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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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This is very dissapointing news....I support Kashmir and there struggle for independence, however to use such intimidation tactics on others, who are not involved in this dispute.....is very very wrong. Kashmiri people are not just Muslims, but Sikhs and Hindues and they should respect each other's belief, regardless of the political scenrio that has been played in the last 60 odd years.

Green Star please see the video below the guy is Patriach of our freedom struggle . He in no ambigous terms takes a stand on this and says that it is unislamic and moraly wrong

The sikh community has been assured by all shades of opinion that there right to have dignified life in Kashmir will be protected at ay cost. I hope you understand urdu if not i will translate the interview for you .
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'Kashmiri uprising home-grown, no Pakistan link'

* Speakers at policy seminar condemn Indian govt for blaming Pakistan for Kashmir unrest

* Former diplomats, RAW heads call for holding dialogue with Kashmiri leaders

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Former high-ranking Indian officials and experts on Friday described the current unrest in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) as "home-grown anger" against mis-governance. They also expressed dismay at the attempts by "a section in the Indian government and media" for blaming Pakistan and militant groups for the agitation.

The meeting, conducted under the Chatham House Rule (where you can report, but cannot quote speakers), called for dealing with the protesters in IHK by providing "justice and self-respect" to people, coupled with the removal of IHK Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to create conditions for a dialogue with "moderate separatists".

The meeting, organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), also suggested addressing the "sentimental side" of the protesting Kashmiris, besides seriously considering granting autonomy to the state, but only if it is "feasible under realistic parameters".

The meeting was attended by former IHK governor Girish Chandra Saxena , former chiefs of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) AS Dulat, TV Rajeswar, Vikram Sood, author Prem Shankar Jha, Indian parliament member HK Dua, security experts, Kashmiri representatives and journalists covering the IHK situation.

The meeting also suggested setting up a panel, headed by former supreme court judges, to address the issue of autonomy for Kashmiris. The meeting also called for appointing a former diplomat to negotiate with Kashmiri leaders over the issue.

Noting that New Delhi had been holding dialogue with Kashmiri leaders even during 'bad times' in the past, the experts questioned the Congress-led government decision to reverse that policy. "If the Indian state does not know when to speak and whom to speak to, then something is terribly wrong with it," said an expert, who has been associated with talks with Kashmiri leaders since 1990s.

Another expert pointed out that most of the moderate leaders were in jail, while militants were trying to take over the situation." If you won't talk to moderate (leaders), then hardliners will take over," he pointed out. It was suggested that the Indian government should recreate conditions to resume the talks urgently because "the people who are protesting are no more political activists or religious leaders, but young men and women".

The speakers also expressed their surprise over why there had been no political response from the National Conference so far, which, they said, had won all the state assembly and parliamentary seats from Srinagar. "Why was the Central Reserve Police Force deployed in Srinagar to fight off stone-pelters, while its original role is to assist the state police?" one of the speakers said. "If I was the commander-in-chief, I will hire a truck and load it with all the stones lying in the open," another speaker said.

The experts said a huge divide and lack of trust had developed between New Delhi and IHK after the state was declined autonomy.

There was also a strong view that the Congress Party should "keep away" from sharing power in IHK. Some experts suggested a change of government in IHK, as the present chief minister had failed to provide effective governance.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Ejaz , I know Aditya koul very well and his association Roots in Kashmir and panun kashmir which are like kashmiri franchise of RSS and VHP . But that is not the main point . The main point is nationalist aspiration of Kashmir if kashmiri pandits are not comfortable with that in ok but they can't have a veto over our aspirations . Isn't it selfish on thier part to demand that 97% of population toe thier line ?

You are saying 97% population but where did you get these numbers from. You cant restrict it to just the valley. You have to include people from the entire historical state of J&K. The Gujjars, Jammu Ladakh Pakistani Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. In these respets the valley represents around a third of the entire population. 33% of the population can't veto 66%. Besides UN resolutions have defined the border of the historical state of J&K. It doesnt look at the problem as just the valley issue but the entire J&K state.

I don't know much about Panun Kashmir, but I can understand that you look at them like RSS/VHP because of them highlighting the Pandits HR violations issues, maybe agressively. Similarly you should understand why some Pandits would look at those who aggressively seek a creation of "Islamic state of Kashmir" as TTP or Taliban clones.

Both of the worldviews are not correct but they feed each other. The stereotypes need to broken and that can happen only when aggressive rhetoric is put aside and rational talks take place.

I can't say anything about it ,it is for other regions to decide for themselves whether they are ok with status quo or not . Kashmir is not and i hope it is clear in India . Kashmir wants freedom and that means right to choose b/w India , pakistan or independence and it is too early to call what would be final disposition and whether that would be viable or not .

That is what you need to decide for yourslf as well. By going throguht the two most extensive and impartial surveys done. It is clear that only the valley wants independence and it ranges between 70-90%. But even muslim majority districts of Jammu or Kargil are majority pro-India.

If just going by the sentiment of the people, the valley along is made independent, do you honestly think it can follow an indendent foreign or military policy being on the border of three nuclear states. If either one of the countries don't influence it.

In China, you have an ideology where religion is supressed and children under 18 are not even allowed to attend mosques. Unfortunate as it is, in Pakistan people area actually afraid to even go to their mosques.

