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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Are u forgetting the Gujjrat (Muslim Killings), Babri Mosque and resently your Indian Actress (Shabana Uzmi) said on the media that she was not allowed to purchase a Flat in Mumbai just because she was muslim, the Related department refused to her.

Dude... do you even consider how many non-Muslims are killed during the riots? I have seen people talk about muslims being massacred... but no one mentions anything about non-Muslims ... (note that I am using non-Muslims here because the aam janta gets caught in such sectarian acts).
Now what Shabana Azmi says is entirely her opinion and her experience with a particular builder.... nothing to generalize for the masses... remember there are more Muslims in India than in Pakistan and they are all living amongst us... inside our society... so definitely they are all finding some place to stay isn't it... not like they being denied a place just because they are in minority...
Who are you to decide that they are violent, directionless, self-destructive and brainwashed? Just because they don't want to be with you?
Talk about yourself and your sanity. You have no right to judge others as destructive, insane and directionless. Let them speak for themselves. Aren't they already?

Who are you to decide that they don't want to be with us?... Are you speaking for all the people in Kashmir or those who are on the streets pelting stones on the security forces and destroying the very infrastructure which is setup for their own development? ... The solution is not that simple which can be resolved by demonstrating violently on the streets... the only solution is to sit down and discuss the various possible solutions which have been discussed at length in other threads...

The govt is willing to discuss the issue with the people... but someone should first stop violence and then approach on talks with the govt... is 63 years enough to forget how we got our independence from the Britishers?... Did we forget how the world still respects the tenets of non-violence preached by Gandhiji?....

Now tell me who is the sane one?
Are u forgetting the Gujjrat (Muslim Killings), Babri Mosque and resently your Indian Actress (Shabana Uzmi) said on the media that she was not allowed to purchase a Flat in Mumbai just because she was muslim, the Related department refused to her.

As I said before, if killings are going to be the yardstick by which you want to decide which side of the line muslims are better on, it is undoubtedly India and not Pakistan. I could pull up some numbers for you but I am in class so you will have to do that yourself.

Shabana Azmi was not refused a flat by some department, it was by the individual private owners society and they were well within their rights to do so, get your facts right and then come spout here.
news.outlookindia.com | J&K Cops to Sue Facebook, Youtube

J&K Cops to Sue Facebook, Youtube

Police today said it will register a case against two prominent social networking sites for uploading of a three-minute video (3:07 mts) purportedly showing four youths being forced to parade naked, apparently by some uniformed personnel at an undisclosed location (some reports name the Sopore area) in Kashmir

"A formal case is being registered against the YouTube and Facebook networks and investigation is on to locate the persons responsible for uploading this baseless and malicious clip," a police spokesman told PTI.

He said police have taken cognisance of the video clip and initial investigations have shown that the video has not been verified as yet and therefore "to attribute it to security forces with the intention of maligning them and spreading disaffection among the people is highly regrettable.

"Action shall also be taken against other organisations who tried to propagate it," he added.

"No one has been able to authenticate the video so far," Home Minister P Chidambaram told reporters in New Delhi while replying to a question on the three-minute video clip uploaded on two prominent social networking sites.

The minister said he had asked security agencies to find out whether anybody featuring in the video had spoken out.

"Until it is authenticated and the persons identified, I think it would be unsafe to rely on such a video," he said.

He did not elaborate on what steps were being taken to ascertain the authenticity of the video. Shockingly, there seemed to be no condemnation of the incident shown on the video from any official quarters, even with caveats that its provenance remained to be established. Nor was any seriousness shown to get to the bottom of the controversial incident pictured.

Is the video genuine?

The video shows four unidentified Kashmiri-looking youngsters being made to parade through what looks like a village, sometimes passing by others, with a male voice in the background constantly abusing in Hindi/Urdu and Kashmiri in the backdrop.

A male voice asks the youth to remove the clothes they are carrying from their private parts. Another voice asks the person recording the sequence to record from the front.

“The video is taken by the accompanying policeman, who records the event during their short journey...he must have recorded it for fun, but luckily it got leaked by an anonymous person,” the comment accompanying the video in one of its postings on the Facebook account “Citizens of Kashmir” claimed.

A senior police officer in the Valley pointed out that it looked like an 'old video' because it appeared to have been shot in autumn and not during the recent protests because the fields seem harvested.

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) also questioned the video’s authenticity. “Such a thing is not possible in Kashmir,” CRPF spokesman Prabhakar Tripathi was quoted by the Indian Express as saying. “The video seems manipulated to tarnish the image of the force and police.”

Tripathi said it was hard to imagine how such an incident, if it had happened, could remain under wraps so long. “In this place, even **** doesn’t remain a secret,” he said. “This video can never be proved to be genuine.”

While the men in uniforms are clearly not of the Army, and seem to be wearing the uniform of the J&K Police, the video had earlier done the rounds of Youtube, Facebook and some mailing lists accompanied by such labels as:

* Indian Army torturing Kashmiri youth for a naked parade.
* So Called Disciplined Indian Army Exposes their Shameful Act on Camera in Kashmir
* Indian Army's Shameful Conduct
* "Kashmir's Abu Gharib" [For the infamous Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib]

The above, say the authorities, lends credence to their apprehensions that it could be part of an attempt at disinformation, timed as it was just ahead of Friday's crucial Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) meeting in New Delhi amidst demands for amendments in the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)— or its withdrawal from at least some of the districts of the state.

