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Kashmiri Song: Zoon Tarakh Intizarus

So you think that Kashmiri's are Pakistan's lol.

Yes because Kashmiris are dardic people.
Linguistically dardic languages are somewhere between Nuristani and Indo-Aryan Languages.
Dardic people are by race more East-Iranian.
The closest people related to Kashmiris are Pashtuns by similar DNA.
Kashmiris even have rubab insturment and similar hats like the pakol and als Jirga.
So yes Kashmiris are Pakistanis.
Have anyone decoded what the brothers sang yet?
Yes because Kashmiris are dardic people.
Linguistically dardic languages are somewhere between Nuristani and Indo-Aryan Languages.
Dardic people are by race more East-Iranian.
The closest people related to Kashmiris are Pashtuns by similar DNA.
Kashmiris even have rubab insturment and similar hats like the pakol and als Jirga.
So yes Kashmiris are Pakistanis.

Pashtuns has always been different from Indo-Aryan(including Dardic) people, what you just said is a crap.
Next Govt should do the following ASAP -

Divide the Jammu & Kashmir in to 3 states.

1. Hindu majority Jammu - Jammu\Temple State
2. Budhist majority Ladakh - Himalayan State
3. Sunni majority Kashmir Valley - Kashmir State

Then, build 2 new cities in Kashmir State with 5 million Good Houses, move 5 million Shia Muslims from Mainland India to Kashmir State. Recruit some of them in to army and place them. Everything will settle, it covers political equation of Valley very well.

Valley will remain majority pure, anything attemp by hindus to make it dirty will be failed and consequences will be severe.

The fact the none of the PAkistanis even understood the song says a lot. Check out the first page, people tryna guess the language :lol:

bc not every Pakistani is Kashmiri. :lol:
Valley will remain majority pure, anything attemp by hindus to make it dirty will be failed and consequences will be severe.
We are already doing that and nothing is happening.Just wait for some more years.
Nice song and I understood, my roots are from Pakistani Kashmir there goes the theories above....

Ghulam Hassan Sofi was my favoruite Kashmiri folk singer. Allah bless him.

Simply beautiful.

Another gem.

Kashmiri culture, language and ancestral religions has all to do with Indian culture, the name itself Sanskrit in origin. BTW the Punjabi-Sindhis share nothing in common with Pashtun-Baloch historically until they became the part of Pakistan on the basis of common religion, there was always a difference between people East of the Indus and west of the Indus. :wacko:

The claim of Sanskrit of being Indian is wrong. Indo-Aryan languages were brought from the Aryans (Indo-Iranian) and spread over Iranian plateau and east Pakistan and later over North India.
Dravidian Languages are the real "Indian" Languages and race.
Punjabis and Sindhis do have similarities with Pashtun and Baloch.
There are Baloch-Sindhi tribes. South Punjabis are mixtures of Sindhis and Baloch.
North Punjabis are also mixtures of Pashtun and Punjabis and Kashmiris.
Pashtun and Baloch are Iranian, Kashmiris are Dardic, and Punjabis and Sindhis are Indo-Aryan, together they are Indo-Iranian.
And all of them are ancestors of the Indus Valley Civilisation (Sindh).

North Indians and Bengals are Indo-Aryanized Dravidians.
And South Indians and Sri Lankans speak even today Dravidian languages.
There are some fair skinned North Indians but those are not of pure Indian origins.
One part of Punjab was seperated from Pakistan and half of Kashmir is occupied in India.
These people are not Indians.
We are already doing that and nothing is happening.Just wait for some more years.

No you aren't. If so the Pandits would be the first to return, which they should as it is their homeland. Altering demographics will only work against you.
Pashtuns has always been different from Indo-Aryan(including Dardic) people, what you just said is a crap.

Thats the Indian logic.
Everything is wrong, except what Indians say.
Are you guys Indians from India or are you Indians from America (Native Americans), because your Europeans creators didn't even get that right.
Yes because Kashmiris are dardic people.
Linguistically dardic languages are somewhere between Nuristani and Indo-Aryan Languages.
Dardic people are by race more East-Iranian.
The closest people related to Kashmiris are Pashtuns by similar DNA.
Kashmiris even have rubab insturment and similar hats like the pakol and als Jirga.
So yes Kashmiris are Pakistanis.
Ok.. Take all Kashmiris that want to go to Pakistan.. No one will stop you
Of course akhi:

WTF man,,,still cant. iplz do something or i will go mad because i think the song you have posted is the one i am looking for since i watched it on ptv when i was a child,,,,,
Please explain.

Brutal communal riots, agitating the natives even more, loss of international prestige and going back on years of official Indian policy on the state.

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