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Kashmiri Farmers labelled as Freedom Fighters & made to confess forcibly

If people in Pakistan have conscience, they will stop thier government from killing innocent Kashmiri boys by trapping them.

Using religion to incite, using religion to kill....and sitting on high horses due to massive dose of propoganda. Pakistan in its controlled territory practice carpet bombing, allows Drone attack, had indulged in genocide ( East Pakistan) and in UN will shout in shrill voice, RSS, NAZI, GENOCIDE. Country famous for exporting donkeys....nuff said.

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Even a toddler can understand that the men picking up arms in Kashmir aren't terrorists, they are fighting a legitimate war for their own land, their own homes and their own lives. India is the occupier here, doesn't matter how you try to justify this, whether you make J&K your union territory or make a few fighters surrender to you, nothing will change the facts, and the fact is India is illegally occupying the land of Kashmiris and they have every right to take up arms and eliminate anyone who has hurt their brothers, raped their mothers and sisters and burned their homes. It will never be terrorism.
Thats the Pakistani narrative, th only community in Kashmir who were targeted by the terrorists and suffered genocide is kashmiri pandits.
What pleasure could it give anyone, Indian or Pakistani, to see their bullet riddled corpses after being cornered by an army ?
Your ANYONE does not mean EVERYONE. Stop banging head against a wall. For some, Shahadat is not a human concept, is DIVINE.
That's not the Pakistani narrative that's the narrative of Mujahideen who are from Kashmir and fought for it. Targeting of Pandits was the result of religiously extremist elements within the Mujahideen, they were used in that sense. That doesn't change the fact that the struggle has always been against the Indian Army, Pandits were the collateral damage that could've been avoided.
Thats the Pakistani narrative, th only community in Kashmir who were targeted by the terrorists and suffered genocide is kashmiri pandits.
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