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Kashmiri University students insult Indian national anthem.

And hence my advice to you about comprehending before responding..

I think I have comprehended it well. Your manipulation further strengthens my concept.

So referring to the the plight of those following imported arab ideologies does not imply that the author is calling all muslims as in a plightful situation...

Good manipulation but I don't see plight being referred to only a section of muslims. I see it as a generalized comment for all the Muslims of sub-continent. I don't see Arab ideology plight thing in that post. By the way most Pakistanis follow either Debandi or Barelivi school of thought. Both of whom originated from India. But then again this is a different subject.

I would be interested to see where the OP mentioned Arab ideologies plight in his post.

For example Pakistanis are known for aping the Arabic culture and the radicalized version of Islam that comes with it, in stark contrast to the ideologies of muslims in more progressive and tolerant societies like Turkey, Indonesia and even India.. And hence the plight that is referred to in the post you quoted..

Even the three countries mentioned follow Arab culture in one way or another. But then again it is another subject. Good to know that you lack knowledge about muslims and Islam in general.

So to your point, a Pakistani may have a good reason to be offended by the post you quoted, but a non Pakistani muslim, I dont see why...

Again a comprehension fail. I never said a Pakistani might feel offended. I am talking about a Kashmiri. He might not like the wish of becoming Hindu.
I think I have comprehended it well. Your manipulation further strengthens my concept.

Good manipulation but I don't see plight being referred to only a section of muslims. I see it as a generalized comment for all the Muslims of sub-continent.
No.. It refers to people in Pakistan.. Not the subcontinent.. read again..

I don't see Arab ideology plight thing in that post. By the way most Pakistanis follow either Debandi or Barelivi school of thought. Both of whom originated from India. But then again this is a different subject.
That could be something to do with how the author of the post you quoted perceives ideological alignments in Pakistan. has nothing to do with Respect for Islam as a whole..

I would be interested to see where the OP mentioned Arab ideologies plight in his post.

Right in the post you quoted yourself

It is true that many people in the area presently known as Pakistan have succumbed to imported Arab ideologies. Yet the process of evolution does not stop ... we should not assume that they will never come out of their present plight.

Even the three countries mentioned follow Arab culture in one way or another. But then again it is another subject. Good to know that you lack knowledge about muslims and Islam in general.
That way every muslim in the world has some linkage back to Arab culture because thats where Islam began.. but presently, its mostly Pakistan that is known for imbibing the most radicalized version of it...

Again a comprehension fail. I never said a Pakistani might feel offended. I am talking about a Kashmiri. He might not like the wish of becoming Hindu.

Ah! From comprehension to English language issue it seems :)... Yes you never said that a Pakistani might be offended. However what I said was that only a Pakistani could get offended by the post you quoted, since it talks about the plight of Pakistanis who have aped the imported Arab ideology...
@Aeronaut obviously why would they get up for the national anthem of their enemy & occupier country-india?

Thumbs up for students though.
Right! Why would they get up for the national anthem of their enemy & occupier country-india?

Elated? Sleep well, live long and be happy! But before that just Google Balochistan too. :P

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Kashmir University pupils insult national anthem

TNN | Jun 18, 2013, 03.27 AM IS

SRINAGAR:Kashmir University faculty members and students remained seated when the national anthem was played much to the embarrassment for authorities after the arrival of Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir on the campus on Monday.The Chief Justice visited the university to address the faculty and students of the Law department,Officials refused to comment on the incident.

Kashmir University pupils insult national anthem - The Times of India

Kashmiri Students ‘Slight’ India’s National Anthem - Free Press Kashmir


Bottom line Kashmir is divided.
1965, 1999.. can't deny facts.

i think you need to look into your history .. The concentration of your forces is 19 times more then on any other Front .

just recently .. Chinese erected their Tents in your area .. now are you going to deploy half a million of your forces .. because obviously China is more dangerous then Pakistan .
i think you need to look into your history .. The concentration of your forces is 19 times more then on any other Front .

just recently .. Chinese erected their Tents in your area .. now are you going to deploy half a million of your forces .. because obviously China is more dangerous then Pakistan .

Why would one deploy scores of one's Army in an area which is more or less trouble free from decades unlike kashmir?? Why would one deploy their Army in an area which is free from state sponsored terrorist that too of foreign origin unlike Kashmir??

Not sure why was this such a difficult thing to crack...
i think you need to look into your history .. The concentration of your forces is 19 times more then on any other Front .

just recently .. Chinese erected their Tents in your area .. now are you going to deploy half a million of your forces .. because obviously China is more dangerous then Pakistan .

My point is our army will be at the area where the "external" threats are the major concern. Pakistan tried to take Kashmir or parts of it by force in the history.

The terrorist threat is handled by the police and para military forces. Army is at their barracks.
Usually i am a very liberal person , but if you live in our country (obviously they do not think its theirs) then you need to respect certain practices. respecting the national flag is one of them .

If on the other hand they feel they will be better off someplace else . by all means let them go to the land of the pure.

Kashmir IS their country... Normally I don't mind standing up for any country's national anthem, however, it should be noted it is a valid means of protest to not stand up for it.
I still do.. unlike you My venom is not at India.. or its people.. its singular and at the idea of eliminating an entire people.
You are still venomous and generally not worthy of discussion.

Not an entire people....just arab wannabes who suffer some delusionary identity crisis so much so that these idiots actually terrorized their own Shiite muslim brethren out of the valley apart from the original inhabitants the KPs and Sikhs.

No doubt on that.
My point is our army will be at the area where the "external" threats are the major concern. Pakistan tried to take Kashmir or parts of it by force in the history.

The terrorist threat is handled by the police and para military forces. Army is at their barracks.

as i asked .. since China became a threat , so now you will deploy half a million army there?
as i asked .. since China became a threat , so now you will deploy half a million army there?

As soon as this regime expires after GE 2014.

The Indo-Japanese pact was a fallout of that.
Kashmir IS their country... Normally I don't mind standing up for any country's national anthem, however, it should be noted it is a valid means of protest to not stand up for it.

I think we are making a bigger fuss over this...i mean has something new been discovered overnight?? We all know there are significant amount of population in Kashmir that don't consider themselves to be Indians...not sure why we are wasting time discussing this??
I think we are making a bigger fuss over this...i mean has something new been discovered overnight?? We all know there are significant amount of population in Kashmir that don't consider themselves to be Indians...not sure why we are wasting time discussing this??

There are always those who are naysayers and thus there will always be .... ayesayers (?)
as i asked .. since China became a threat , so now you will deploy half a million army there?

Again..wrong assessment...In that sense China was always a threat...However not an active threat...in other words problems may arise in future but there is no threat right now...Whatever level of perceived threat is there, the right amount of forces are already present there...Now hypothetically let's say China border becomes as volatile as Pakistan, then you will definitely see higher amount of deployment...I mean it is not like that we are fine loosing AP but not Kashmir just bcoz the enemy is not Pakistan in the former case...

There are always those who are naysayers and thus there will always be .... ayesayers (?)

:)...yes you are right...however sometimes we do end up having consensus due to which naysayers loose significance since ayesayers are no longer there...what say ;)
Kashmir IS their country... Normally I don't mind standing up for any country's national anthem, however, it should be noted it is a valid means of protest to not stand up for it.

And Pakistan is the Thekedaar of separatist rights?

Keep your problems to yourself and don't meddle in ours.

That way peace will prevail for both of us.
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