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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Thts wat indians think a common delussion... its DISPUTED ASK UN,OIC,EU or anyother.

Just violating human rights n killing people wont solve any issue.
But ur welcome to continue living in ur wet dreams

I could care less if Kashmir goes to Pakistan or becomes Independent. I am just stating obvious feelings from India. Don't blame me for pointing it out.
This is Pakistan defence forum.... only Pakistanis should be socializing here NOT you! :undecided:

Good response. real mature. I replied to a question why indians are not taking action against human right issues which was given as answer to 'it's indias internal matter' comment by an Indian.

So, I assumed he resented to the fact that it is really india's internal issue.
Well folks i see it in different way - India is only helping us by doing these things.
Ur already a bigger economy and 4 times large country with like 85% more population and the issue is still there?Going strong and will Inshallah be solved in near future....
U have 2 options:
A)Give kashmiris their right to chose.
B)Kill all of them.

Who kills people these days unless necessary. It is not 1971, where one army can kill 3 million people and get away with it. Kashmiris will pelt stones for 10 days, may be a month, after that they'll get on with their lives. All india has to do is put some money into economy, provide some jobs, issue solved. It's only those unemployed that resent against the government. Social uplifting will eliminate all the unrest. India has muscle to do that.
While discussing Kashmir, I pose same questions in 5 threads so far no Pakistani has ever replied. Which means they do not have any answer.
In 10 years, Indian economy would be so big that Kashmiris would rather stay with India than become independent and lead destitute lives. They are not fighting to join Pakistan. They are fighting for independence. I don't think either Pakistan or India would allow that to happen. Status quo would prevail for uncertain period of time until Kashmiris realise they are going no where with this.

But Palestanians that are in Gaza are not isralies. Kashmiris in India are Indians. They've all the provisions that Indian state provides to its citizens. India doesn't have to get a super power status, in 10 years even if economy doubles, while it is expected to quadraple, it would be impossible for pakistan to wage a war. It would go backrupt in a week. Even now, I don't think any country can persuade India into settling kashmir. India is not Israel but for such small country it is handling its business extremely well. India is a vast country, it could continue with its business, even if a certain section of its society is struggling.

Wait till the west economic stagnation continues and their industrial cost comes down to same level of India. Then the Indian growth will follow reverse gear as Made in USA will cost same as Made in India and people obviously trust the US quality. Therefore India will be left to seek markets in much improvished Africa and other poor countries. The Chinese already sense this and on fast track to shift their economic focus away from west. They are rapidly investing in overseas infrastructure to market their goods and services.

The kashmiris are as much Indians as Gazans are israeli. Both boast their claim to sovergien land and enforce their citizenship on people.

It too early to presume anyone economy. Every rise has a fall and FDI always tend to favour small efficient countries with less red tape. Worst case scenerio has to be kept in mind always. Even the mighty USA today is suffering from economic crisis so saying India is immune is far fetched reality. One should question what will be the opinion of kashmiris on the face of stagnating Indian economic growth and that of Indian union as a whole?

India should take advantage of its good releations with west and rapidly build a base of high tech products and services because they are the future, outsourcing is not! :cheers:
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Wait till the west economic stagnation continues and their industrial cost comes down to same level of India. Then the Indian growth will follow reverse gear as Made in USA will cost same as Made in India and people obviously trust the US quality. Therefore India will be left to seek markets in much improvished Africa and other poor countries. The Chinese already sense this and on fast track to shift their economic focus away from west. They are rapidly investing in overseas infrastructure to market their goods and services.

India should take advantage of its good releations with west and rapidly build a base of high tech products and services because they are the future, outsourcing is not! :cheers:

India is not export driven. It is not like china. India is a service based economy. Every multinational MNC in the world, has their R&D facilities in India. For salaries in India to get to the same level as US, India would be at least 5 times richer than US. So I would definitely worry in such a case if I were a Pakistani. But I guess it will take at least 100 years to get there, so we are in no hurry. If kashmir issue still exists then we will see.

