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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I have been following the events that are unfolding in Kashmir very closely and trying to understand the situation. I must admit it took me long time to understand the problem. I am trying to put my argument here as to why people are asking for Azadi, what they really mean by that and what can India do to make things better.
My analysis says that the main cause of irritation amongst the Kashmir’s is the caged life they are living. Their movement is restricted they are often asked to show their ID cards and failure to produce one can lead them to unpleasant situation. The CRPF men and policemen are also irritated by long duties which they do not enjoy; also facing stones from Kashmiri’s must be building anger against them. I therefore do not doubt that CRPF might be little rude to people at times. I am not blaming CRPF it is natural of them to behave that way. The requirement of carrying ID cards adds to their feeling of Kashmiri’s...............snip :

I appreciate your detailed analysis and the effort you have put in here.
But I would disagree with some parts in your post.

You have mixed up cause and effect here, the restricted movement, the check-posts, haajiri etc are the result of heavy troop presence, that in turn, is the result of insurgency, and of the protests to some extent. The heavy handed measures occur because the troops posted are outsiders with little consideration for local culture and sentiments but why are they there?

Kashmiri's feel wronged and that is not totally unjustified. They have discontent and to make any progress in the valley that will have to be resolved, or these flare ups will continue. The troop presence and repression is an exacerbating factor,but the root of the problem lies somewhere else, and that has to be resolved first.

And oh, don't believe Kashmir is just a killing zone with big bad Indian army mowing down Kashmiris, our friends across the line have a habit of inflating numbers (600,000 troops, millions killed etc.), don't fall for it.
let's be honest & blunt here.. noting will change & status quo will remain. majority of kashmiris are happy with the status quo, which was proved during last assembly elections. i'm sure minority few will have their own interpretation with regard to the legitimacy of election results. however i do have certain qualms with regard to central & state government's initiative when it comes to stuff like economic & welfare development schemes. GOI need to put more effort on these things. need to build more educational institutions. central or state govts need to bring in investments to provide employment to local public. i know, its very difficult to do this when seperatists are hell bent in thwarting these efforts by colluding with outside forces. but state & central govt needs to get thru these hurdles for the betterment of fellow countrymen.
Am i watching an Indian Movie :blink:

Cross border terrorism and bla bla

what kind of people you are ? you know the reason and still want to know the reason .Pushto main kehte hain trans" suraj ungli se nahi chupta ":pakistan:
Two killed as Kashmir protests continue


Chairman of the moderate faction of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umar Farooq (C) leads an anti-India rally in Srinagar on September 5, 2010.

Two people have been reportedly killed as thousands take to the streets of Indian-administered Kashmir to protest Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan region.

Demonstrators on Sunday defied a curfew in the summer capital of Srinagar to protest the Indian-rule and the killings of civilians.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq -- a Muslim cleric and an influential moderate separatist -- led the pro-independence rally.

Local sources say two youngsters were killed when police opened fire to disperse the crowd, Kashmir Media Service reported.

This comes after violent clashes between protesters and government forces left some two dozen people injured across the volatile valley on Friday.

The region's influential separatist politicians have led numerous rallies in the disputed valley over the past weeks after police killed a teenage protester in early June.

They have threatened to continue protesting until India declares Kashmir an "international dispute" and releases all political prisoners.

New Delhi has expressed its willingness to hold talks with key separatist groups from Kashmir.

“We hope to restart the dialogue process. We will talk to any group, any political party which is willing to talk to us," Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said Sunday.

More than 60 protesters and bystanders have lost their lives during two months of civil unrest in the region.

Thousands have been killed in volatile Indian-administered Kashmir since 1989.


PressTV - Two killed as Kashmir protests continue
F these bharatis, azadi to kashmir asap, dis the only good stuff from press tv. congrats :)
F these bharatis, azadi to kashmir asap, dis the only good stuff from press tv. congrats :)

News report of two people dying is good stuff?

Just goes on to show how much people like you really care about Kashmiris, doesn't matter how many people die as long as it is being reported in the press........ right?
News report of two people dying is good stuff?

Just goes on to show how much people like you really care about Kashmiris, doesn't matter how many people die as long as it is being reported in the press........ right?

coltsfan, i am saying good stuff for reporting true news from media channels like press tv got it dude???
coltsfan, i am saying good stuff for reporting true news from media channels like press tv got it dude???

Alright, perhaps you might want to state your comments more clearly next time.

Thanks for clarifying though, good to know that you are not happy to hear death of 2 people .
Alright, perhaps you might want to state your comments more clearly next time.

Thanks for clarifying though, good to know that you are not happy to hear death of 2 people .

Hey, why you have to bring your baby brother along with you everytime you post? its getting really annoying though.:undecided:
As i asked earlier, why are these people demanding freedom...from India?

I mean Pakistani Kashmir is relatively peaceful...so i really don't understand the paradox here....:what:
As i asked earlier, why are these people demanding freedom...from India?

I mean Pakistani Kashmir is relatively peaceful...so i really don't understand the paradox here....:what:

my frend your question sounds innocent, but u do know the answer. ok... let me try and answer this to the best of my ability. pakistan part of kashmir is mostly trouble free 'cause india does not provide so called 'diplomatic & political support' to this part of kashmir. now you know what i'm implying here. also majority of indian kashmiris are not for freedom. it's only the minority few provoked by the seperatists who are 'politically & diplomatically' supported by extarnal forces.
unfortunately you only hear the loud noice of these few minorities in these circumstances.
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F these bharatis, azadi to kashmir asap, dis the only good stuff from press tv. congrats :)

Yeah tell your Government to declare azadi for them too...because last time I heard you people weren't ready to give them azadi either. You just want Kashmir for yourselves, quit being dishonest and feigning support for Azadi.
Kashmiris want to preserve their identity. They dont want to be called Indians or be forced to put their indentity as secondary. This clause has every support because Kashmir was neither part of British India nor Imperial India. ANd this is their intention they mean cleary "india get out and leave us alone".
What India can do is withdraw its forces, hand over Kashmir to UN for future referendum and independence. Same case like south sudan.

UN is quick to react when it comes to dividing Indonesia, Morocco or Sudan and absolutely incompetent to deal with France and India?? WHY??
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