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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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this is exactly what the ISRAELIS thought they for 5 decades kept making sure their external threats are destroyed to a level that egypt and jordan became friends! the syrians became only a loud sounding war cry!

and then the resistance of the PALESTANIANS rose suicide bombings in israel! today israel has tried for more than a decade to crush the resistance of the local Palestinians and got no where! now its your turn to follow the israeli foot steps! your economy will be bleed watch and see! india can never get to a super power status but keep dreaming a "HAPPY EVER AFTER" bollywood style :coffee:

You are forgetting a basic difference. there is no religious conflict between people of J&K and rest of India
Ur already a bigger economy and 4 times large country with like 85% more population and the issue is still there?Going strong and will Inshallah be solved in near future....
U have 2 options:
A)Give kashmiris their right to chose.
B)Kill all of them.

Much easier to make the cost for formenting insurgency very high for Pakistan. We would rather continue doing that. Its a war of attrition and India has a much larger base..
This is Pakistan defence forum.... only Pakistanis should be socializing here NOT you! :undecided:

Hi Batman.. Looks like a bug in the Forum software. Your super moderator status is not reflecting in your posts...
^^It is a matter of shame which you are not condeming...

To answer your comment....... problem of Kashmiris is not limited to its integration with india.

It is about mass killings of their ancesstors..... missing children...women and men!

Ever wonder why indian media is not allowed to print such news?
If we had indeed pressed for complete censorship, not even a bug's death would be known outside Kashmir. Don't blow stuff out of proportion just to satisfy your ego. You don't want to admit Kashmir as our state, fine. But you cannot do anything more than claim disputes here and there and that's a fact.

Rather than wasting your breath for so many decades on "Kashmiri" issue if you had considered economic cooperation, things could have been better. Rather I'd say our government gives way too much attention to this dead topic by asking or inviting talks. It is either general peace or trade but not Kashmir.

Like it or hate it, Kashmir stays ours. Those sponsored stone pelters got what they deserve. And if they plan to get any more violent, we're no unarmed saints sitting here either. If PLA was in our place, all these "stone pelters" would have been history a decade back.
Like you have been supporting LET jihadi freedom fighters for kashmir right? What was your response to that, mass genocide and raping of innocent east pakistanis. At least India is acting responsible in its counter measure. Please you are in no position to dictate to india. First go control your balochistan.
STATISTICS OF PAKISTAN'S DEMOCIDE, that's a good read. It'll tell you how many were killed and how many were raped.

But for past 6 decades India wasn't stronger economically as it is now. But even if it is not, what are you gonna do about it?

Proof gop ever supported let?
Its been 150000 dead and 6 decades...
The web site u gave is just B.S even the bengladeshis on PDF call the 3 million number BULLSHYT!
No army kills innocent people of its own country.
Mukti bhani was created before 71 and thts a fact u always supported taliban..
Wat responsibly?blowin golden temple?killing 150000 kashmiris and raping women since 47?:hitwall:

Violating all human rights?

Balouchistan>None of ur bloody buisness
Is tht even disputed or r u just havin something of a wet dreams cum hallucinations?
Come to my province and i a proud PAKISTANI OF BALOUCH ETHNICITY will fix ur damn disease very well.

Wat we will do is none of ur problem,time will tell,just like sidelining india in afghanistan!

Much easier to make the cost for formenting insurgency very high for Pakistan. We would rather continue doing that. Its a war of attrition and India has a much larger base..

Dont try to act like british raj!!
Coz occupation has never remained and FREEDOM MOVEMENTS and blood of nations have never gone in vain.

History repeats itself.
Proof gop ever supported let?
Its been 150000 dead and 6 decades...
The web site u gave is just B.S even the bengladeshis on PDF call the 3 million number BULLSHYT!
No army kills innocent people of its own country.
Mukti bhani was created before 71 and thts a fact u always supported taliban..
Wat responsibly?blowin golden temple?killing 150000 kashmiris and raping women since 47?:hitwall:

Violating all human rights?

