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Kashmir Situation & Pakistan's War Options

The real chance you have is a concerted effort with China, both totally committed. That said Chinese are a patient bunch and they only have/had eyes on the land.

For them Indians will implode themselves for all the stupidity of democracy. And they will then win without a shot fired.

Issue with you folks have is that you have some filiality with Kashmir folks.
The biggest blunder Pakistan made was to stop the Kashmir and Khalistan
freedom movement. If these movements were still active India would be
getting their arses kicked everyday.

Remember Pak did not directly confront the Soviet Union but armed the
proxies and broke them in 10 years. India can be broken in less than 10
years if they armed the Kashmiri's and Sikh's.

It wasn't a blunder, it was a betrayal by Benazir Bhutto who gave India the details of all the Khalsas and then India wiped them out one by one.
There are many threads on the issue but most are unrealistic and emotional. I want to give a somewhat realistic option. Keeping aside the discussion about whether we go to war or not, lets assume we have to, because there is no other option. In my opinion we can do the following.

1- First smuggle large amount of wepons and ammunition along with IEDs to kashmiri freedom fighters.
2- inflitrate special services operative to join hands with freedom fighters and block logistic supply routes.
3- as supply routes are being blocked, have a multi pronged lightning fast incursion through LOC and capture key areas.
4- arrest as many indian army personnel as possible and shift them to Pakistan for future negotiations. These should include pundits too.
5- be fully ready on south punjab borders.
6- partial blockade of arabian sea with help of missiles and subs
7- as situation gets hot, have a live fire test of a tactical nuke (minaturised ones) near the southern area borders. The radiation on border area will deter any indian incursions and also scare the international community, which will hasten to stop the war.
8- hold positions in IOK and negotiate a ceasefire by using those thousands of soldiers and pundits captured.
9- do all this before india gets rafale.
10- announce a referendum in the whole of kashmir (including AJK) and ask UN and EU observers to help monitor and conduct a free and fair plebiscite. Also ask for UN peacekeeping mission to be deployed.

This will not only let us keep the liberated areas but also give legitimacy to it. We might face some sanctions for testing live fire nuke but we can handle that.
What do the PDF seniors think?

@Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @Khafee@Dubious @Signalian @I.R.A @Areesh@war&peace @Farah Sohail @Zibago@Arsalan @waz and others

Realistic, hahaha. What do you think? India is handicapped or something? Come on, man.
There are many threads on the issue but most are unrealistic and emotional. I want to give a somewhat realistic option. Keeping aside the discussion about whether we go to war or not, lets assume we have to, because there is no other option. In my opinion we can do the following.

1- First smuggle large amount of wepons and ammunition along with IEDs to kashmiri freedom fighters.
2- inflitrate special services operative to join hands with freedom fighters and block logistic supply routes.
3- as supply routes are being blocked, have a multi pronged lightning fast incursion through LOC and capture key areas.
4- arrest as many indian army personnel as possible and shift them to Pakistan for future negotiations. These should include pundits too.
5- be fully ready on south punjab borders.
6- partial blockade of arabian sea with help of missiles and subs
7- as situation gets hot, have a live fire test of a tactical nuke (minaturised ones) near the southern area borders. The radiation on border area will deter any indian incursions and also scare the international community, which will hasten to stop the war.
8- hold positions in IOK and negotiate a ceasefire by using those thousands of soldiers and pundits captured.
9- do all this before india gets rafale.
10- announce a referendum in the whole of kashmir (including AJK) and ask UN and EU observers to help monitor and conduct a free and fair plebiscite. Also ask for UN peacekeeping mission to be deployed.

This will not only let us keep the liberated areas but also give legitimacy to it. We might face some sanctions for testing live fire nuke but we can handle that.
What do the PDF seniors think?

1. Already happening from many years.
2. Already happening but how do you target supply routes, there are alternative routes roads, bridges can be repaired.
3. India has good amount of air transportation and million armed force is sitting on LOC and inside.
4. Can not be possible without 3.
5. Already done.
6. Can be done for small duration until PN can survive.
7. Can be done a reasonable idea.
8. Can not be possible without 3.
9. Rafale does not impact strategic balance as such so this point does not matter.
10. Again need to start from 3 I guess.

