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Kashmir not integral part of India: Grand Mufti

Hmmm...Kashmir is not part of India, but article 370 of the constitution of India should remain? Contradiction & hypocrisy of the highest order...
the issue isnt one of religion or a clash of religious beliefs....a lot of the Kashmiri nationalist groups are supporting pundit ('Kashmiri' hindu) organizations and basically debunking indian propaganda about so called "genocide" of pundits

therefore its in our interests and Kashmiri interests to keep the freedom struggle an existential one, not one over cults

Supporting Pundit population??? Can you prove that?? The last time I check they were the ones responsible for making 23pc Pundit population to 0 in Kashmir.
Quite a lot of achievement I guess. People who discriminate against others, have no right to complain of discrimination.
who has the gall to claim as center of power in kashmir ? None .. other the democratically elected current govt !
mind your language

ok correction "bacon", go join the Malaysians who are waging a jihad on Cadbury for coating thier chocolate with bacon. would be better use of time rather than ranting about your wet dreams.

then indians have no right and business to present their mahaan views in threads related to Pakistan and muslims.. above all its Pakistan defence forum not some Ram dev forum...
how cute, grow up idiot

Salute to mufti sahab, inshallah kashmiris will soon get their freedom from hindus
inshallah Azad Kashmir will soon recovered from illegal Pakistani occupation.
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You are living in a dellusional fantasy land, Kashmir after 7 decades remains s disputed territory, even people in India dont think its part of India hence your pain from Grand Muftis statement. And after 70 years you have been unable to take it,last I checked Pakistan has 37% Azad Kashmir, China has 20% & India has 43% Indian occupied Kashmir. The numbers are the biggest proof that your so called victories in wars is nothing more than a face saving lie to coddle the masses. soldiers are comitting suicides,jets crashing regularly and you still cant even make the Kashmiri youth cheer for your cricket team let alone take their land. 1971 was an illegal war India waged to backstab us with, you cling to it bcoz thats your perceived victory,anyone can read Pakistan resolution of 1940 & the two nation theory as given by Allama Iqbal, it talks abt two independent Muslim countries, in the east & west and that's exactly what exists today. Indians are stuck on a workout script from an old hit movie from 1971 & think they can repeat that to make another hit movie like that,that's why they're buying weapons for Afghanistan military and bankrolling them and training them to be anti Pakistan,only this time your old script is going to flop badly. What's more important anti Pakistan Afghanistan or toilets for Indians? That's why you're never going to be a superpower, priorities are all wrong. Without resolving Kashmir & making peace with Pakistan you can never be a super power. Ghandi knew this, the importance of conquering hearts and minds rather than using weapons to occupy other ppl, but your hostage to a Nazi inspired Hindu fanatic establishment that won't rest till it meets the same fate the Nazis did.
@NirmalKrish, inshallah Azad Kashmir will soon recovered from illegal Pakistani occupation.[/quote]
you ppl use our religious statements to boost your morale, inshAllah and shaheed doest apply to Hindus, you wish you had the religious intensity,bravery and high spirits as us so u try to copy out statements and slogans. Even Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is a copy of Indian Occupied Kashmir,Pakistans Kashmir is called Azad Kashmir, look it up on Wikipedia.its Azad Kashmir bcoz Kashmiris are free here,they govern themselves have UN observers that freely monitor the area,the worlds free media is not restricted there,they report freely and the people of Azad Kashmir cheer for our cricket team and also join the PAK armed forces.

on the contrary, Indian occupied Kashmir, the UN observers are limited by a blockade by India, they cannot move freely,observe the area, the oppressed population is kept from going to their office but still people manage to overcome the coward Indian forces and give their protest to the UN office. The world media is blocked from reporting freely, Kashmiris dont like India or cheer for their team and are forced to do so by the security forces or beaten,kidnapped,expelled from colleges,Kashmiris dont join the coward armed forces of India, the politicians dont support India but a few are made to run in elections by bribes from the Army as confessed By the former Army chief of India. Kashmiris wave Pakistani flags when they demonstrate Indian abuses and occupation.

You can copy words,statements,religious sentiments but it doesn't make your occupation any less ugly.
No i am a Pakistani :D-
I got it correct...thats what you are.....a Porkistani

I didn't get this...if you meant to say i'm hindu......that's what you people are ignorant fools......India is made up of other communities too....pasting posters of cow slaughter doesn't offend me...I enjoy eating beef..how about the pork chops which you ordered...
I got it correct...thats what you are.....a Porkistani

I didn't get this...if you meant to say i'm hindu......that's what you people are ignorant fools......India is made up of other communities too....pasting posters of cow slaughter doesn't offend me...I enjoy eating beef..how about the pork chops which you ordered...
who said I was trying to offend you, see thats where Indians are ignorant they think that a cow poster is offensive :sarcastic:
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