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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Im not sure I understand why Kashmiri's should be able to defy rest of India's will

Look at that picture in which H20 provided.....that young lad getting the stick from the Indian security forces. You and I will not understand as we are not in the vicinty of that area.......however the people are feeling pain.....they don't want India .....you are holding them hostage....thats why they are protesting.....they are tired of the rapes and killings.

ead body of 8- years old boy Sameer Ahmad Rah son of Fayaz Ahmad Rah of Sheikh Dawood Colony, Batmaloo who was beaten to death by police and paramilitary forces!

For indians he was a terrorists!!! World terrorist is really easy for them to utter!!!!!!!!!! Shame
Ahh u side stepped my question about behaviour towards Hindus. That is why people are called bigots when they look everything from eyes of religion, Muslims dead I am worried and Hindus dead I am happy.
The age old excuse of justifying everything by the smoke screen of the cause.. On the street when a LEO sees a rock thrown at him, cause does not matter. Do you allow a robber to rob a bank becuase he lost a job and doesnt have a source of income?? Ends do not justify the means. You break the law, you face consequences.

You are occupying them; therefore your argument is totally flawed. They don’t want you there. That’s why they are revolting.

Exactly.. You go after Kashmir, and thats what you will hit.. A brick wall..

Who is hitting the brick wall?


C'mon yaara.. Dont underestimate Pakistan so much. The difference in the mights of India and Pakistan is no way comparitive to the difference in the capability of Israel and Palestine. Pakistan is way better than that...

I was referring to Kashmiris ;)

Do you really want to go in the realm of how much percentage of our respective countries' have the writ of state established. :woot:

Sure we could actually; because last I checked, according to even hindustany media – naxal are in 1/3 of india and that is just one of a handful of rebel movements. But that’s a whole other subject.

Doesnt change a thing...No one is forcefully held back. Those who dont want to stay with India, can get up and leave..

It’s a land dispute….people live in those lands; you are sadly naive to think they will just pack up and go.

Its your right to rubbish anything that you feel is not right and is not in national interest of Pakistan. Just like its mine about India.. And hey on the lines of Pakistan's favourite adage of freedom fighters and terrorists, one man's fact is other's fiction... :cheers:

‘’Kashmir is an integral part of hindustan’’

Your favourite adage. Unfortunately for you, it’s farthest from the truth. In Azad Kashmir, I don’t see people throwing rocks and objects at our forces. Pooch lo kyu… Because we give them almost full autonomy and don’t treat them like subjects.

You on the other hand, your strategy is failing miserably. Kill 2 people, you created 35 more enemies who will denounce your presence. In that sense, you are only doing a service to Pakistan; and most importantly, you are just sowing the seeds for further anti hindustan sentiment


I feel sad for them. 2 more pawns sacrificed in the land grab game of Pakistan...

Nope. No matter how you try to mis-construe it, those are 2 more innocent lives taken away by the occupying forces.

Imposing curfew, target killing and intimidation wont be effective tool…

Worlds largest democracy hard at work, ey?

p.s. posted this somewhat recently

Police intimidating Facebook users in Kashmir: rights group - Yahoo! News
Im not condoning rapes or murders...I condemning it

If that is the case what have you done so far to stop your security forces from doing these acts.....because so far you can condemn it as much as you want but nothing has seemed to change.......thats why we have these protest..
Ahh u side stepped my question about behaviour towards Hindus. That is why people are called bigots when they look everything from eyes of religion, Muslims dead I am worried and Hindus dead I am happy.

I'm not looking at this issue from a religious point.....where have i said anywhere in my post that the Indian army is targeting just Muslims.

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------

And what is this behavior towards Hindues, explain to me then.
Then its good Pakistan loss Bangladesh, because clearly the people did not want Pakistani rule to govern them. Same with Kashmir the people don't want Indian rule...so give them independence...what is holding you back.......from my opinion its greed.....and your willing to keep land at the expense of knowing that thousands of people will die.......that to me is a shambolic and disgusting goverment who does such a thing.....whether its Pakistan or India.

Did Pakistan hold plebiscite in BD?? No! They held elections and then decided to ignore the results.. So wrong comparison.

So you are the 1st person from Pakistan who has actually commented on this issue outside the contention of disputed land. So keeping with the spirit are you going to rise above the UN resolution and advice Pakistan on the same lines for the parts where there is / has been a similar movement resulting in people getting killed and assasinated by State machinery??
Indians deflecting topics to Balochistan, the moon and Mars are all a sign of wimps, and I have nothing to talk to them. Be a man, don't try to derail a thread :).

The problem I have is with the NY Times and Washington Posts of the world. For the past 10 years I've been hearing one big statement after the other against Pakistan. Sometimes we're ranked worse than Afghanistan, sometimes the world's most dangerous place, we're in cahoots with the Taliban, Osama is in Quetta, is in Karachi, is in FATA... I mean god dammit, we're the centre of the universe if the story was told by these news agencies.

