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Kashmiri student telling what happend in Meerut University

Could be for free education.. I dont see a name of an organization.
Really ..You Pakistanis Deserve whats happening in your country . May allah give you more of such organisations and blood slaughter.
No sir, this is not the correct image.
We will make wars against our enemies to defend our "freedom and liberty", all nations do. That is the only way we as a nation can survive.
And, no, I do not believe in torture, mutilation and beheading, neither should any nation, it is too much waste of time and energy. Better way is to put a bullet inside enemy's forehead and the start looking out for the next target.

Back on topic, too much of "playing the victims card" will not be good for the Kashmiris particularly after they have victimized others, because that will invite reprisal.

What nation? the Hindu nation? what about Christians and others? After all, you want to eliminate all Muslims.. that close to a 141 million people from your country.. whats to say you wont turn on others once you are done.
jamaat ul dawa or ISI ?? both r pretty charitable and provide job on the spot...
He is a suicide troll. Dont waste your time on him

Yes.. And charity should be anonymous and hence the org can't be named :lol:
Yeah suicide troll. @Oscar just check on the Indian politics thread how they reacted on me.

Jehadi, muslim, pakistani.....they tagged me with all these just because i supported minority and showed support to kashmiris
So what do you suggest for these students (who have not yet picked up arms).. this?

I suppose you may be happy to do this and perform some made up religious ritual with these from the students as well??

If you are a true reflection of Indian society.. then I guess we can kiss the image of India a false facade goodbye.

Its good to know that there is no difference between you and hitler.. only hitler was less of a hypocrite about it to the world.

Btw. are those Hindu family values you reflect? Are all Indian Hindus like this? Bloodthristy animals?

Hate fuels hate Oscar, law of the land everywhere

Only if Muslim Family values are reflected by the likes of TTP and LeJ and if all Pakistani muslims are blood thirsty animals like Hafeez Saeed and Fazllulah

Then would you support actions against such Hindus the same way you push for actions against Saeed?
@SarthakGanguly may correct me if I am wrong, but no matter whether Pakistan won or lost against India the Kashmri Pundits would receive stones and abuses while they were present in the valley. Why do no bleeding heart liberals ever talk about it? What are the Kashmiris complaining about? Do they think that this kind of behaviour will be acceptable everywhere? They are not playing on the home turf, they must start behaving. I think they mistook the Indian students in the campus for the KPs, old habits die hard.
Then would you support actions against such Hindus the same way you push for actions against Saeed?
With my last breath...And its only ignorant fools who are making this particular issue as an issue between Hindus and Muslims. Its between India and Pakistan and about some folks who got beaten up because they favored Pakistan over India while enjoying the benefits of Indian citizenship.

PS: I once myself beat up a class mate of mine when he did something similar (javed miandad hitting chetan sharma for a last ball six) years ago.. Still proud of it.. Had nothing to do with him being a Muslim..
Now you are just whining. You dont know which organization it was and yet react as if its the boogeyman.
Oh Please do not sound Ignorant ,as If you don't already know . With Aeronaut's mentality, he is likely pointing to Let and HuM . I wish Allah returns you the favor , as he is already doing .
Oh Please do not sound Ignorant ,as If you don't already know . With Aeronaut's mentality, he is likely pointing to Let and HuM . I wish Allah returns you the favor , as he is already doing .
Dont bring religion plz
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