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Kashmir plan of RSS deserves a debate

This refers to the ‘debatable’ Kashmir Plan of RSS ideologue Shri Vaidya (GK October 4, 2010).

Shri Vaidya lays down a new solution for the Kashmir problem in general and for the present unrest in particular.

He recommends that Kashmir be detached from Ladakh and Jammu and granted pre 1953 level autonomy with power on all subjects other than defence, foreign affairs and communications.

As for Jammu he suggests Statehood and for Ladakh, a Union territory status so as to satisfy the aspirations of the people living in these regions.

He also suggests that the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution be strengthened so the proposed Kashmir State could have its own KAS officers instead of the IAS officers and the new State could have its own laws instead of the laws enforced upon it by the Indian Parliament. Disagreeing with the post of the Sadre-i-Riyasat , he suggests that that the State should have its own Wazir-i-Azam.

There are many issues which Shri Vaidya has not discussed in his Kashmir Plan. He has nothing to say about the people of Gilgit and Baltistan who are groaning under direct Pak domination.

Similarly, he has made no mention of areas of the State ( Aksaichin and others) which are under occupation of China. However, the ideas put forth by the learned ideologue are worth consideration and fair debate. It is not a solid argument to say that we will not hear anything from a person of RSS which is a recognized political party in India and among whose members we have our Kashmiri Pandits. Shri Vaidya’s Kashmir Plan has, so far, evoked a very strong reaction from some pro-India as well as anti-India politicians.

Most of them dislike disintegration of the State despite the fact that it stands already disintegrated into 4 parts - Azad Kashmir, Frontier illaqas of Gilgit and Baltistan under Pak control, Chinese occupied Kashmir, and India held Kashmir, the present day, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir.

It must be recognized that no boundary is sacrosanct and as such subject to change. Once upon a time there was one country known as Hindoostan, which was bifurcated into three countries by the British. More recently, we had truncated Indian Punjab, out of which they cleaved out the States of Himachal and Haryana.

As such, all members of our society must express their views on the above mentioned Kashmir Plan. For how long we have to remain tagged with the dreams of our politicians?

Fida Hassnain

Kashmir plan of RSS deserves a debate Lastupdate:- Wed, 6 Oct 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

PS: This is an article published in a site by somebody viewing a proposal by another somebody. Terming and mis intepreting the article as "India's dubious plan" or RAW plan reflects the lack of knowledge of the user in understanding English as a mode of communication.
Kashmir plan of RSS deserves a debate

This refers to the ‘debatable’ Kashmir Plan of RSS ideologue Shri Vaidya (GK October 4, 2010).

Shri Vaidya lays down a new solution for the Kashmir problem in general and for the present unrest in particular.

He recommends that Kashmir be detached from Ladakh and Jammu and granted pre 1953 level autonomy with power on all subjects other than defence, foreign affairs and communications.

As for Jammu he suggests Statehood and for Ladakh, a Union territory status so as to satisfy the aspirations of the people living in these regions.

He also suggests that the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution be strengthened so the proposed Kashmir State could have its own KAS officers instead of the IAS officers and the new State could have its own laws instead of the laws enforced upon it by the Indian Parliament. Disagreeing with the post of the Sadre-i-Riyasat , he suggests that that the State should have its own Wazir-i-Azam.

There are many issues which Shri Vaidya has not discussed in his Kashmir Plan. He has nothing to say about the people of Gilgit and Baltistan who are groaning under direct Pak domination.

Similarly, he has made no mention of areas of the State ( Aksaichin and others) which are under occupation of China. However, the ideas put forth by the learned ideologue are worth consideration and fair debate. It is not a solid argument to say that we will not hear anything from a person of RSS which is a recognized political party in India and among whose members we have our Kashmiri Pandits. Shri Vaidya’s Kashmir Plan has, so far, evoked a very strong reaction from some pro-India as well as anti-India politicians.

Most of them dislike disintegration of the State despite the fact that it stands already disintegrated into 4 parts - Azad Kashmir, Frontier illaqas of Gilgit and Baltistan under Pak control, Chinese occupied Kashmir, and India held Kashmir, the present day, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir.

It must be recognized that no boundary is sacrosanct and as such subject to change. Once upon a time there was one country known as Hindoostan, which was bifurcated into three countries by the British. More recently, we had truncated Indian Punjab, out of which they cleaved out the States of Himachal and Haryana.

As such, all members of our society must express their views on the above mentioned Kashmir Plan. For how long we have to remain tagged with the dreams of our politicians?

Fida Hassnain

Kashmir plan of RSS deserves a debate Lastupdate:- Wed, 6 Oct 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

PS: This is an article published in a site by somebody viewing a proposal by another somebody. Terming and mis intepreting the article as "India's dubious plan" or RAW plan reflects the lack of knowledge of the user in understanding English as a mode of communication.

I agree with this plan. Jammu and Laddakh are also not getting fair deal due to valley so full integration of these parts(Abolishment of Article 370) in India is must for development of these two parts. We can give valley its pre 1953 power so that they feel safe and free.
Musharraf never formed these groups, they were allowed to be formed by many people ready to do so in Pakistan. The idea is simple and an honest one, India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Pakistan's efforts in this regard should be commended. What could be more beautiful than fighting for democracy and freedom? Of course the use of militant groups has performance issues and perhaps they don't kill enough Indian soldiers or they miss the target and have incurred collateral losses.

As Musharraf said it is our right to do so. Only thing is to pick the best method of doing it.

India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Absolutely Correct.
Ohhh dividing a foreign country by Hindu militants which is occupied by India.
India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Absolutely Correct.

Its been over 60 yrs and the Plebiscite has not happened. What does that indicate ?
India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Absolutely Correct.

Nothing worng with that. But all this mentality has done so far is to kill thousands of innocents, not only in India, but off late in Pakistan too.

When you hand out guns to people, you should make sure that you are giving it to sane people, not to relegious fanatics, illetrate bigots and fundamentalists.
Oh pleaaaase jana ji come back down to earth and talk like a mature lady. U r not addressing half educated brain washed people here. RSS's solution does seem workable and we need to be looking at things logically. U calling Kashmir a separate country a 1000 times won't change anything
India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Absolutely Correct.

And once whatever it is that is their objective is achieved, these "freedom fighters" (aka terrorists in the rest of the civilized world) will put down their guns and pick up plowshares, right?

Exactly which part of the world has such a thing happened?
India can opt to give the Kashmiris the democratic right to vote in a plebiscite, or else the gun would have to be picked up to kill Indian soldiers.

Absolutely Correct.
as a corollary we can say

"Pakistan can opt to leave the indians (including kashmiris) alone or gun will have to be picked up to kill pakistani soldiers"

makes the same amount of sense either way. that is none.

it simply calls for leaving a method that is not working in favour of one which will give negative results.
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