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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Why not just have a vote and see what the people want?.......or does the "open communication" and "power of dialogue" not go there?

We urge our young brothers and sisters in J&K to exercise restraint and have trust in power of dialogue."

Why give this piece of advice to the indian army and govt..........its your forces what are killing the people.

why you giving that advice to India just give that advice to your own government for bluchistan first
seems that further grounds are being sowed.

reaping means blaming ISI agency and labelling all Kashmiri youth terrorists

failed strategy which is bound for further disaster

Those must be the reports in the Pakistani papers. I dont see that being reported in India.. Give it 72 hours and you will see the strategy...
Sure you can criticize India but the bad deal is that you will have to criticize your beloved Pakistan too....that too in same breath ..
just to show that you are neutral or you could adopt the official British stand on Pakistan (and you know what that is)

Go to specsavers and get some glasses, this thread is about India murdering innocent Kashmiri's.......not Pakistan. If you want to get Pakistan into the picture then make another thread.
so hiding behind foreign flag is not always advantageous.

Well I have a British passport, was born in England...so was my dad so how am I hiding behind a foreign flag.....do me a favour and please get some glasses as this thread is not about me......it's about Kashmir.
Only Paid agents can plan to create anti India protest out of accident. That is why I am labeling them. A report suggested that most of the time the parents understand it is an accident and do not want to protest, but some agents create the atmosphere of protest. Also why after Friday prayers some people start stone pelting without issue? Whenever peace comes to valley some paid agents does not like it and forcefully create protest. It is common sense that if few people give inflamatory speechs common man can fall for it. Every story can be twisted for good and bad and ruling side always has the disadvantage.
Go to specsavers and get some glasses, this thread is about India murdering innocent Kashmiri's.......not Pakistan. If you want to get Pakistan into the picture then make another thread.

In fact I don't ..I just wan't to say look at your own self..look what you have done on past and are still doing before pointing towards India..because those to criticize others without first rectifying their own faults are known as hypocrites and nobody care what hypocrites have to say...and that is why I never create threads criticizing Pakistan.
Im not unaware of the history...If its a land dispute then I dont see it ending to Kashmiri's satisfaction....India giving away Kashmir the 'land'...is a non-starter...at best small part of the Valley in and around Srinagar might get some sort of autonomy...

Unless there is something substantial on the table in return for India giving away Kashmir...i cant think of any such trading item..(and one that wont get your goat)...like Afghanistan, Sindh..etc...money?, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal...!

Thats why I suggested the people who have a problem with India can move where they will be happier...honestly...there is no win-win solution otherwise.

I have a great idea! Hold a plebicite, let the people decide their fates; and then peace may prevail!

WoW! Sounds like a great ''trade'' to me
Those must be the reports in the Pakistani papers. I dont see that being reported in India..

No, I am basing it off feedback left off by your fellow comrades on this forum; as well as elements in your establishment (even Krishna if I'm not mistaken) who believe that ISI is sending youth to Kashmir to throw stones and protest. :taz:

Give it 72 hours and you will see the strategy...

Ok! :lol:
Then you would have seen the white color rolled up on the pole....

there is some green before the the white part starts and the flag is also quite large.....:undecided: why would ppl wave a green crescent flag even for religious reasons:what:
on a lighter note if the flag is really all green, kudos to whoever found that out:tup:
Well are you suggesting you have no relation to Pakistan ..whatsoever??

If then, your opinion is seriously biased.

Even I am an American resident but then I don't put US flag..because I am here to defend my country ..which is India.

I am not going to reply to you, as you seem to get personal...and not talk about the issue, as a result I will not speak, as the moderator can take care of you.
Kashmir is very sacred land for many hindus, sikhs and buddhist it is mentioned in numerous holy books and we all know the connection of Lord Shiva with Kashmir.

Giving up Kashmir and shrines like Amarnath is not a option for Indians, the only solution is what Musharraf and Vajpayee had in the blueprint to make borders irrelevent so there is a free movement of goods and people between Pakistani side and Indian side of Kashmir.
as claimed by you, no one can live for 2-3 years and then die.
Assume they died in pak after india handed them over. so you are saying they did mauj-masti for 2-3 yrs and then died? WAH!!

No, we are saying that they died because of kidney, liver and other bodily failures due to being fed crushed glass in their breads, due to being fed metal dust in their waters, and due to being fed some of the most mal-nutritious food that the Indian government could find.

Do not even try to dispute this. I have primary sources.
As for the future of Kashmir? I personally liked Bezerk's Scenario 7: The Chenab formula.

Scenario 7


The Chenab formula

This plan, first suggested in the 1960s, would see Kashmir divided along the line of the River Chenab. This would give the vast majority of land to Pakistan and, as such, a clear victory in its longstanding dispute with India. The entire valley with its Muslim majority population would be brought within Pakistan's borders, as well as the majority Muslim areas of Jammu.

I think it's the best way to go because the idea of a free and independent Kashmir sounds quite impossible. Works best if Pakistan gets the Muslim majority parts and India keeps the rest. Then free immigration be opened so that the minority religions in Pakistani Kashmir can move out into India and Muslims from Indian Kashmir can move into Pakistan.


At OP, I think it'll be quite a few generations from today. But it'll happen someday.
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persnally i would think kashmir is not worth it.

let them go and do whatever they want.

the only apprehension i have is that this decision will bring fanatic taliban to out doorstep.

worth and sovreignity of your country should not be mentioned in the same breath

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