What about India? All the BS about Kashmiris being a part of India has come shattering down, why is the western media thunder totally mum? The BBC, the CNN, they are all giving only passing remarks like "Oh btw, in other news, there's something happening in Kashmir too".

When that kid, Prince, fell in a manhole in India, that got more news coverage than the months long protests against the Indian state. What does that tell you about the credibility of these organizations?

You expect us to take a pragmatic stand on an issue of independence/freedom to an Indian state....while you bury your head in the sand pretending to ignore a similar call to action happeneing in your own country?

Why shy away from what EjazR asked in a post just a few above yours?

My question to you is....

What makes Kashmir so special that it should be the highlight for all discussions? What makes the Kashmir movement so "right" and every other movement for independence be it Balochistan or Tibet not as important to you?

Dont you find it a least bit hypocritical that on one hand, you support and pretend to have a moral high stand regarding freedom to people of Kashmir..Human rights..ancestral homes hooplah etc about a state thats part of India....
While you ignore, alienate and squash the same call for Independence from one of your own states?....
What makes the Balochis stand so weak compared to the Kashmiris? Dont they deserve freedom?

At least with India...we have dealt all Insurgencies with an even hand.....whether it be the Kashmiris, Khalistanis, ULFA or anything.....
Mr GreenStar what makes u belive nothing seems to change as per rape is concerned by your own data you could not prove anything in last 1.5 years, so your statement is wrong. About previous rape cases you listed how many are proved to be done by IA? What prove do you have that they were not done by locals?
Tell me Indians was that 8 year old paid by separatists as well.....did he deserve to die......this type of thing will never happen in the UK.....thank the lord that I was not born in India.
The issue about Hindus is that these very Kashmiri's that you are defending raped and loted and killed their brothers just because of them being Hindus. The 200000 or so left valley and are living in camps in delhi. So these people are not innocent. About the 8 year old his parents are MF'S who sent the kid out to prove a point. The was shown the wood but never hit.
If that is the case what have you done so far to stop your security forces from doing these acts.....because so far you can condemn it as much as you want but nothing has seemed to change.......thats why we have these protest..

Ok...so hereby...I order that human rights shall not be violated anywhere in J & K by Indian armed forces...forever ! Well..I wish it was so simple sir. My wishes are not everyone's command...

No...its a vicious cycle...ur saying that protests are there becoz of rapes and murders...and Im saying they happen becoz of protests...there is a very big difference...(the murder etc shouldnt happen...I condemn it again...but am powerless to stop it....u could have stopped Kasab...u didnt do it even when u could have)..

Thats why I asked the question...what are they protesting against?
So you are the 1st person from Pakistan who has actually commented on this issue outside the contention of disputed land.

Karan how many times have I told you, that I'm British not Pakistani....as I have a British passport was born here...so was my Dad.....and my grandfather came here a long time ago....probably before you were even born.

Did Pakistan hold plebiscite in BD?? No! They held elections and then decided to ignore the results.. So wrong comparison.

No it was not a wrong comparison, simply because Bangladeshi's did not like Pakistani rule as a result they protested and forcable took land back from Pakistan......same is happening in India, people don't want your rule......so they are protesting....as a result your squashing that resistance by killing there people. You are a modern Nation, so if you want to keep up with the West..I suggest you change your middle age mentally of keeping land that is not rightfullly your's.
^^^^Because that is not how we treat our people who are upset with us.

Do you expect the Pakistanis to agree and take a similar line in Balochistan?

I fail to understand how Pakistanis can't fathom how deeply connected the Kashimir issue is to India. Itsnot the US in Vietnam thousands of miles away or the Russians in Afghanistan in a land where they don't share their langauge or religion.

That is why Kashmir is still a part of India when both the "superpowers" had to withdraw.

The Indian media should rightly raise matters of human concern, the HR violations the unnecessary para military prescence now that militancy has reduced and the lack of use on Non-Lethal crowd control techniques among other things.

And that's the reason why Punjab is with India too. The avergae Indian really doesn't want to discriminate or put someone at a disadvantage. The average Indian doesn't want Sikhs to 'lose their relegion and become hindus' as was being spoken of them. We've always adored and respected their culture.

Sure we have our problems, but on the whole most of us want to move forward. When manmohan singh became prime minister, it wasn't some token respect for Sikhs- he's there because he DAMN GOOD.

The same with Kashmiris. I hope that Omar Abdullah someday becomes experienced enough to become one of the big players in the Indian federation (Since Rahul Gandhi will inevitably become PM, I guess an FM type position). Why should I discriminate against competent kashmiris?

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