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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Sorry to say but russia's position is like that woman who has been raped and is now trying to regain her virginity. :lol: Anyways that pathetic veto doesn't matter much to us.

Or to put more appropirately...a bear that was itself bitten...so wait for it to retaliate.

You are no comparison with China better associate yourself with your best friend former Soviet Union. You also share the same future like their past specially of 1980-1989. ;)

I just love ur insecurity that is on full flow..u cant compete with us..so u bring in China to cover up ur insecurity and inflate that lil ego. :lol:

I always thought that Indians are perfect when it comes to dance and mujra but anyways your keyboard masturbation isn't bad either.:lol:

thats y ur singers are flocking to India..btw for the part in red,gettting recognition from the master itself...gr8 honor for me. :D

That is your short sightedness kid. Now their are two who hate you and your country. Anyways that territorial integrity of Indian thing was a great joke. Keep it up.

im sooo scared bachoo...chal enough ....go to ur pre-kg class..ur miss is searching for u by now...:lol:
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Or to put more appropirately...a bear that was itself bitten...so wait for it to retaliate.

Yes a bear. I know. I have seen bears. :rofl:

I just love ur insecurity that is on full flow..u cant compete with us..so u bring in China to cover up ur insecurity and inflate that lil ego.

It wqas you who brought china dear. Remember. I just showed you the truth that your country isn't worthy enough that you can compare itself with China. Just gave you a reality and that made you forgot that it was you who brought china in between the issue.

thats y ur singers are flocking to India..btw for the part in red,gettting recognition from the master itself...gr8 honor for me.

Now where the fcuk singers get into the discussion. You Indians need anything to make you live happy in your wonderland. Anyways so this is what you require to be happy in your wonderland, OK I got it. ;)

im sooo scared bachoo...chal enough ....go to ur pre-kg class..ur miss is searching for u by now...

I thought it was your time to change the diapers. Have you forgot your timetable it is time to have a change. :lol:

Yes a bear. I know. I have seen bears.

Or rather this...Click

It wqas you who brought china dear. Remember. I just showed you the truth that your country isn't worthy enough that you can compare itself with China. Just gave you a reality and that made you forgot that it was you who brought china in between the issue.

Wat i said is also true "dear"..lollzzz

Now where the fcuk singers get into the discussion. You Indians need anything to make you live happy in your wonderland. Anyways so this is what you require to be happy in your wonderland, OK I got it. ;)

From the same place dance,mujra,keyboard masturbation got into the discussion...;)

I thought it was your time to change the diapers. Have you forgot your timetable it is time to have a change. :lol:

hahaha....wait i ll tell ur miss....anyway not a big joke especially if reverse engineered from mine. :lol:
Or rather this...Click

Don't worry this bear's claw, teeth all have been taken care of. It can provide some service to the circus though.

Wat i said is also true "dear"..lollzzz

What you said. You just said crap so received a proper answer for it. You can't even compare your country to even a single province of china and a dumbas* here is comparing his garbage country to whole of china. Lolzzz What a joke. :lol:

From the same place dance,mujra,keyboard masturbation got into the discussion...

Same place.Humm. OK India I got it. Thank You. ;)

hahaha....wait i ll tell ur miss....anyway not a big joke especially if reverse engineered from mine.

Have you finished changing diapers or they are too expensive for you to buy. China manufactures cheap diapers ask your mom to buy those. China might help India in this regard.

Don't worry this bear's claw, teeth all have been taken care of. It can provide some service to the circus though.

Wrong info..they r regenerated with metal claws and teeth...science has advanced a lot these days.....watched wolverine..? lolllz

btw they also have a tiger with them now....:azn:

What you said. You just said crap so received a proper answer for it. You can't even compare your country to even a single province of china and a dumbas* here is comparing his garbage country to whole of china. Lolzzz What a joke. :lol:

ok lets straighten this out...Are u a Chinese or Pakistani.?

If ur a Pakistani I have some news for u..

The GDP of the state i live in now (Maharashtra) has almost half ur entire countrie's GDP.

Still wanna compare numb head??...lol

I just brought in China to illustrate how violently they repressed and crushed the Tibetan independence movement.

