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Kashmiri women are strictly forbidden from nose piercing

And why do you think that Dogri language/accent is funny ?? Beta g I know a lot of Butts from Gujranwala and Sialkot , but they are generally open minded and friendly people . You are bigoted , and that makes you exceptional

If I am bigoted then all kinds of tribes in gujranwala are bigoted and we are proud of that. I am proud of the fact that I am born in Gujranwala where people believe in ghairat and self-respect and conservative values.
If I am bigoted then all kinds of tribes in gujranwala are bigoted and we are proud of that. I am proud of the fact that I am born in Gujranwala where people believe in ghairat and self-respect and conservative values.

No they are not bigoted . And you are not the only one from that area . You represent no one but yourself . And for your information , Kashmiris are far less conservative compared to the indigenous tribes of Gujranwala and Lahore Division .
No they are not bigoted . And you are not the only one from that area . You represent no one but yourself . And for your information , Kashmiris are far less conservative compared to the indigenous tribes of Gujranwala and Lahore Division .

We are as indigenous to our areas as any so-called "indigenous" tribe of punjab. Punjab never had any "indigenous" tribe to begin with , all the modern tribes in punjab are settlers from others regions of south asia. Jatts are settlers from Sindh, Gujjars are settlers from inidan Rajasthan and Gujarat and Rajputs are also settlers from Rajasthan, so educate me what is indigenous here. The only indigenous tribe of punjab who can be historically attested in central punjab are Punjabi Brahmins and Punjabi khatris. The rest are all settlers here.
That saying was right - He'd take your women due to his suave & panache coupled with his dashing good looks & he'd take your job because of his immensely admirably level of intellect & confidence - So yes....never trust a Kashmiri & stay well clear of them ! :)

Or maybe you can just realize that these anecdotes & sayings are little more than the musing of some old people from 'your areas' who pitted themselves against Kashmiris & fell far....far too short & hence slung mud at them out of the bitterness of their failure ! :unsure:

And this nose-piercing thing is some new sh*t !
o_O:what:hmm trust huh?
We are as indigenous to our areas as any so-called "indigenous" tribe of punjab. Punjab never had any "indigenous" tribe to begin with , all the modern tribes in punjab are settlers from others regions of south asia. Jatts are settlers from Sindh, Gujjars are settlers from inidan Rajasthan and Gujarat and Rajputs are also settlers from Rajasthan, so educate me what is indigenous here. The only indigenous tribe of punjab who can be historically attested in central punjab are Punjabi Brahmins and Punjabi khatris. The rest are all settlers here.

And then you claim that you are an expert on "Biradaris and tribes" of Punjab !!! Now we could have discussed it , But as you said in another similar thread that you do not believe in academic researches and trust your "sharp" eyes only that you had developed during your stay in Europe , I think we can not get anywhere with such discussions !!
This guy is equating sufism with Deobandis/Barevlis . He should maybe read more on Uttar Pradesh , birth place of these two cults . It is also birthplace to Rabid Hindutva nationalism culture . Up should be barbed and fenced and if possible shipped to somewhere middle in the ocean away from Indian subcontinent .

LOL why you calling Barelvi a cult? I do not think you know well enough about them to make such a declaration.
Anyone who pierce their noses cannot be racially kashmiri, period. You can post thousands of pictures if you like but for me they will be racially non-Kashmiris because they do not adhere to our racial identification. Also you have already told that you will marry any person with any sect , that already shows that your backgound is not pure kashmiri. Also I do not care what happens in mixed cities like srinagar. I descend from kashmiri agricultural family and my kins in kashmir valley are only those who are agriculturist in the villages of the valley since centuries, the rest of the kashmiris I do not have any interest.

Piercings,sect change your ethnicity?

I already know it, but we have hundreds of thousands of real kashmiris like me in punjab. The real kashmiri race and customs have only been saved by us and I am proud of that.

Exceptional people come from exceptional areas like Gujranwala. They do not come from Shakargariyas , aya dey , kita dey , bobo funny dogri language area.

Im in Gujranwala right now... butts here are fat?
Absolutely Wrong! 1.) Kashmiri Women including Girls do pierce their noses and ears -
2) No, we marry with any Muslim belonging to any sect- Yes Syeds don't marry non-Syeds.
3) Yes, we are die-hard meat-eaters.

Correct. Kashmiri women do pierce their noses and ears and we are all die hard meat eaters.

We don't believe in any sect. Sunni or Shia, we consider them Muslims.

I'll tell you how my family thinks. As Kashmiris, our first option is too find another Kashmir, then comes Punjabis, then Pukhtuns. We would marry anyone except urdu speaking mohajirs
This is not true. My Kashmiri gf @Armstrong sports a nose ring.

A lot of Kashmiris on this forum sound like racist d'bags.

Which sucks because my great grandfather's father Hussein Baksh married a Kashmiri woman from the valley, which would make her my grandmother.

So I guess I am a gangsta Chaudhry because of the little bit of Kashmiri in me, although I am not a racist d'bag like the Kashmiris here.
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