Despite apparent government coercion which seemed to have ensured that the video was taken off within a short span of being posted, the video continued to be re-posted on various Facebook walls, and new links for Youtube posts continued to shared on Twitter by outraged Kashmiri youth and has evoked outrage, shock and condemnation from the Facebook users across the globe.
While the men in uniforms are clearly not of the Army, and seem to be wearing the uniform of the J&K Police, the video had earlier done the rounds of Youtube, Facebook and some mailing lists accompanied by such labels as:

Told ya so...was'nt the devils...just local Kashmiri police:azn:
It might have been better if you read a lil bit of Indian history first .Tamil Nadu had a very significant sepratist movement in 50s and early 60s . The DMK was strongly anti Brahman ,anti north and anti Aryan .They viewed southern brahminsand north Indians as aryans and south Indians as dravidians . After Independence They increasingly used language instead of race as seccesionist planck. Infact current patriach of DMK (Karunanidhi ) was also associated with this movement .However After compulsory introduction of hindi as national language was stopped the sepratism began to wane ...some other factors like electoral success and 16th constitutional ammendment was also responsible .
The sepratism might have died down but that does not mean that there was no sepratism but I was amazed that in 7 pages none of Indian members even hinted about this . I can only draw two conclusions from this either indian members are woefully ignorant of thier history or they want to gloss over some aspects of that history .
You could assume....that Indians prefer to look at the future....instead digging some idea that have been dumped half a century ago....
Never underestimate the power of people..Russia once also saw itself invicible and took pride on the "soviet" indentity. Indian ideas of nationalism also reel from same legacy and there is a possibility no matter how little of them meeting the same fate!

Power of people..?? Please dont forget that India has had govts thru the power of people only for last 60+ years. Something that can not be said about most of our neighbours.
After Independence They increasingly used language instead of race as seccesionist planck

Does this explain why South Indians seem not to be able to speak Urdu or Hindi?
my friend it's not me who needs to read history.. i think its you who need a bit of reality check.. i'm neither from 50s nor from 60s.. in my life time i have never come across any tamil seperatist movement. when was the last time you heard tamil's agitating for a seperate homeland?? when was the last time tamils got out on the street with violent protests?? deffinetly not on 80s not on 90s or in this decade. all the above political parties you mentioned or leaders, have been or are active part of indian national governments & are operating under constituation of india. there were lot many seperatist movements throughout the world in the distant past & it doesn't mean that they are still in existance. today there is not even a single significant tamil seperatist movement within india. so let's stop living in the fantasy by clinging onto the so called seperatist movement which has happened half a century ago & died it's natural death. people are happily part of india. i'm sorry that i have burst your bubble here..

If you had read my post carefully you would have seen that I mentioned that the Tamil separatism died out . Whether that would raise its head in future is a speculation and yours is as good as mine . My post was reality check to the mocking attitude adopted by Indian members who said that they had never heard of Tamil separatism.I pointed that rather than revealing anything else it reveals their lack of knowledge of their countries current history . It is strange that you think that you burst some kind of bubble ...It suggests your inability to comprehend simple English .
Can somebody explain Tamil movement in India. This is the first time I am hearing about it. Did something happen in last 5 years while I was away? Does Tamilnadu wants separation from India?

:no: there was an automous request in 1980s. But now the person who request is our chief minister:)
then yenega na avinga dubakura ellam nambi question kekaringa:toast_sign:
If you had read my post carefully you would have seen that I mentioned that the Tamil separatism died out . Whether that would raise its head in future is a speculation and yours is as good as mine . My post was reality check to the mocking attitude adopted by Indian members who said that they had never heard of Tamil separatism.I pointed that rather than revealing anything else it reveals their lack of knowledge of their countries current history . It is strange that you think that you burst some kind of bubble ...It suggests your inability to comprehend simple English .

I agree with you. The basic thing that make some to demand seperate tamil homeland are 1. India's support to sri lanka against tamil's and compulsory insert of Hindi language as official which is against our communites.

But in current or in future these situation cant arise in my opinion
Does this explain why South Indians seem not to be able to speak Urdu or Hindi?

No it doesnt...

Languages like Hindi,Marathi,Bengali etc somewhat match with each other.In many cases the words mean the very same thing..Its just a matter of common ancestory..But languages spoken in South India,Tamil,Telugu,Kannada and Malayalam differ from Hindi owing to different origin.

Thats why,sometimes its easy for a Bengali or a Marathi to speak in Hindi but a bit difficult for a South Indian.

But,I have many South Indian friends back from my college and my office.It just takes them 3-4 months and they can too speak in Hindi.

p.s. I am personally learning Malayalam from a friend of mine.Got inspired by Mohan lal I suppose.
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So what does? How come they don't speak urdu or hindi, everybody else does.
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