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Kashmir villagers Rejects IAF Lies, Say Uniformed Men Took Mi17 Black Box

The Ganie household where parts of the helicopter landed. The bag with a box inside
It could be any box. How can the locals identify between a regular box which can go to scrap metal and the black box?

If IAF making an official statement that means that the box is still out there. Locals could have seen the IAF soldiers carrying other boxes which fell from the Helicopter.
It could be any box. How can the locals identify between a regular box which can go to scrap metal and the black box?

If IAF making an official statement that means that the box is still out there. Locals could have seen the IAF soldiers carrying other boxes which fell from the Helicopter.

No it can't be any box. Villagers have said that IAF men took everything including pieces of paper from the crash.

How is it possible that they left something as important as black box behind?
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