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Kashmir Situation & Pakistan's War Options

LIKE ALL indians, this troll has 0 evidence to back ANY of his claims or conjectures.

@Dubious @Adios Amigo @Arsalan @Horus @WAJsal @waz

Please take note of this streetsh*ter spreading indian propaganda and lies.
If you dont like it you can better ignore it. Instead of crying to mod like a baby. There is nothing wrong with his analysis which is quite accurate. If you disagree, present your points not your immaturity and tantrums.
very realistic analysis of the situation. as a pakistani these are bitter realities and our government knows it. only the keyboards warriors cant understand. as far as indian government is concerned its a victory for them as they have no morality left. a shameless and immoral nation can do whatever they want. they dont mind if they kill thousands and rape thousands of women.

add anohter question to this analysis.
will india carry out another cross LOC strike?
answer: never. two reasons . they dont need to. they wont give any chance to pak to launch counter attack in IOK and escalate the situation. they already have got their kashmir. second they got humiliated on 27 feb in front of the whole world so they wont take any more chances .
If you dont like it you can better ignore it. Instead of crying to mod like a baby. There is nothing wrong with his analysis which is quite accurate. If you disagree, present your points not your immaturity and tantrums.

Stopping indian lies and propaganda is a MUST on a "Pakistani Forum". If you don't like it, you can go to an indian forum. No one is asking indians to stay on PDF. The claims from the OP are from the same ilk who also claimed to have killed exactly 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.
Neither do they claim to have killed 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.
Geez dude, I get you're trying to show 'injuns' their place but how many times will you bend the topic to copy paste this, I genuinely look forward to your posts, but this is getting stale.

P.S. You forgot this>:azn:
7. Military options?
Ans: Keyboard lovers and wishful thinker says that it is very easy to get the Kashmir with help from limited war but mature people are aware that possible results could be different and know "WHAT does War means" and "Effect in our life after a WAR".

So, the Pakistan government (Imran Khan) is already ruled out any possibility for WAR on Kashmir.

Ball is in Pakistan court. Pakistan can easily trap 700,000 Indian troops in Kashmir valley with limited action. Infact by openly training and Arming Kashmiris, it can creat a hell hole for Indian forces in the valley. Such actions will lead to an all out war.

Now Pakistan has to take a calculated risk and decide if they are ready for all out conflict. If need arises, Are they willing to use tactical nukes and in worse case scenario conventional for the Kashmir cause.
very realistic analysis of the situation. as a pakistani these are bitter realities and our government knows it. only the keyboards warriors cant understand. as far as indian government is concerned its a victory for them as they have no morality left. a shameless and immoral nation can do whatever they want. they dont mind if they kill thousands and rape thousands of women.

add anohter question to this analysis.
will india carry out another cross LOC strike?
answer: never. two reasons . they dont need to. they wont give any chance to pak to launch counter attack in IOK and escalate the situation. they already have got their kashmir. second they got humiliated on 27 feb in front of the whole world so they wont take any more chances .

Do you honestly believe the Kashmiris in IOK are going to sit by idly and quietly? You don't think that somehow they may start receiving advanced conventional weapons which may enable them to carry out guerrilla warfare against occupying forces.........:azn:...........first rule of a guerrilla war; NEVER attack or fight straight away. Do it when the enemy are entrenched and least expect it. This is not a short-term fix. These things take years and decades..........:azn:.......occupations NEVER EVER ultimately succeed........:azn:
Ball is in Pakistan court. Pakistan can easily trap 700,000 Indian troops in Kashmir valley with limited action. Infact by openly training and Arming Kashmiris, it can creat a hell hole for Indian forces in the valley. Such actions will lead to an all out war.

Now Pakistan has to take a calculated risk and decide if they are ready for all out conflict. If need arises, Are they willing to use tactical nukes and in worse case scenario conventional for the Kashmir cause.

looks reasonable ... I say F-16 should take our all supply routes and PA should enter kashmir will all of its strength
use tactical nukes if necessary
And our current economy can't sustain even few days full fledged conventional war @MM_Haider

economy doesn't play any part in today's war which are short and swift... look Space Marines never care about money... they provide Emperor's Swift Justice anywhere Emperor desire's
Public wants war...
economy doesn't play any part in today's war which are short and swift... look Space Marines never care about money... they provide Emperor's Swift Justice anywhere Emperor desire's
Public wants war...
Its not a video game bro, if public want it, than i have to say they are stupid they don't know what is the consequences of war, if war will happen how do we survive after the war, inflation will destroy our country then @Tumba
Its not a video game bro, if public want it, than i have to say they are stupid they don't know what is the consequences of war, if war will happen how do we survive after the war, inflation will destroy our country then @Tumba
only cowards fear war, war is a trait of human civilization its the necessary seeds for future, its time to bring justice a swift justice for kashmir.

here listen to this mongolian war song this is how they conquered half of planet.
Do you honestly believe the Kashmiris in IOK are going to sit by idly and quietly? You don't think that somehow they may start receiving advanced conventional weapons which may enable them to carry out guerrilla warfare against occupying forces.........:azn:...........first rule of a guerrilla war; NEVER attack or fight straight away. Do it when the enemy are entrenched and least expect it. This is not a short-term fix. These things take years and decades..........:azn:.......occupations NEVER EVER ultimately succeed........:azn:
well kashmiris cant fight against 7 lac military. and who is going to supply them with weapons??? pakistan?? in your dreams. people often compare kashmir with afghanistan but in reality there is no comparison.first afg is a big pice of land as compare to kashmir. second kashmiris dont have and will not have access to that kind of weaponry .
Ball is in Pakistan court. Pakistan can easily trap 700,000 Indian troops in Kashmir valley with limited action. Infact by openly training and Arming Kashmiris, it can creat a hell hole for Indian forces in the valley. Such actions will lead to an all out war.

Now Pakistan has to take a calculated risk and decide if they are ready for all out conflict. If need arises, Are they willing to use tactical nukes and in worse case scenario conventional for the Kashmir cause.
pak will never take any military action in IOK. we will respond only if india crosses LOC which they will never do. they are not fools.
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