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Kashmiri Girl


It is definitely photoshopped.

Look at the top right corner of the K. There are no foot prints or knee-prints in the snow anywhere near it.
Guys don't start another flame blowing war here plzz yaar leave the case of kashmir to the people of kashmir and to the gov's of Pakistan & India lets hope for the best for everyone GOD bless.
yawwwwwnnnn another Kashmir fantasy thread and remember ignorant children the struggle in Kashmir is not a Kashmiri struggle it is a Islamic struggle a struggle that has been defeated politically and militarily occasional intrusions from militants and rallies is all that happens nowadays and this is only in the Kashmir valley
i'm assuming that the photoshopped image is valid to start a thread. good going mods !!
Photoshoped or not. She makes a valid point. Kashmir should be free of India and Pakistan. Let kashmiris decide themselves.
:woot: :rofl::rofl:

A teenage girl says she killed a militant with his own gun after insurgents attacked their home in Indian-administered Kashmir.
Three militants stormed into Rukhsana Kauser's home in a remote village in Jammu region on Monday and started beating her parents in front of her.
Ms Kauser, 18, and her brother turned on the gunmen, killing one and injuring two more. Police praised their courage.
One of the militants wanted to marry Ms Kauser against her will, police said.
The militants escaped and are now being sought by police who are using their blood trails as clues.
'Fired endlessly'
The insurgents went to the house looking for Ms Kauser but her father, Noor Hussain, resisted their demands, Rajouri district senior police superintendent Shafqat Watali told the BBC.

I had never touched a rifle before this, let alone fired one - but I had seen heroes firing in films
Rukhsana Kauser
Three gunmen then entered the house and attacked Ms Kauser's parents, while four other militants remained outside.
"My parents told me to hide under the bed and then opened the door," Ms Kauser told the BBC.
"Without saying anything they [the militants] started beating my parents and my uncle. They beat them so badly that my parents fell on the ground. I could not see that and pounced on one of the militants while my brother hit him with an axe," she said.
"I thought I should try the bold act of encountering militants before dying."
Ms Kauser said she grabbed one of the militants by the hair and banged his head against the wall. When he fell down she hit him with an axe, before snatching his rifle.
"I fired endlessly. The militant commander got 12 shots on his body."

Her brother, Eijaz, 19, grabbed one of the other militants' guns and also began shooting.
Ms Kauser said the exchanges of gunfire with the militants had gone on for four hours.
"I had never touched a rifle before this, let alone fired one. But I had seen heroes firing in films on TV and I tried the same way. Somehow I gathered courage - I fired and fought till dead tired."
Police identified the militant commander as Abu Osama, who they say was a member of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba group and had been active in the Rajouri area for the past five years.
Local residents told police that he wanted to marry Ms Kauser - and was prepared to do so forcibly.
Rajouri police superintendent Shajqat Watali praised what he said was the "exemplary bravery" of Ms Kauser and her brother.
"The reaction by these teenagers was extraordinary."
There are now fears the family could face retaliatory attacks, so they have been given police protection.
But Ms Kauser wants more: "We cannot live here in this village. They should relocate us to a safer place in Rajouri town or elsewhere. The militants are not going to leave us after this embarrassment in which a top commander was killed."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir girl fights off militants

Dude that is epic! :guns:
It is definitely photoshopped.

Look at the top right corner of the K. There are no foot prints or knee-prints in the snow anywhere near it.

Not to mention she isn't holding any spray-can, but instead seems to be picking up something from the ground.
Now thast what you called Photoshopped and pretty good one at that.

Thanks, I did that job ;)

BEsides it wouldn't make sence for Muslims living in Occupied Kashmire (India side) Loving thioer captors when there mentality is no different to the NEocons in AMerica.

Here something you should read about India in KAshmire.

Kashmiri tortured stripped in prison Lastupdate:- Tue, 2 Nov 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

We do not need to read anything about Kashmir. You need to know that there are always going to be some brainwashed kids going on bringing instability in Kashmir and that you have to deal with them with strictness. I am not sure if what the link says is true or not, but the source is disputable. Please make sure that any news links you post is from credible sources. Thanks.
Photoshoped or not. She makes a valid point. Kashmir should be free of India and Pakistan.
you location shows Mars !!
you have no idea of the issues we have on planet earth. you should spend your time searching water in your location rather than interfering in "Earthy" matters - alien !
Let kashmiris decide themselves.
since you are from mars i have to spoon feed you about the situation.
here on Earth - we Indians are ready for it. To be able to make Kashmiris decide - a country called pakistan has to withdraw from its occupied territory of Kashmir.

with love from earth.

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