I know u will convineintly ignore this and continue..But hey i have made my point and that thing not going to ur head is not my problem.

Same place.Humm. OK India I got it. Thank You. ;)

hehehe no wonder ur still in pre-kg...now lets hear u telling ABCD...without looking into book :lol:

Have you finished changing diapers or they are too expensive for you to buy. China manufactures cheap diapers ask your mom to buy those. China might help India in this regard.

Doesnt ur country manufacture..? why going to China..And by the way do u also drink Chinese milk..cos i think all the melamine and other chemicals have got to ur head..:rofl:

The next instance u mention my mom..i think our conversation will loose its civility..so beware.
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Well our government needs to take serious steps to crush terrorism once and for all so that people can earn through J&K's true source of income: Tourism.

Just because of a bunch of ill-headed policy makers we're stuck in limbo for the past 60 years. :angry:
Wrong info..they r regenerated with metal claws and teeth...science has advanced a lot these days.....watched wolverine..? lolllz

They are too old enough to go any further advancement. They can have employment in the circus though. ;)

btw they also have a tiger with them now....

Better provide a diaper to this tiger. Russia must help the tiger in getting some good diapers. :lol:

ok lets straighten this out...Are u a Chinese or Pakistani.?

Not of your concern.

The GDP of the state i live in now (Maharashtra) has almost half ur entire countrie's GDP.

So who cares... :D

I just brought in China to illustrate how violently they repressed and crushed the Tibetan independence movement.

So what:? Who cares again. Tibet is the integral part of China and both tibetans and their fathers would have to accept this fact. If they won't accept this fact, they would be forced to accept it. :)

hehehe no wonder ur still in pre-kg...now lets hear u telling ABCD...without looking into book

Lolzzz :D

Doesnt ur country manufacture..? why going to China..And by the way do u also drink Chinese milk..cos i think all the melamine and other chemicals have got to ur head..

China prepares cheap and poor Indians need it. And so does you. Just because of this poverty you are unable to wear diapers and have to live a life fill with wetness. :D

The next instance u mention my mom..i think our conversation will loose its civility..so beware.

Or else what will you do. Commit suicide. OK no problem. ;)
They are too old enough to go any further advancement. They can have employment in the circus though. ;)

As i said science is too advanced these days....

Better provide a diaper to this tiger. Russia must help the tiger in getting some good diapers.

Tigers dont need diapers..but i think u need it wen it growls and comes onto u....hehehe

Not of your concern.
So who cares... :D

Of course its my concern....because ui were making kidddish comparison between India and China u being a Pakistani....

Ok next time u become an internet-Chinese,,i ll become an internet American and see u...lolzzzz

Are u feeling low as a Pakistani that everytime u think ur a Chinese and then talk to me...poor creature pity u...:bunny:

So what:? Who cares again. Tibet is the integral part of China and both tibetans and their fathers would have to accept this fact. If they won't accept this fact, they would be forced to accept it. :)

Thanx for the pearls of wisdom...o great one.

we ll apply this same principle to the Kashmiris...

China prepares cheap and poor Indians need it. And so does you. Just because of this poverty you are unable to wear diapers and have to live a life fill with wetness. :D

yes..it is confirmed..it is the melamine contaminated milk that is having this effect on u....lollzzz...

Giving to the rest of the world is ok...But to their "deeper-than-ocean-friend" also..:mo:...Bad Chinese....:lol:

Or else what will you do. Commit suicide. OK no problem. ;)

Dumazz ..i ll make u commit suicide...by telling the same abt ur.s.:sick:
As i said science is too advanced these days....

And as I said science isn't advance enough to make a circus bear a super hero. It's all over for the poor bear.

Tigers dont need diapers..but i think u need it wen it growls and comes onto u....hehehe

But this tiger needs a diaper. It is a eunuch tiger in fact. ;)

Of course its my concern....because ui were making kidddish comparison between India and China u being a Pakistani....

Lolzzz Forgot again it was you who was comparing your garbage country with china so I just kicked your as* on this crap. I didn't started comparing India and China at the first place. I know their is no comparison. India is a ....................... and China is a future super power. :)

Ok next time u become an internet-Chinese,,i ll become an internet American and see u...lolzzzz

I don't need to become chinese dear, yeah you can become American. I understand how humiliating it is to be an Indian.