But more ideas are required.
. .
There are many threads on the issue but most are unrealistic and emotional. I want to give a somewhat realistic option. Keeping aside the discussion about whether we go to war or not, lets assume we have to, because there is no other option. In my opinion we can do the following.

1- First smuggle large amount of wepons and ammunition along with IEDs to kashmiri freedom fighters.
2- inflitrate special services operative to join hands with freedom fighters and block logistic supply routes.
3- as supply routes are being blocked, have a multi pronged lightning fast incursion through LOC and capture key areas.
4- arrest as many indian army personnel as possible and shift them to Pakistan for future negotiations. These should include pundits too.
5- be fully ready on south punjab borders.
6- partial blockade of arabian sea with help of missiles and subs
7- as situation gets hot, have a live fire test of a tactical nuke (minaturised ones) near the southern area borders. The radiation on border area will deter any indian incursions and also scare the international community, which will hasten to stop the war.
8- hold positions in IOK and negotiate a ceasefire by using those thousands of soldiers and pundits captured.
9- do all this before india gets rafale.
10- announce a referendum in the whole of kashmir (including AJK) and ask UN and EU observers to help monitor and conduct a free and fair plebiscite. Also ask for UN peacekeeping mission to be deployed.

This will not only let us keep the liberated areas but also give legitimacy to it. We might face some sanctions for testing live fire nuke but we can handle that.
What do the PDF seniors think?

@Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @Khafee@Dubious @Signalian @I.R.A @Areesh@war&peace @Farah Sohail @Zibago@Arsalan @waz and others
Sart war with air strikes and destroy their bases.
Get air superiority and then beat the hell out of them.
If you want Pakistan to do suicide then its ok, rest of your ideas is insanely stupid @MM_Haider
before it is all out war world powers will step in ...

India under BJP is different than Non BJP parties...In South Asian politics, parties can go for war and then provide an opium of religion to public...Every one will be happy...
So do not be under delusion that India is not ready to risk its economy to go for any war in Kashmir....BJP gov is aware calculated the risk of 370 deal and still gone for it..

India under whosoever's rule is same.. i.e., Hindu rule. Muslims ruled Hindustan for 700+ years .. no Hindu was harmed..in just 73 years of Hindu rule .. there is ethnic cleansing and genocide of Muslims is taking place.. so war has to happen tomorrow or day after and Pakistan will face existential threat... why not fight it on our own terms..
Hi Everyone,

I can multiple threads are being created from 5th august onwards about Kashmir and possible actions by Pakistans.

By going through I don't find any thread nearby realistic and all seems to me only wishes.

Let me share, my view on current situations:

Indian actions and calculated risks:
1. Was the removal of 370s and 35a executed with proper planning bu Indian government?
Ans: Yes, the BJP government was planning from the last year and the same reason they didn't allow for state elections till now in J&K.

2. Did they know the matter go to the UN and other international organization? (China & Pakistan)
Ans: Yes, they were aware of Pakistani government reactions and possibilities to UN & ICJ and other international organizations.

3. Were they aware the situation in Kashmir will get worsen after revoking 370s and 35a articles?
Ans: Yes, They well aware of situations and planned accordingly otherwise it can more worsen comparison to 2016 when Wani killed by the Security forces.

4. Have they calculated Indians support on 370s and 35a articles?
Ans: More than 90% of Indians are supporting to the government move to revoke this 370s and 35a articles.

5. Do the fear any possible action from UN or any third country including Muslim countries i.e imposes sanctions on India?
Ans: The world will do not care and will not get any harder response from any country. There is no risk.

6. Response from Pakistan government?
Ans: Yes, Pakistan will go to all international forms and seek support from the international communities and will escalate LOC to much hotter to get more attraction from the worl community including UN.

7. Any outcome from the UN?
Ans: No, nothing will come from UN. Except for China- Indian government is not expecting from any country to get involved in this matter. US, UK, France, and Russia will totally avoid this situation and they will ask to de-escalate the situation only (India and Pakistan).

8. Plan for coming future in Kashmir?
Ans: Expecting that situation will get normalized in the coming days. The situation will not be going worst compared to 1990s. However, during the first years, the situation will not be favorable but it will get improved.

