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Kashmir Solidarity Day: 5 February !!

you ddont have much left... thats why no such thing lately.. earn some and get some show...:drag:
Why dont you tell you typing-under-the-influence fellow Indian this story ? ... I mean he said that " Pakistan pays Kashmiris to burn Indian flags " MY question is how much money do we have to pay millions of these Kashmiris who are protesting daily :azn:
Or you think we have ? :lol: I have heard that your Bollywood makes films for those wars and operations that your army lost ... Like the IA 814 episode so to keep the morale high :rofl:

look whos morales are low.. check ur local newspapers .. lololooooooo
Why dont you tell you typing-under-the-influence fellow Indian this story ? ... I mean he said that " Pakistan pays Kashmiris to burn Indian flags " MY question is how much money do we have to pay millions of these Kashmiris who are protesting daily :azn:

why waste time telling lost causes and epic failures to others...go join solidarity rally.. tommorow black day rally.. each day .. rally o rally...... if u get spare time (well all have since no hope in ur own govt or establishments) arrange ur own cycle rally... go abdul goo run..............
no he went by flight..and he is not trained... but these ones raan off.. run abdul run..

Speaking of running. Take some time out and listen to this, son.

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Do you really think any other nation can mess with India in 21st century. Especially, when Indian army is going through massive modernization. Unless, those country want to destroy themsleves. :azn:
Under the delusion ? Two nations mess with you almost daily and the best you can do is to condemn it and move on ... How much land have you lost to China since 1962 ? :azn: ... Or maybe to mobilize army and then back off :rofl: ...
Do you really think any other nation can mess with India in 21st century. Especially, when Indian army is going through massive modernization. Unless, those country want to destroy themsleves. :azn:

---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------

No only in our dreams. The whole world is lying about all these wars. hahaha...Typical Pakistani...believing in conspiracy theories. :lol:

they dont have any more arguments .. so they bring bollywood and film names... if u ask where they hear.. will say i never watch but my friend said... funny pakistanis yaar.
Maybe this mental masturbation will get you nowhere ... Already the Iran Chahbahar's port supplies Gwadar electricity from the same plant that India build for them :rofl: ... No , Iranians are not desperate people to do anything for you ... They have a Baloch insurgency in their Sistan province too and the last thing they will do is to destabilize their own country ... In 1974 , they actually provided us Heli's and money to help fight off insurgents ... So keep dreaming ... How do you expect to help you strengthen NATO with which their relations are at all time low ? :azn: So stop this " maybe we can help them , maybe they can help us thing "
What if China does the same for Naxalites ? :lol: ... I mean they do share a border with India unlike Afghanistan ...

kid just wait for the rail link to start between port and Afghanistan then you will see much more Balochi Freedom Fighters in action ... there are already hundreds of Military and Ex Military servicemen from Indian army providing security cover to indian projects and workers in Afghanistan .. and in free time probabily helping balochi fighters :)
look whos morales are low.. check ur local newspapers .. lololooooooo
The thing is our media isn't obsessed with India unlike some ... How many reports are presented daily on Indian media about Pakistan ? :azn: All sensationalizing and drama style :rofl:
I told you we got enough balls that we kicked your *** in 4 wars and will continue to do so if you mess with us. :enjoy:
Really!!! Man ! After reading few indian references you can claim that... As I said before Deilusional Fanboy..
Yea! Bangladesh another muslim nation, nowdays anti-india sentiments are high among them, be aware of them there eyes on indian bengal ,andaman and nicobar island... but I'm interested in burmese and Nepeli blood line..Northeast india..:azn:

Eyes on what ??? West Bangal and Andman nicobar ??? LOL

Nepal is only Hindu nation on earth... do you really believe they can turn against India ?
The thing is our media isn't obsessed with India unlike some ... How many reports are presented daily on Indian media about Pakistan ? :azn: All sensationalizing and drama style :rofl:

out of thousands paper and around 1000 news articles maybe 1 or 2 news of neighbourhood just like media report papua new guinea news and of uganda:rofl:
kid just wait for the rail link to start between port and Afghanistan then you will see much more Balochi Freedom Fighters in action ... there are already hundreds of Military and Ex Military servicemen from Indian army providing security cover to indian projects and workers in Afghanistan .. and in free time probabily helping balochi fighters :)

Oh sure , We can just direct the Taliban who control almost 70 % of Afghanistan to blow it up ... Fait Accomli :rofl: ... and Ramp up support for Naxalite insurgents who control 1/3 of India and declared by your prime minister the most challenging task that India faces ... Yes they are present , the real question is how long they can hold on :azn: ... With US planning to end Afghan mission in 2014 and negotiating with Taliban ... I fail to see how much leverage can you gain from blatantly corrupt Afghan army which is acknowledged by NATO too :azn:
Do you really think any other nation can mess with India in 21st century. Especially, when Indian army is going through massive modernization. Unless, those country want to destroy themsleves.
:cheesy::rofl: Yea! send them to afghanistan...
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