Balouchistan>None of ur bloody buisness
Is tht even disputed or r u just havin something of a wet dreams cum hallucinations?
Come to my province and i a proud PAKISTANI OF BALOUCH ETHNICITY will fix ur damn disease very well.

Wat we will do is none of ur problem,time will tell,just like sidelining india in afghanistan!


Dream on Kid. There's no point replying to your rant. You'll come up with another stupid argument. It's been 60 years, what is it Pakistan able to do to India? We still have Kashmir and we even got siachen.

Well sure time will tell, may be in 10 years there won't kashmir issue at all. see you there.
Dream on Kid. There's no point replying to your rant. You'll come up with another stupid argument. It's been 60 years, what is it Pakistan able to do to India? We still have Kashmir and we even got siachen.

Well sure time will tell, may be in 10 years there won't kashmir issue at all. see you there.

Live in ur dellusional wet dreams n pools paradise MAMOO.
Also how do u know im a kid?i might have my own kids like urself>? so stop getting personal like a mentally retarded person.

U cant answer anythin then it becomes a rant?wow SO PATHETIC.
Remember 47?when nehru ran to UN begging for a ceasefire?while we were in ladakh?
Do u think u occupy whole kashmir and siachin?
Forgettin Gilgit baltistan,Azad Kashmir?Good coz ur soon going to forget indian occupied Kashmir coz its FREEDOM is near.

And about tht stupid 10 year statement thts wat india has been rantin,cryin n wishing since 47...... another reminder is tht the new generation of kashmiris are in the streets of srinagar today.
Still no reponse to my questions. So the fanboys only interested in trash talks and continue to believe whatever they wish devoid of substence.

Are you blind or something? Look at my reply on page 3.

probably missed other peoples replies as well..
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Live in ur dellusional wet dreams n pools paradise MAMOO.
Also how do u know im a kid?i might have my own kids like urself>? so stop getting personal like a mentally retarded person.

U cant answer anythin then it becomes a rant?wow SO PATHETIC.
Remember 47?when nehru ran to UN begging for a ceasefire?while we were in ladakh?
Do u think u occupy whole kashmir and siachin?
Forgettin Gilgit baltistan,Azad Kashmir?Good coz ur soon going to forget indian occupied Kashmir coz its FREEDOM is near.

And about tht stupid 10 year statement thts wat india has been rantin,cryin n wishing since 47...... another reminder is tht the new generation of kashmiris are in the streets of srinagar today.

I wasn't using kid as a reference to age but to your rants. By the way I am only 26 and I am definitely not married yet. So lets get that aside.

I personally have no problem seeing independent Kashmir or Kashmir in Pakistan, but it just seems too far fetched as India keeps developing, no country in the world could force it to give it away. They can't do it now. Even China wouldn't as trade between our countries grow.

I feel for kashmiris who are suffering because of our egos. This cancer is not going away anytime soon. Please only reply if you have valid comment to make.

I have no appetite to replying to a delusional person who thinks Islam prophesied that Kashmir will merge with Pakistan, and will take it by violence. That's not gonna happen.
Sunny i never said we want kashmir ... our stand has always been DECISION OF KASHMIRIS.
And by the way im almost 20!

Its true no state wants to give away anything, but its also true tht no TRUE FREEDOM STRUGLE FUELLED WITH BLOOD OF PEOPLE has ever gone in vain.

So no more posts from me now on..i made my point.
Sunny i never said we want kashmir ... our stand has always been DECISION OF KASHMIRIS.
And by the way im almost 20!

Its true no state wants to give away anything, but its also true tht no TRUE FREEDOM STRUGLE FUELLED WITH BLOOD OF PEOPLE has ever gone in vain.

So no more posts from me now on..i made my point.

First of all free your part of kashmir then we understand you are telling truth
These things will Only continue till the Taser Guns Arrive for the J&K police...... Well then there will be No Deaths Atleast....
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