9. What do Indians think about this discussion?
Ans: BJP government highly received support from Indians for revoking articles. The reason behind is that everyone was frustrated form previous governments on Kashmir, militancy and hearing said news from J & K. The situation is not getting changed from the many years and people do not see any possible outcome if it comes about India & Pakistan talks.

Indian people are believing that the decision is historical and serve good for Kashmiri and Indians for a longer perspective. Since both nations do not have the capability to undo each other and get entire J & K. Finally if talk about nuclear bombs than surely no one will be a winner and then capability to keep J & K.

Pakistan actions and Response:

1. Internationalized Kashmir Issue:
Ans: Pakistan government is trying very best with their limited resources.

2. Diplomatic actions against India decision:
Ans: Taken and downgraded diplomatic relationship with India. cut trade, air route, etc....

3. Support from the International community and country on Kashmir:
Ans: Already coordinating with all major countries including Muslim countries.

5. Make LOC border to hotter to get international attention:
Ans: Yes, PA is already engaged with the Indian army and status is hot.

6. Get China and UN involvement in Kashmir issue:
Ans: Pakistan government is already trying very hard.

7. Military options?
Ans: Keyboard lovers and wishful thinker says that it is very to get the Kashmir with help from limited war but mature people are aware that possible results and know "WHAT does War means" and "Effect in our life after a WAR".

So, the Pakistan government (Imran Khan) is already ruled out any possibility for WAR on Kashmir.

1. India will try to defend on all international forms during these days and diplomatic will be very active.

2. Pakistan will try to escalate Kashmir issue to all available international forms and platforms to exploit Kashmir issue against India. The best will try to get support in the UN with help from China.

3. Politicians and Army spokespersons will be very active from both countries the give response to each other on a regular basis.

4. The situation in both borders will be hotter and exchange firing will be happening including casualties from both sides.

5. Keyboard worries and wishful members will be opening a new thread on a daily basis in PDF and will declare "Pakistan will fight and get Kashmir by force" or else nuke India.

Thank you.

To be honest and i will get a lot of flak for saying this..............but i think what is you wrote is quite accurate. The only anomaly will be the strength of the reaction from local Kashmiris and war will only happen if that situation gets out of hands of India and to divert the threat India decides to open up a new front with Pakistan.

Apart from that i personally do not see anything else occurring.
Hi Everyone,

I can multiple threads are being created from 5th august onwards about Kashmir and possible actions by Pakistans.

By going through I don't find any thread nearby realistic and all seems to me only wishes.

Let me share, my view on current situations:

Indian actions and calculated risks:
1. Was the removal of 370s and 35a executed with proper planning bu Indian government?
Ans: Yes, the BJP government was planning from the last year and the same reason they didn't allow for state elections till now in J&K.

2. Did they know the matter can go to the UN and other international organizations? (China & Pakistan)
Ans: Yes, they were well aware of Pakistani government reactions and possibilities to UN & ICJ and other international organizations.

3. Were they aware the situation in Kashmir will get worsen after revoking 370s and 35a articles?
Ans: Yes, They well aware of situations and planned accordingly otherwise it can more worsen comparison to 2016 when Wani killed by the Security forces.

4. Have they calculated Indians support on 370s and 35a articles?
Ans: More than 90% of Indians are supporting the government.

5. Do they fear from any possible action from the UN or any third country including Muslim countries i.e imposes sanctions on India?
Ans: NO, they were sure. The world will do not care and will not get any harder response from any country. There is no risk.

6. What would be Response from Pakistan government?
Ans: Yes, they were expecting that Pakistan will go to all international forms and seek support from the international communities and will escalate LOC to much hotter to get more attraction from the world community including UN.

7. Any outcome from the UN?
Ans: They were sure, nothing will come from UN. Except for China- Indian government is not expecting from any country to get involved in this matter. US, UK, France, and Russia will totally avoid this situation and they will ask to de-escalate the situation only (India and Pakistan).

8. Plan for coming future in Kashmir?
Ans: Expecting that situation will get normalized in the coming days. The situation will not be going worst compared to 1990s. However, during the first years, the situation will not be favorable but it will get improved.

9. What do Indians think about this discussion?
Ans: BJP government highly received support from Indians for revoking articles. The reason behind is that everyone was frustrated form previous governments on Kashmir, militancy and hearing said news from J & K. The situation is not getting changed from the many years and people do not see any possible outcome if it comes about India & Pakistan talks.