Are u feeling low as a Pakistani that everytime u think ur a Chinese and then talk to me...poor creature pity u...

I never claim I a chinese it is you who is reading my posts with his as*. Anyways it is not of your concern who I am. I am not in a mood to tell you my nationality. When I would be in the mood I would tell you. ;)

we ll apply this same principle to the Kashmiris...

Just do it. ;)

yes..it is confirmed..it is the melamine contaminated milk that is having this effect on u....lollzzz...

Giving to the rest of the world is ok...But to their "deeper-than-ocean-friend" also..:mo:...Bad Chinese....

If it wouldn't be that melamine contaminated milk what have you done in your childhood. You also use to feed on that milk. Anyways have you collected the money to buy the diaper? If not than you can sit in front of any mosque in India. Your country men would surely help you. :azn:

Dumazz ..i ll make u commit suicide...by telling the same abt ur.s.

Dreaming high again...

Being an Indian you can only do two things. Commit suicide or piss at the side of the road. I think first option would be more suitable for you.

And as I said science isn't advance enough to make a circus bear a super hero. It's all over for the poor bear.

In ur country maybe...but in the rest of the world it is advanced enough..

thats y mayb every year thousands of ur country men come to my country for heart surgery and other surgeries.:;;lollzzz

But this tiger needs a diaper. It is a eunuch tiger in fact. ;)

Even an eunuch tiger is enough for a mouse like u....

Lolzzz Forgot again it was you who was comparing your garbage country with china so I just kicked your as* on this crap. I didn't started comparing India and China at the first place. I know their is no comparison. India is a ....................... and China is a future super power. :)

lollz..again the little,inferiority complex dominated ego on display again.
kid..then wat will be Pakistan..? :lol:

As far as kicking my azz....kid im 6 ft high...u will not even be the same height of my azz..or do pre-kg children in Pakistan measure more than 6 ft..?

I don't need to become chinese dear, yeah you can become American. I understand how humiliating it is to be an Indian.

Im speakling from the ground of a proud Indian comparing my own country..but u lil clown ur acting like a wannabe Chinese speaking abt their achievements as if its ur own.
Talk abt ur countries achievemnts vs mine..not a third country.

If it wouldn't be that melamine contaminated milk what have you done in your childhood. You also use to feed on that milk.

Owned..;).I used to drink pure cow's milk and goat' milk..not melamine comtaminated milk from ur deeper than ocean friend..

ways have you collected the money to buy the diaper? If not than you can sit in front of any mosque in India. Your country men would surely help you. :azn:

Yes my country men will help me regard less of religion....but i heard in Pakistan Sunnis help only Sunnis but not Shias or Ahmedis....leave alone Hindus or Christians..
Poor one...:bunny::facepalm:

Dreaming high again...
Being an Indian you can only do two things. Commit suicide or piss at the side of the road. I think first option would be more suitable for you.

And the next time i ll come and piss in the Jhelum so that u guys dont cry for water from us..:lol:
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thats y mayb every year thousands of ur country men come to my country for heart surgery and other surgeries.:;;lollzzz

So bears also come for medical surgeries. :lol: Then you can help your old friend.

Even an eunuch tiger is enough for a mouse like u....

Eunuch tiger can only dance in front of a mouse. That is the only capability such tigers have.

kid..then wat will be Pakistan..?

It will be ready to make pain in your as* and you and many other cheap shots would be getting suspended and banned on different Pakistani forums. But again due to your obsession with Pakistan you would be making profiles to join any Pakistani forum.

.kid im 6 ft high

OH so you are a long dumbas*. :D

u will not even be the same height of my azz.

I am also 6ft by the way. I never knew you Indians have your as* on your face. Strange. :rofl:

Im speakling from the ground of a proud Indian comparing my own country..

Take it this way. A cheap Indias from a cheap low class stinky country. Now that looks better. :)

but u lil clown ur acting like a wannabe Chinese speaking abt their achievements as if its ur own.