I feel bad for kashmiris, for they are suffering because of both our countries egos.
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About bold part, we are never going to realize that, it is Pakistan who has to realize that it is not 1971 and they cannot do to India what India did to them period.

That's great, because I wasn't talking about Pakistan taking it by force. Kashmiri's will do everything themselves.

1) Why till 1989 there was no problem in Kashmir, when they never wanted to be with India? This is very important question, till 1989 there was no talk of mass grave, I went to Kashmir 15 times before that, not a single world against India. We are not fools to fall in traps. Local are instigated using hired stone pelter's and politicians.

There was always a problem in IoK, do you think in 1989 mass media was such available as it is today? India continues to throttle and hush up any incidents of killings, discoveries, mass graves, etc. "Hired stone pelters?" LOL, you make our conspiracy theorists sound genius.

2) Why in 1999 when the so called Kashmiri waiting for freedom, came out in support fro Pakistani's? As they do today? People waiting for freedom for 50 years, that day should have been very big for them right?

No, they didn't. Kashmir is pro-Independence. Pakistan is ok with that, India isn't. After the pro-Independence majority comes the Pro-Pakistan minority and then pro-india etc. That's why India releases movies like "Fanaa" to propogate the anti-Independence sentiment.

3) Why the problem is mostly starting only from either Sopor or Srinagar?

Every mountain isn't inhabited.

4) If all Kashmiri wants to stay with Pakistan who is current chief minister of J&K and what is his views?

First of all, get this "all Kashmiri's want to stay with Pakistan" theory out of your head. Most Kashmiri's are PRO-INDEPENDENCE. Second, J&K Minister is not an average civilian now is he?
5) What are MP's from J&K are doing in Indian Parliament?

We can say the same thing for Azad Kashmir. Again, you think that we think that there is no pro-India minority. But fact remains, they are a minority.

There are a whole bunch of Kashmir's which are pro India and whole bunch who are pro independence, some people may have high ambition of becoming a prime minister (e.g. Geelani). And there are some who might want to be part of Pakistan too.

There we go, heres the issue. You think that we think that all Kashmiris want to join Pakistan and we think that you're insane. We know that most of Kashmirs public opinion is pro-Independence, and then pro-Pakistan and then the leftovers are pro-India and whatnot. The fact is that the pro-India part's segment of public opinion comes no where near the majorities that hold of their own stance of receding India.
While discussing Kashmir, I pose same questions in 5 threads so far no Pakistani has ever replied. Which means they do not have any answer.

what question might that be??

and in 71 let's not even go there shall we when india invaded east pakistan!!! you invaded a sovereign country my friend kashmir and east pakistan cannot be compared!!

infact you should be tried as a nation for trespassing a sovereign country!
what question might that be??

and in 71 let's not even go there shall we when india invaded east pakistan!!! you invaded a sovereign country my friend kashmir and east pakistan cannot be compared!!

infact you should be tried as a nation for trespassing a sovereign country!

But 10 million of that sovereign country's citizens trespassed into our country. We were spending a million dollars a day to provide food and shelter to them, all the while you keep killing and raping people in scores. When even International community refused to support those camps, what do you expect our sovereign country to do?
Indian Soldiers kill protesters in Indian Kashmir

One Big correction :They died in POLICE Firing ,thats the kashmir state police ,not by Indian soldiers.

Indian soldiers don't engage with stone pelting protesters, rahter they deal with insurgents carrying AK47s infiltrated from across the border Pakistan held Kashmir.
If enough Indians told their government to stop ruthlessly suppressing Kashmiri sentiments of freedom and independence, I assure you there would also be a reduction of VS threads.

if u ppl would have learned frm past mistakes.that would have been more better:azn::azn::azn:
if u ppl would have learned frm past mistakes.that would have been more better:azn::azn::azn:

We have learned from our mistakes and won't resort to anything such as friendship peace or harmony with India in the future.

No more Aman ki asha or tamasha like junk from now on.


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