Indian people are believing that the decision is historical and serve good for Kashmiri and Indians for a longer perspective. Since both nations do not have the capability to undo each other and get entire J & K. Finally if talk about nuclear bombs than surely no one will be a winner and then capability to keep J & K.

Pakistan actions and Response:

1. Internationalized Kashmir Issue:
Ans: Pakistan government is trying very best with their limited resources.

2. Diplomatic actions against India decision:
Ans: Taken and downgraded diplomatic relationship with India. cut trade, air route, etc....

3. Support from the International community and country on Kashmir:
Ans: Already coordinating with all major countries including Muslim countries.

5. Make LOC border to hotter to get international attention:
Ans: Yes, PA is already engaged with the Indian army and status is hot.

6. Get China and UN involvement in Kashmir issue:
Ans: Pakistan government is already trying very hard.

7. Military options?
Ans: Keyboard lovers and wishful thinker says that it is very to get the Kashmir with help from limited war but mature people are aware that possible results and know "WHAT does War means" and "Effect in our life after a WAR".

So, the Pakistan government (Imran Khan) is already ruled out any possibility for WAR on Kashmir.

1. India will try to defend on all international forms during these days and diplomatic will be very active.

2. Pakistan will try to escalate Kashmir issue to all available international forms and platforms to exploit Kashmir issue against India. The best will try to get support in the UN with help from China.

3. Politicians and Army spokespersons will be very active from both countries the give response to each other on a regular basis.

4. The situation in both borders will be hotter and exchange firing will be happening including casualties from both sides.

5. Keyboard worries and wishful members will be opening a new thread on a daily basis in PDF and will declare "Pakistan will fight and get Kashmir by force" or else nuke India.

Thank you.

LIKE ALL indians, this troll has 0 evidence to back ANY of his claims or conjectures.

@Dubious @Adios Amigo @Arsalan @Horus @WAJsal @waz

Please take note of this streetsh*ter spreading indian propaganda and lies.
Warhammer 40 k Space Marines a single chapter can take over kashmir from Indian forces in matter of hours.
Even a million mortal wont be able to stop 1000 Space Marines with Mk6 armor.
Space Marines will do the Emperors bidding and clean up mere mortals in matter of hours.
No they wont, Gandalf in conjunction with Harry Potter will cast a fidelius spell while Yoda will personally defend the borders, we only have to withstand the might of the marines untill Rambo can destroy Pakistan from within while Mowgli disables your nukes.
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No they wont, Gandalf in conjunction with Harry Potter will cast a fidelius spell while Yoda will personally defend the borders, we only have to withstand the might of the marines untill Rambo can destroy Pakistan from within and Mowgli disables your nukes.
Warhammer 40 k Space Marines a single chapter can take over kashmir from Indian forces in matter of hours.
Even a million mortal wont be able to stop 1000 Space Marines with Mk6 armor.
Space Marines will do the Emperors bidding and clean up mere mortals in matter of hours.
You both are so naive. We all know captain price from MW is a Pakistani ISI agent and is about to lead the Clone troopers to invade Kashmir and claim it for Darth Vader who is in fact Imran khans alter ego.
No they wont, Gandalf in conjunction with Harry Potter will cast a fidelius spell while Yoda will personally defend the borders, we only have to withstand the might of the marines untill Rambo can destroy Pakistan from within and Mowgli disables your nukes.

Space marines will call for re reinforcements of all of their battle Astartes all one million of them, cutting through Jedis armies in matter of minutes, inquisition wizards and primarchs taking all the force that has to offer and keep heading smiling to eat yoda in all his flesh. The destruction will be too much to bear for wizards of harry porters these children will be eaten for breakfast by Primas Marines the end of Star war galaxy in full also universe of harry porters.. sad but swift end

You both are so naive. We all know captain price from MW is a Pakistani ISI agent and is about to lead the Clone troopers to invade Kashmir and claim it for Darth Vader who is in fact Imran khans alter ego.
Marvel universe wont survive in front of Imperium of Man, the quadrillion strong forces of imperium of men and god like Space marine are poised to bring on annihilation of whole Marvel universe and Darth vader has become their bitch long ago, all in Emperor's name will be brought to swift justice in the hands of Emperor's Space Marines.
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