It was just a reality check. Looks like that reality check tore your as* apart.

Talk abt ur countries achievemnts vs mine..not a third country.

Why should I. Why should I compare my country with yours. I cannot humiliate my country by comparing it with bullshi*.;)

Owned...I used to drink pure cow's milk and goat' milk..

You Indians are famous for drinking many things from cow. I think you have mistaken milk with something else. The one drink isn't called as milk in the real world. :rofl:. Correct yourself.

Yes my country men will help me regard less of religion.....

So you would be wearing diapers while posting next time. Good. Keep it up.

And the next time i ll come and piss in the Jhelum so that u guys dont cry for water from us..

Looks like your countrymen has made your whole country polluted by pissing everywhere so you want to piss in Jehlum. OK I understand your problem. Ofcourse you need some place better to piss and such places aren't found in India. The whole country is flooding with piss.

So bears also come for medical surgeries. Then you can help your old friend.

If we can give for Pakistanis...why not for bears..? :lol:

Eunuch tiger can only dance in front of a mouse. That is the only capability such tigers have.

U seem to be knowing an awful lot abt eunuch tigers,...by any chance are u one..?

It will be ready to make pain in your as* and you and many other cheap shots would be getting suspended and banned on different Pakistani forums. But again due to your obsession with Pakistan you would be making profiles to join any Pakistani forum.

U think im here because im in some kinda love with Pakistan. :lol:..wats use of debating if everyone thinks the same.I need some spice in my debating..thats y here and not in Indian forums and i will not loose my life if im banned.

OH so you are a long dumbas*.

yep....and u seem to be a puny numbhead. :D

I am also 6ft by the way. I never knew you Indians have your as* on your face. Strange.

Is it also not strange that u pakistanis have kidneys in place of brains (no offence to others)

Take it this way. A cheap Indias from a cheap low class stinky country. Now that looks better.

And u guys cry wen some one mentions the words Aid,IMF etc etc..strange world. :rolleyes:

It was just a reality check. Looks like that reality check tore your as* apart.

Nope wen u have the courage to compare Pakistan with India..then on that day mayb my Azz will tear. :facepalm:

Why should I. Why should I compare my country with yours. I cannot humiliate my country by comparing it with bullshi*.;)

After so much pullings..atleast ur starting to have a heart to mention ur country instead of a third country..good..carry on..

You Indians are famous for drinking many things from cow. I think you have mistaken milk with something else. The one drink isn't called as milk in the real world. :rofl:. Correct yourself.

Atleast we drink only cowpiss...u drink melamine milk just because its cheap..:lol:
If u want tell..i ll send u cowpiss for half the cost of that melamine milk..or better i ll just give it as aid.

Looks like your countrymen has made your whole country polluted by pissing everywhere so you want to piss in Jehlum. OK I understand your problem. Ofcourse you need some place better to piss and such places aren't found in India. The whole country is flooding with piss.

Ok dont cry...i ll ask my friends to piss in Chenab also...double bonus..:D
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The same cherry picked idiotic argument, as there are hindus left in india, that means they were not persecuted, as there are temples left in india, none were destroyed!

Who said that not a single temple was not destroyed during muslim rule?
What i can say for sure is that not every single temple in india was destroyed by the muslims during there rule.
The stupid assumption that muslim where on a non stop quest to destroy every hindus and there temples is just that .....stupid.

Using logic to deny Guru Tegh Bahadur's martyrdom,

I deny the gurus martyrdom as much as you deny the martyrdom of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale

to overlook the court documents, to deny history of somnath and nalanda is exactly what an apologist would do, use 'logic'.

There you go again cherry picking a few examples out in thousand year timeline........logic.....if the muslims wanted they could have destroyed all the temple in that time period but they did not and by giving a few isolated example is the same as me saying you attacked and burnt the holiest place for sikh and that all that people need to know on how tolerant the hindus are to sikhs.

Hey there are millions of muslims in kashmir even after 60 yrs of indian rule, thats proof enough that our rule is very tolerant compared to the now de hinduised valley of kashmir thanks to your well trained heroes! There, suck on your own 'logic' :lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like logic to me.....except where you have killed tens of thousands....:wave:
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