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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948,
But Chapter VI resolutions are not law unto themselves. Add to that, India didn't accept that resolution. Add to that, it got nullified by the resolution on 13th Aug, 1948.

What gives?
United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948,

The same resolutions dont allow you to be independent.It allows you to only be a part of Pakistan or India.

You know wat - the independence option was dropped at the behest of Pakistan.!!!

Guessing from your flag you will choose Pakistan.But Indian canot allow a strategic piece of land for which we have paid a huge price in blood to simply go away so that some separatists are happy.

We didn't believe in police we believed in evidence given by police .

and the verdict of the CBI was also based on evidence.
Whilst these actions cannot be condoned in any shape or form, your statement above is flawed... "One man's freedom fighter, Is another man's terrorist"...

Does it only apply to disputed land ?
Kashmiri students divided on 'azadi'

2010-08-19 14:40:00
Even as Kashmir Valley continues to see protests and cries for 'azadi', a group of 60 Kashmiri students who visited Delhi were clearly divided on the issue of freedom, with some saying that youths were being brainwashed and others rooting for a plebiscite.

'Some of the youth are being brainwashed by anti-national elements. The majority of the stone-pelters get money in return. Kashmir is and will remain an integral part of India,' said Sajad Yousuf, a student of Kashmir University.

The 21-year-old who lives in Anantnag said India was developing at a fast pace and Kashmiris want to remain a part of it. 'At the same time, the armed forces should ensure that innocent people are not killed by their bullets.'

The group of students from Kashmir University, Islamic University for Science and Technology and other professional colleges were invited to interact with various political leaders in the capital Wednesday to find a way to calm the tempers of valley youth.

The valley, including Srinagar, has been on the boil since June 11, with stone-pelting protesters clashing with security forces. At least 60 people have been killed, mostly in firing by security personnel.

Among the Kashmiri students who were in Delhi, those demanding a separate state argued that Kashmiris are a different race culturally, traditionally and ethnically and are not comfortable with being a part of India.

'A plebiscite should take place and a decision should be taken by the people of Kashmir. We don't want to be a part of India or Pakistan,' said Adil Bashir, 24, a student from Islamic University of Science and Technology.

Another student from the same university who did not wished to be named admitted that he had been among those pelting stones at security forces.

'I am a stone pelter because of the armed forces who forced me to do such thing as they were continuously killing innocent people in the valley,' he said.

'I don't think of the security personnel as human beings when I hurl stones at them. For me, they are the face of the Indian state,' he added.

But 26-year-old Ashaq Hussain Dar, a student of Kashmir University, believes the whole idea of 'freedom' is warped.

'What freedom are they talking about? There was only one freedom struggle and that was against the British, which we won, everything else is a farce. Out of 100 common Kashmiris, 80 want to remain with India,' he said.

He said many of the protesters have been taught what to do and what to say in front of the media and don't have a mind of their own. They are the messengers of the separatists, he added.

Kashmiri students divided on 'azadi'
Only people creating disturbances are the people without work and those out of job people take money from terrorists / terrorist organisations to create disturbances.

People who wish to better their lives and their familes would not want to get to those terrorist activities.
This is very dissapointing news....I support Kashmir and there struggle for independence, however to use such intimidation tactics on others, who are not involved in this dispute.....is very very wrong. Kashmiri people are not just Muslims, but Sikhs and Hindues and they should respect each other's belief, regardless of the political scenrio that has been played in the last 60 odd years.
Time to put bullet in the heads of these Islamist extremists. They will only listen to bullets, talks are a waste of time with these stone age islamists.
Time to put bullet in the heads of these Islamist extremists. They will only listen to bullets, talks are a waste of time with these stone age islamists.

Obviously that scenrio has not played well in the last 60 years....instead of killing them, you should educate them, otherwise these people will be replaced by the next generation, and the cycle will continue again and again.
Time to put bullet in the heads of these Islamist extremists. They will only listen to bullets, talks are a waste of time with these stone age islamists.

These extrimists and there colleagues have belly-laughed at Kashmiri Pundits and now they wouldn't get away with doing same to Sikh's. These low tactics only embrace Sikhism further higher among other Sikh's. Every now and then fanatics test our courage and dedication towards our religion. We emerge even stronger than ever before against all odds. Maybe sacrifices are again needed to protect the honor and integrity of Sikhism.:smitten:

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Look at this man and what he is trying to do.

"anonymous letters from Islamic militants" Just like:A virgin mother has told about her daughter that she had pain in her testicles.

You are sooo darn desperate to prove Kashmir Movement is indeed a terrorist movement but guess what..
Divide and Rule....
Where was this sify news when Kashmiri children were tortured by Indian security forces???
Look at this man and what he is trying to do.

"anonymous letters from Islamic militants" Just like:A virgin mother has told about her daughter that she had pain in her testicles.

You are sooo darn desperate to prove Kashmir Movement is indeed a terrorist movement but guess what..

So what do you expect those cowards to do.?

Put in their bio-data along with the threatening letters?

Please stop justifying them or deflect the blame from them.
But Chapter VI resolutions are not law unto themselves. Add to that, India didn't accept that resolution. Add to that, it got nullified by the resolution on 13th Aug, 1948.

What gives?

Legality is hardly the issue , the morality is . The bottomline of all UN resolutions on kashmir is an that Kashmir is a dispute and needs to be resolved by allowing self determination in J&k . This is substance and all else is froth . Whether India accepts this or not hardly changes moral countours of Right of self determination of Kashmir .
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