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Kashmiri Farmers labelled as Freedom Fighters & made to confess forcibly

kaisi baatein kartey ho yaar ?

unki jaan baksh di, reform ka chance diya..

Trolls on a forum feel quite different from these guys' Ami and Abus and brothers and sisters and other loved ones.. this is a second chance at life for them. What pleasure could it give anyone, Indian or Pakistani, to see their bullet riddled corpses after being cornered by an army ?

Shahadat ki baat karo to India ke Veer Abdul Hameed ki karo !
Do you even know what is the meaning of shaheed or you just saying it cuz its word used by army for their deads... i am sure you have no idea of its philosophy.. so my Pakistani brother is right shahadat is not for every one specially for those muslims who fights for mushriks with muslims....
Do you even know what is the meaning of shaheed or you just saying it cuz its word used by army for their deads... i am sure you have no idea of its philosophy.. so my Pakistani brother is right shahadat is not for every one specially for those muslims who fights for mushriks with muslims....

Do not overcomplicate things dude. Shaheed or martyr or hutatma can be anyone who lays down his life in defence of his country and people or for any other noble cause. You don't have copyright of the words neither did you invent this concept. All that you want is further your propaganda and narratives.

And one more thing, our citizens be it Hindus, or Sikhs or muslims don't need your certificate, they have been defending the motherland and will continue to do so.
at least practice them, how to read the script in front of the camera. bad training.
I am waiting to hear their "confessions" on how Pakistan is the root cause of all of India's problems in Kashmir, and how if Pakistan stopped its "terrorism" then there could be peace, etc.... feels like the start of a propaganda peice to me..
There is no drama. No country would tolerate any act of terrorism even if it's done by a single person.

That promotion of terrorism to label Kashmir Freedom Struggle is denied and rejected by the whole World. Only occupying forces of India keeps coming with such term. Do not disrespect Kashmiris on the Forum. Ask UN to change status at first and then come here to start a debate as such but be careful while reaching UN as they know that lastly, Indian Army Sniper targeted their observers in Kashmir/LoC.

It's good that army is giving them proper chance to shun violence and join the mainstream

One will believe if it was really how it is shown.... this civilian wasn't even carrying a gun and was not given a chance at all... conclusively, it is just about drama & propaganda to deceive people with so-called videos. Not to mention Indian Army's moles & actors inside the Valley pretending to be freedom fighters. There are sellouts and so, there's huge amount of propaganda coming from Indian Army in Kashmir.

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That promotion of terrorism to label Kashmir Freedom Struggle is denied and rejected by the whole World. Only occupying forces of India keeps coming with such term. Do not disrespect Kashmiris on the Forum. Ask UN to change status at first and then come here to start a debate as such but be careful while reaching UN as they know that lastly, Indian Army Sniper targeted their observers in Kashmir/LoC.

Interesting, given you are talking about Kashmir Freedom Struggle and UN. How do you reconcile with the fact about the Kashmiri outfits that UN and more importantly even your own ministry on interior classifies as Terrorists like the lashkar e tayyiba and jaish e muhammad.
Interesting, given you are talking about Kashmir Freedom Struggle and UN. How do you reconcile with the fact about the Kashmiri outfits that UN and more importantly even your own ministry on interior classifies as Terrorists like the lashkar e tayyiba and jaish e muhammad.

IT is in-fact easy to blame the farmers and report them as such. On other hand, UN didn't say that Kashmir Freedom Struggle is a terrorism. JeM & LeT wouldn't be portrayed as such unless Pakistan would have played their games somewhere else. Not to mention that how much of propaganda is being exposed by EU DisInfo Lab in Indian Chronicles including influencing UNHR etc.
IT is in-fact easy to blame the farmers and report them as such. On other hand, UN didn't say that Kashmir Freedom Struggle is a terrorism. JeM & LeT wouldn't be portrayed as such unless Pakistan would have played their games somewhere else. Not to mention that how much of propaganda is being exposed by EU DisInfo Lab in Indian Chronicles including influencing UNHR etc.
The question was quite simple for such a contorted response, let me try in simpler words, are LeT and JeM terror outfits per this forum?
The question was quite simple for such a contorted response, let me try in simpler words, are LeT and JeM terror outfits per this forum?

AS the State declares so. On other hand, my reply was not mixed for diplomacy rather, a reality that how things working.
AS the State declares so. On other hand, my reply was not mixed for diplomacy rather, a reality that how things working.
Thanks for the clarification, And given multiple Admins here claim that forums focus is towards Pakistan's national interests, would it be safe to presume that these outfits are to be referred to as Terror outfits as NACTA/UN classifies it, right?
Thanks for the clarification, And given multiple Admins here claim that forums focus is towards Pakistan's national interests, would it be safe to presume that these outfits are to be referred to as Terror outfits as NACTA/UN classifies it, right?

Forum is not the policy maker nor holds any influence over State's classifications. In-fact, whether multiple Admins or not; the freedom of academic discussion will exist always. I think that one has to check own's closet before asking a question.... there will be a reaction which might be harsh. So, given Pakistan-India stand-off and how the nationals follows the official policy line; nothing tis going to satisfy you even if State does so only to appease and we are not going to do that. In reference to Kashmir, Pakistan has to take some decisions due to unavoidable circumstances. I still support xyz group within Kashmir/inside IoK fighting for their rights against occupational force. Period.
I still support xyz group within Kashmir/inside IoK fighting for their rights against occupational force. Period.

Cool, so do you support LeT/JuM - for of course academic purposes.
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