes the fatal mistake of taking a dig at Punjab.....I'd electrocute his nuts with my superior intellect - Saraaa mazaaa kir-karaa kar diyaa haiii ! :(
I'm always with you meray chiknay Kashmiri bhai........ jabb bhee bullao gay..... aa jaon ga.......khushbo lagga kay rakhna! :D

I was kidding you kill-joy ! :hitwall:

You were supposed to side with me against @Eyan Khan as we'd force him to compel his sentiments on the Hazara Province to come out & then when he makes the fatal mistake of taking a dig at Punjab.....I'd electrocute his nuts with my superior intellect - Saraaa mazaaa kir-karaa kar diyaa haiii ! :(
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That picture is of Dom gypsy woman from kashmir, they are the same as "changars" , "Chura" or "pakhi" wasi in punjab.

The real kashmiri muslim women dress code was this,


A Muslim shawl making family in Kashmir. 1867. Cashmere shawl manufactory, chromolith., William Simpson.

And it is still the same for kashmiri muslim women in the remote villages of kashmir valley,

So now you get to define who is "real" kashmiri or not?
Poora ka poora bawla kutta hai yeh........ I have never ever met a Wahabi Kashmiri dawg ever before, that too on steroids..... someone needs to neuter him in real life too... cut those balls off.....slowly........ :mad:

I believe we must be tolerant of other faiths, and other belief systems that do not support killing of others. Wahabis in Pakistan, from whichever of their groups, make up a significant minority in the country. Like Shiites or Sunnis, they are Pakistanis

Salafo Wahabis or Ahle Hadith, make up 2% of Pakistanis or 4 million people. They are still our people and most of them do not support TTP or deobandi jihadis, because TTP and deobandi jihadis belong to separate sects.

TTP even beheaded Ahle Hadith (salafo wahabis) and bombed tablighis/deobandis in KPK and the rest of the country and took over their mosques in other places.
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