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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Just seen in International News Channels That 'Curfew in whole state of Kashmir'. It is first time in history , So Freedom is Nearby , InshALLAH

Yeah yeah... keep talking. :blah::blah::bounce::hang2:

We don't give a jack$h!t what "international media" says about the state. Its our territory and blabbing is all they can do. We can't put a lock on everyone's mouth.
This is really sad -- Request Pakistanis to not post deplorable statements -- and indian posters to not respond...

Why sad ? Loss of lives but most importantly -- all the hard work that Army did -- in keeping the area relatively stable for years -- has now come to naught because of this -- Only if politicians had build up during the peace !!
kashmiris are our brothers . what ever is going on over there we should also consider our selfs responsible to some extend. why the sudden protests from our Kashmiri Indians ..i mean the situation was under control .60% of our kasmiri Indians voted for elections...which was the highest.i may be wrong but there aint no fire without some smoke.. instead of playing the blame games we should reality try to look at our system and things will change over there.
why don't the indian security forces get better at non lethal crowd control. killing even person is simply not acceptable.

spend some money to equip security forces with the most modern non lethal methods.

loss of life creates ill will.
why don't the indian security forces get better at non lethal crowd control. killing even person is simply not acceptable.

spend some money to equip security forces with the most modern non lethal methods.

loss of life creates ill will.
Ill will has been there even when the Army had not done anything. Face it buddy, they're a bunch of radical terrorist supporters who'd stop at nothing no matter how non-lethal we get. Do you know how many officers get beaten up and lynched?

Sorry to disagree man. These separatists/terrorists-to-be are not worthy of mercy.
That's what terror-sympathizers get. They should be happy that they're given even this coverage because we are a democracy. Had we been a single party unitary state, there'd have been a media blackout and military combat operations would be carried out until none of them survived.

Some people don't deserve freedom like these traitors.

If its so, then some Indian members of this forum should also be in queue to be killed, because just a few days back all the Indian members were sympathizing terrorists, on a thread about Human rights violation in the name of nonjudicial killings of members of Taliban by Pakistan Army.

This is not the way to treat civilians, and they wouldn't have turned this way in first place if their voices were heard.
Ill will has been there even when the Army had not done anything. Face it buddy, they're a bunch of radical terrorist supporters who'd stop at nothing no matter how non-lethal we get. Do you know how many officers get beaten up and lynched?

Sorry to disagree man. These separatists/terrorists-to-be are not worthy of mercy.

maybe, i don't all the details.

but i would think that logically it must be possible to bring people under control without having to fire at them.
some methods must exist
Indian security forces have killed at least four more Kashmiris, as violence returned to the Indian-held territory on Friday and Saturday. The number of civilians killed since June 11 has now climbed to more than 20, with countless injured and hundreds of people thrown into jails. But evidently neither New Delhi nor the Delhi-backed chief minister is willing to learn from the deaths and try earnestly to find out the reasons behind the new wave of protests that has rocked the valley.

Most shocking was Omar Abdullah’s remark on Thursday when he asked the Kashmiris to call off the protest because it was causing “discomfort” to the people. Here are Kashmiris in a state of rebellion. They have rendered sacrifices in blood for the sake of freedom, because they want to be masters of their destiny. India, on the other hand, has deployed 700,000 troops in the valley to keep them in bondage. That the Kashmiri stir is urban-based is obvious, and not even the most rabidly pro-India elements abroad have detected a foreign hand in the uprising. Even sections of the Indian media admit that the protest is indigenous, with urban youths in the lead. Against this background, one is shocked that Mr Abdullah should refer to this struggle as “discomfort”.

The violence and human rights abuses have finally drawn the attention of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who on Wednesday asked Pakistan and India to start talking to resolve the Kashmir dispute. It need not be repeated that Islamabad has never shied away from talks on Kashmir to seek a peaceful solution to the dispute. One wishes New Delhi, too, had the wisdom to realise that killing Kashmiris is no solution to the problem and the only way out are sincere and purposeful talks with Pakistan and the Kashmiris.


Ill will has been there even when the Army had not done anything. Face it buddy, they're a bunch of radical terrorist supporters who'd stop at nothing no matter how non-lethal we get. Do you know how many officers get beaten up and lynched?

Sorry to disagree man. These separatists/terrorists-to-be are not worthy of mercy.

Brother an eye of an eye makes the whole world blind... we just cant shoot our own people can we...? we have to find some other way out of this,by getting to its roots..

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts." --------Gautam buddha... [its your digital point]
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the israelis make the same mistake too. there really has to much better non lethal control.

killing is only justified if the other party has lethal weapons.
I was thinking about -- how to take control of the situation or do something positive about it-- Then i wondered what is it that unites India ?

Think about it -- Each state is as different from other as it can be -- be it language , customs , looks , behaviour , etc... Yet we are United -- we are Indians !

I always wondered about this -- Till one fine day a gentleman from Indian UN -- working afghanistan -- answered this question for me ! His answer was -- one of the biggest factors in keeping India united is -- Movies , bollywood !! Without them it would have been difficult. I thought about it ..and it made perfect sense. Ever since the day i can remember -- i have seen movies with messages promoting Indian unity -- which has since then built in.

So question is -- why cant government rop in all prominent indian muslim actors -- all the khans , javeds , etc... and put in a media blitzkreig for all the Kashmiri people -- I am sure all the actors will be proud to take part in this !! A message about Harmony and progress should be promoted. And since Kashmiri's are majority muslims -- they will being to identify with this message !

What say guys ?
They are not their own people... It's a conqueror and conquered relation, oppressor vs oppressed.

As long as i can remember --they are our own people -- thats the way its been taught everywhere across the country. There is no special treatment for 'conquered' (in your words) people....It is Pakistan who is primarily obseesed with this conquered , oppressed, theories !! and propogating the same -- to achieve their own selfish goals ...
Brother an eye of an eye makes the whole world blind... we just cant shoot our own people can we...? we have to find some other way out of this,by getting to its roots..

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts." --------Gautam buddha... [its your digital point]
Sitting on Gandhi's guidelines today means to simply nuke our entire country. Today's world is not the same as the time when Bapu was there and it is best we keep his sayings to that era with due respect.

Today it is about surviving and flourishing as a nation which we are but restricted because of our own self-imposed limitations. Those separatists are not Kashmiris by soul. I've been to J&K and interacted with Kashmiris. There are two kinds---the majority normal non-protesting Indian ones, and the other terror sympathizing separatist ones which have grown considerably less compared to a decade ago.

So this firing should not be considered something negative. Given a chance these separatists will bomb every city in the country for their so called independence. It is in the country's best interest to deal with them as now they were dealt.

Poverty is no excuse for these bloody separatists. Bihar at one stage was poorer than Kashmir. Did they demand anything like that? By roots would mean getting physical across the borders that our softy government won't do. So this is the only interim solution.

Lord Buddha advised ahimsa for the sake of general peace and harmony. Not for not standing up and defending oneself. Please know the difference as many people mistake us Buddhists as sissies who aren't allowed to retaliate in return of intended harm caused.
2 More kashmiri youths martyred by indian occupiers?
But its good gandhi isnt alive today.
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