There is no doubt that the HR violations the presence of troops and CRPF in populated areas should be done away with. And if you look at the situation pre-1988. This was the case. So there is no reason why troop and CRPF presence can be finished completely. Ofcourse at the end of the day it is for the Kashmiris, Jamuites, Ladakhis to decide and to develop a consensus among them
Wonder how only Pakistan news paper gets such news?
The sikh community has been assured by all shades of opinion that there right to have dignified life in Kashmir will be protected at ay cost. I hope you understand urdu if not i will translate the interview for you .

I will not comment on the authenticity of the current issue as I have no independant way of confirming it. But was there not a case of youths recently attacking a sikh youth who refused to raise "pro-freedom" slogans and had his hair cut off ? It happened in the current agitation.

The reason is that even though the "leaders" of the movement might keep asseting it. The policies are so divisive that the foot soldiers in the heat of the moment will take out their anger even on innocent people because of the divisive policies.

Let me give another example, the RSS always keeps insisting that they are not against Muslims and that they have no issues with Islam as a religion. But the divisive policies eventually led to cadres in their group committing terrorists acts. The Abhinav Bharat group is the most recent example.

So what the "leader" says and what the foot soldiers do may not necessarily be in sync when the ideology you preach is divisive. RSS want a politcal-Hinduistic version implemented. While Geelani and Co. want a politcal-Islamists vision implemented.

And IMHO both visions are bound to fail.
Legality is hardly the issue , the morality is . The bottomline of all UN resolutions on kashmir is an that Kashmir is a dispute and needs to be resolved by allowing self determination in J&k . This is substance and all else is froth . Whether India accepts this or not hardly changes moral countours of Right of self determination of Kashmir .
So you have changed your mind. The right to self-determination is now no longer a matter of law or resolutions at UN, but is a merely a matter of morality. Very fine.

What are the moral contours of Kashmiri’s ‘right to self determination’? Or, to rephrase that, what gives Kashmiris the ‘moral right’ to claim ‘right to self-determination’? Obviously you can no longer make reference to UN and its resolutions. If morality is the issue, then whether or not it is codified at UN or elsewhere, makes no difference, if such codification is not binding like law.

However, as an aside, I may remind you, that even the UN resolutions do not give an absolute right to self determination to Kashmiris, if at all UN resolutions under Chapter VI give rise to any right. It is conditional.
So, from point of Geelani it were Indian RAW Agency who displaced Kashmiri Pandits from Valley. So genions concern by Pundits brother Geelani.
Threat to Sikhs unites Hurriyat, politicos - India - DNA

The anonymous threat to Sikhs to join protests or leave Kashmir has united separatists and mainstream politicians.

“Unidentified people have sent notices to Sikhs. I have told them Islam doesn’t allow it. Islam preaches respect for all religions and protection of all faiths. These miscreants are people who are against our movement,” Syed Ali Shah Geelani, chairman of the hardline faction of Hurriyat Conference, said.

For the past few days, Sikhs living in different parts of the Valley have been receiving threat letters in gurdwaras and households, triggering panic among the community.

“Some miscreants sent anonymous letters to our gurdwaras and homes, threatening that Sikhs join protests or leave Kashmir. We ignored it initially, but when letters were dropped in gurdwaras we started worrying. There are several agencies and elements active in Kashmir, anybody can be behind this act,” Jagmohan Singh Raina, president of All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee, said.

A panicked state government said it was looking into the issue and trying to expose the miscreants. “We may have differences with separatists but on this issue, we are one. Muslims of Kashmir are living in harmony with Sikhs. However, there may be miscreants and mischief-mongers. We are looking into this issue with all seriousness and will identify and expose these elements,” Ali Mohammad Sagar, law and parliamentary affairs minister, said.

The threat comes in less than a month after miscreants chopped off hair of a Sikh youth at Malangpora in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district.

Harmeet Singh aka Mithun Singh, an employee of Border Roads Organisation, was stopped by a group of miscreants near Malangpora when he was on his way to market on July 28. He was allegedly asked to raise pro-freedom slogans and later beaten up in full public view. His hair was also allegedly chopped off, triggering anger among Sikhs in both the Valley and Jammu, police said.

There are 70,000 Sikhs living in 121 villages of the Valley. Sikhs and Muslims have traditionally lived in harmony in Kashmir. Despite the massacre of 34 Sikhs in Chittisinghpora village of Anantnag district on March 20, 2000, the community did not leave the Valley like Kashmiri pandits.

“We are framing mohalla [ward] committees with Muslim brothers. We are also calling a conference of our community to dispel the threat,” a Sikh leader said.
Divide and Rule....
Where was this sify news when Kashmiri children were tortured by Indian security forces???

I suppose Internet was not their when Lakhs of Kashmiri Pundit migrated from their own homeland as well got killed who refuse to migrate.
Hatred is always easy to spread. Take an example when any government is at power it is easy by the opposition to tell they are bad, when opposition comes to power they can't do any better. How many people use their brain in such cases? It is easy to blame armed forces, no other armed forces in similar condition has done any better. Armed forces came in because of terrorism and before 89 there was no such thing proves our intention.
The news is about its citizens visiting the country capital and voicing their opinion.

You cant expect that news to be published in other medias for say example a "a Czechoslovakian" news source.
lol..............so called freedom fighters are now behind sikhs............:lol::lol::lol:

Are they thinking that sikhs gonna leave like Valley Pandits?????:disagree::disagree:

Plz freedom fighters ...........try harder.......sending letters and cutting hairs of sikhs wont gonna work for you.

May be kneeling and begging for support might work:partay:

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